
Draggable - 'text' cursor is shown while dragging in Safari

Hi there, $( ".myCss").draggable({ cursor: 'move', other settings...) Based on this code, draggable object should show 'move' cursor while dragging. In IE and FF it works perfectly; but in Safari, it shows 'text' cursor while dragging. Checked in safari 4.0.5 Any pointers? ...

Jquery Draggable and Stack and sec. CLass?

Hi all, I have a little problem with the Jqueri UI Stack $('.dra').draggable({ addClasses: false, containment: 'window', zIndex: '9999', stack: '.sta'}); The problem is that all DIVs with the class .dra are with stack. But i only want all div with the class .dra and with the second class .sta with stack. or must i say $('.dra .sta'...

jquery draggable -- animate "clone" on drop

I'm building a widget which allows user to copy items from one list over to another, but dragging. I've figured out the helper: 'clone' option will allow me to drag a copy of my draggable, rather than the draggable itself. I'd like to have the clone animate/snap in to place when I drop it on my droppable, but it seems to be destroyed as...

jQuery draggable div makes overflow:hidden page scroll

I setup a draggable div with the .draggable() UI from jQuery's site. My main container div is set to be the width and height of the window with overflow:hidden so there will never be a scrollbar on the page. My problem is that when I start dragging my draggable div off the page it makes my page scroll (which I do not want). Here is my...

Unable to drag using image within anchor link in Chrome or IE

This is going to be fairly hard to explain, so I've put together a JsFiddle to help demonstrate. http://jsfiddle.net/j5TKr/ I've tried to include everything that I require without complicating it too much. The overall aim is to have a list of li's which can be selected (single click, ctrl-click, shift-click) or double-clicked to be open...

how to disable draggable div when scroll bar is focused on in jQuery

I have a jQuery draggable container div with a side scroll bar that should not be draggable when I am scrolling up and down. .infotext is the inner div that has the text, contained within #infobody which is set to overflow:auto. I need a way to negate the draggable function on the div when the scrollbar is selected. Here is my code: ...

how to disable draggable div when child element scrollbar is being used

I have a jQuery draggable container div with a side scroll bar that should not be draggable when I am scrolling up and down. .infotext is the inner div that has the text, contained within #infobody which is set to overflow:auto. I need a way to negate the draggable function on the parent div when the child scrollbar is selected. Here ...

draggable snap to only four points

Is it possible to snap the draggable to only four points on the site? I tried to do it with some conditions in the drag event, but it didn't work. The hleper is still moving across the whole page. ...

Jquery, getting DIV ID as it is being dragged using "draggable"?

I found another post about this but the solution there isn't working for me... I am trying this (having already instantiated the draggable option separately: $( ".masker" ).bind( "drag", function(event, ui) { testdragging = ui.draggable.attr('id') ; }); Just calling this: ui.draggable.attr('id') ; makes the entire class of D...

jQuery/JavaScript: Reorder Unordered List via Dragging

I have an unordered list <ul> with list items <li> which I'd like to be able to "reorder" via dragging. I'm using jQuery. How could I accomplish this? I tried hooking into the click event but I can't get the drag to work right (I want the other <li> elements to move out of the way once I drag an <li> element over a suitable spot so the u...

Create a draggable sortable effect like that of BBC

I want to create draggable and sortable effect like that of http://www.bbc.co.uk/. For that I used Jquery UI and got kinda same effect. But with complications, if you see the effect in BBC's website, when you pick a division there appears a shadow with a dotted line below it and the shifting between the boxes is pretty much different t...

jquery dialog: drag dialog at any point.

Is there an trick to make a jquery dialog be draggable at any point? (i mean not only in the title bar) ...

JS restrict mouse movement with axis when shift pressed (for draggable element)

When shift button pressed I want user to be able to only move mouse strictly up/down or left/right. My current rough idea is to intercept all movements when shift is pressed and use events simulation to pass needed event (which will contain only needed axis movement) further. I use jQuery Draggable so other idea is to determine when shi...

jquery ui - referencing dropped element

So I know that if an element is droppable, then you can set an option like: drop: function(){ alert('something was dropped'); } but how can I set it so I can reference the element dropped onto it, so I could do something like this: drop: function(){ alert(elementId + ' was dropped'); } Thanks. ...

jQuery how to find the class of the Droppable Div ?

Hi all I have two divs: one draggable and one droppable <div id="draggable" class="block" runat="server"> </div> <div id="dd" class="drop" title="drophere"> </div> When I release the draggable div I want to find the class of it's parent to take an action if it is dropped on a droppable div, otherwise cancel the dragging. I want to ...

Get ID from current draggable <li>

Hi all, how can i get the ID from the current Draggabe Item? <style type="text/css"> .red{ color: #ff0000; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $(".dragg li").draggable(); $("#droppable").droppable({ hoverClass: 'red', over: function(event, ui) { // $( --- ID FROM THE C...

jquery dialog: dragging dialog with iframe inside

When dragging a jquery dialog with an iframe inside , the drag stops if the mouse goes over the frame contents while dragging. It seems that the iframe takes automatically the focus. is there any way to prevent this and make drag normal? var iframe=document.createElement('IFRAME'); $(div).append(iframe) .dialog(); ...

jQuery 1.4.2 resizable div stops working once it fits in browser window

Hi all, I have a 'toolbar' div that I made resizable via jQuery UI. The weird thing is, I cannot drag the div unless the div is so long it extends past the viewable page, making the scrollbars appear. I can then drag the div anywhere I like. However, if I drag the div so it fits in the page without scrollbars, and I drop, I cannot resi...

How to use jQuery draggable with fixed position?

It works perfect in firefox, but in ie, chrome and opera it doesn't work. <div> has position:fixed, and is .draggable() and it doesn't work except firefox ...

jQuery draggable: access the being-dragged element on drag start

Hi, I need to modify the element when as soon as it starts being dragged. The 'start' callback takes two arguments, only the first of them seems to be usable for me. The deal is that I'm using helper: 'clone' which makes event.originalTarget to point only the "original" element, not the new one (which is in fact the one being dragged). ...