
Make New Div Draggable in Jquery

I am trying to make jquery add new div and then make it draggable but i have been trying and looking on google and i can't find anything here is my code below $(document).ready(function() { $("#draggable").draggable({ containment: 'parent', handle: 'drag_border', drag: function(e, ui) { var top = ui.position.top; ...

jQuery UI draggable/sortable/droppable disable drop when droppable limit is reached

JS Bin demo Task: I'm creating an event scheduler using jQuery UI. Events are of a certain length (in minutes) and they can be dragged into different days, each with their own maximum length (in minutes). In the example, each day's maximum length is 480 minutes, and no more than 480 minutes worth of "events" should be allowed to drop i...

jquery sortable/draggable double event firing

I have some drag & drop code which works fine as it is. Just have a little query. I've noticed that if I add an alert within the drop function for debugging purposes (eg. alert(draggedItem.text());) it fires the alert twice when I drop something into the draggable area. I've read in another post that using droppable & sortable together c...

jquery strange behaviour when toggling (hiding/showing) droppable panels

I have several draggable/hideable boxes based on the code posted here: http://webdeveloperplus.com/jquery/saving-state-for-collapsible-drag-drop-panels/ I also have an area with a list of blocks which I can drag into any one of these boxes, and then sort them. This works fine. It's only when I start toggling these boxes, or moving their...

jQuery draggable(), on drag perform a dynamic function

I have a jQuery draggable() function and on drag is executing several other functions based on an if. Something like this: $("div.element").draggable({ drag: function() { if (a=1){ function1(); } if (a=2){ function2(); } if (a=3...

Silvelight 4: why items are not moveable?

There is a "field" on which some items are draggable: Here is a XAML code: <Canvas Height="180" Width="169" > <Image Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="0" Height="180" Width="149" Source="../Picts/field.png" /> <Pages:FieldItem x:Name="Item2" Canvas.Left="129...

Jquery-Ui Dialog / Draggable bug with chrome

Hi I made a dialog with jquery-ui, it's draggable. Inside the title bar i created a simple input with a counter. surrended by 2 arrows (to navigate between records). Everytime I click on the title bar, it begins to drag but if I release the mouse button while in the input, it's like it does'nt consider i released the button and it keeps ...

Too much recursion issue

Running into a recursion issue. Firebug says line 600: // Recurse if we're merging object values if (deep && copy && typeof copy === "object" && !copy.nodeType) target[name] = jQuery.extend(deep, // Never move original objects, clone them src || (copy.length != null ? [] : {}) , copy); // <--- Line 600 Here's sour...

jquery draggable containment: subset of a table

how can i make the containment to be a subset of cells. ie leaving out the header row and the leftmost column? ...

jquery clone doesn't seem to retain draggable/droppable events

Hi there, I have a row where I can drag items into it, and sort them. This all works ok. I even have a delete event on each item, so it can be removed from the row. I want an option where I can clone the row. I do this by using the clone function below: clonedrow = $("#row1").clone(true); clonedid = "row"+nextRowNumber; //nextRowNumbe...

jQuery UI Draggable set drag size

I have a number of small icons which are draggable via jQuery which i clone, can i make the draggable icon larger when drag starts? ...

Jquery UI draggable: clone if Ctrl pressed down

I have a list of draggable table cells that can be dropped onto a second table. They are set to clone, as the original table should remain unchanged if items are dragged from it. Now I want to be able to move the dropped elements inside the second table from cell to cell. But if the Control key is pressed while dragging an element insid...

Jquery .trigger('stop') method for .draggable

$('#element').draggable ({ stop: function () { alert ('stopped'); //do some action here } }).trigger('stop'); nothing happens, thought #element is draggable now and event does execute after drag is complete. I tried .triggerHandle as well as 'dragstop' as eventtype, no luck ...

JqueryUI Draggable in Firefox Extension

Hello, I am building a firefox extension and using JqueryUI in it. In my extension I have certain elements which needs to be dragged and dropped, but I guess Jquery's UI document model is not working for the FF extension. I have been able to reference $ to firefox document with various events like this: var ff = window._content.docume...

JQuery Draggable and Resizeable over IFrames (Solution)

Hi Everyone! I recently ran into some troubles using JQuery Draggable and Resizable plugins. Looking for solutions, i found some very fragmented code in many different places and finally filed down to a clean solution which seems to work almost perfectly for me. I thought i'd share my findings for anyone else, should they come accross ...

how can i trigger an event (function) when dragging one object over another using jQuery?

if i have: <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> function test(){alert('test');} </script> <div id="drag_object"> </div> <div id="drag_over"> </div> how can i trigger test() when drag_object is dragged over drag_over using jQuery? thanks :) ...

Limit drag area of scriptaculous draggable

Im usign this to create a bunch on draggable elements: $$('.box').each( function(item){ new Draggable(item) }); How can I limit the draggable area? This way, the boxes can be droped anywhere on the page, and I would like to limit the drag area to their current parent element (I dont think I need to create a droppable). Or, at least, i...

JavaScript - how to ignore minor dragging events?

Hi, I have a draggable image within a div. I can click on the image to bring up a pop-up menu, which works fine. Quite often when I click on the image I drag it by about 1-5 pixels, therefore on click event doesn't get fired up, instead, a dragstart event gets fired up, so the pop-up menu doesn't appear on the screen. Is there a way to...

how to make a Custom Overlays draggable using google-maps v3 .

the marker can drag , so the Custom Overlays can drag too , so how to make the Custom Overlays draggable , thanks ...

jquery start dragging object when clicked on the other

Hi all, here's the deal: I'm trying to make a colorpicker act much like in Photoshop, so I have a background image of a color picker (rainbow-like image 200x200 px) and a circle trigger inside of it. So, if i attach a draggable UI to a circle: $('#rainbow-color-picker .circle').draggable({containment: 'parent'}); Works great. But he...