
Android 2D Graphics - Dragging an Image onto Another Image

Hi, This is just a "where do I start" question, really. I'm working on an app where you dress up a 2D ragdoll from a selection of body parts. The aim is that the user will have a sillouhette figure on one side, and a selection of arms, legs, heads and bodies that they can sort through on the right. They can drag an image from the rig...

jQuery UI re-enable draggable within a new function after disabling

I'm working on an app that requires drag-drop. Upon drop, the selected draggable needs to remain present but become disabled. Then the new 'dropped' item is appended with a 'close' button. Upon clicking the close button, the item disappears from the 'droppable' area and re-activates as a draggable. The issue is that once I disable the...

how to drop the objects only in the image not in the whole div containing the image.

I Have a background image in right.NOw i need to drop the draggble object only in the image not in the div containing the image using jquery. Also the droppable object should lie completely in droppable object while dropping. Any help is highly appreciated ...

Rails: " Draggable_elements" not working inside table elements

Hello - We are trying to implement a functionality in our ROR application such that we are able to drag and drop rows between different tables. We tried using Scriptaculous Drag and Drop method but it does not works inside the table tags. Can you point us to other alternatives like JQuery etc which might be useful. Thanks Supreet ...

jQuery draggable element disappears when scrolling

I have divs that are draggable using jQuery, but when I drag an element from the bottom of the page upward toward the top, as soon as the scroll starts to happen it seems like the element just flies away from the mouse cursor. If you keep the mouse button held down and release it where you wanted to drop the element, the drop works just ...

jquery draggable object

I've made an image draggable. But I've put on the image some divs. When the image is dragged, I want the divs also to be dragged... Please can you help me??? Thanks in advance ...

Is there an easy way to make anything draggable in Silverlight XAML?

My target is an entire listbox clipped in a canvas, but I guess there should be something that can work for all controls? How to make a control draggable and even attached x or y constraints? ...

JQuery droppable problem

I'm having trouble with the JQuery's droppable feature. I have modified JS from here: http://jqueryui.com/demos/droppable/ <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("ul.draggable li").draggable(); $("div.droppable").droppable({ drop: function(event, ui) { alert('Hello World'); }...

jquery draggable - Get containment to only contain handle

I'm using jQuery UI's draggable() to make some elements on my page draggable. I've got a handler and a containment set for the elements, but I'd like the draggable element itself to be able to hang out of the containment. I only want the handle to stay inside the container. Like below, pretend the * is the handle. +-------------------...

jQuery - Draggable and different screens (fit to screen)

Hi, I have many draggable div's on my page $('#bibo').draggable({ addClasses: false, containment: 'window', zIndex: '999', stack: '.tko.sto' }); I save the new position on dragstop and put the new top and left values into the SQL. Ok, everything works great. But when I visit my Page with the Laptop (small screen) som...

Prevent click events on Sortable of jQueryUI

Hi there, I have sortable, draggable and click events binded to the same DOM element. On sorting, I want the click event to be disabled. I am using the following code for draggable, which works fine: $('.selector').draggable({ start: function(event, ui) { ui.helper.bind('click.prevent', function(event) { event.preven...

how to drag the blue form in the red div using jquery-ui.

this is my code : <div id="test" style="width:200px;height:100px;background:red" class="tabs change_font_size"> <div> <a class="delete" style="float:right;font-size:20px;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;">delete</a> <form action="/" style="background:blue"> <input type="text" name="text"/>...

How can I disable text selection on a jquery draggable?

I have several draggables on my page. When I start dragging one, it moves just fine, but the other elements on the page are getting highlighted/selected from my cursor. I noticed that the draggle demos on the jquery ui website seemed to work just fine. Does anyone have any ideas why text is being selected on my site during dragging? ...

Dragging from and to NSButton

I am trying to write an app. that will allow the user to drag from an NSButton to another. When dropped I would like the Title to be dropped onto the button. I cannot find a way to make NSButton draggable. Is it possible? ...

how to send the event to the clone without using jquery on iphone .

this is the code: $("#draggable").draggable({ helper: 'clone' }); use this code , if you drag the div , you will drag the clone , this is my code without using jquery and jquery-ui,i want to drag the clone-one when i drag the div: var $=function(str){ var div=document.createElement('div') div.innerHTML=str; return di...

How to get the direction of moving object in draggable plugin (jQuery)?

Hi, I have object (div-box), and it's draggable (I'm using jQuery). How I can get information which direction it has moved a visitor? Example: User drag it to left down and I wanna know it, how? P.S.: Sorry for my English ...

How to allow user to drag a dynamically created control at the location of his choice

I am creating an application where I need to generate dynamically created controls say textbox or label etc. Now what I that user can relocate that textbox to his desired location. Like we do in Visual Studio. One way is to get new location by getting values from him using textbox. But I want the user interface easy. Can we have such...

Draggable and extensible containment

Hello, i'm trying to the authorize to drag out an object only on the right or bottom side of his containment and cannot do it properly whitout stop dragging the element. My code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> #parent { height: 500px; width: 500px; border: 1px black solid; } #images { height: 100px; width: 100px; backgrou...

Resizable handles dont autohide on dragging

Hi, I have set the .draggable() and .resizable() properties to my elements. I have set the handles to 'autohide' and appear 'se' (southeast). Initially the handles appear only on hovering on the element. But if I drag that element around, then the handle remains there, and doesnt autohide. What could be the issue here ? ...

Need help to re-enable dragging of a draggable ----- JQuery

I have a draggable element $(".element").draggable({ helper: "clone", revert: 'invalid', containment: '#parent', appendTo: '#parent' }); I have two issues : 1 --> After this element is dropped, the original gets disabled automatically. 2 --> A close anchor tag is appended to the dropped element. On click of this 'close' the original ...