
Combining ItemsControl with draggable items - Element.parent always null

I'm binding an ItemsControl with Canvas as ItemsPanelTemplate to an ObservableCollection. I want to make the items draggable using the DraggableExtender as posted in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/294220/dragging-an-image-in-wpf (I don't want to use transforms - I need to use the Canvas Left and Top properties) It's defined as : ...

Reset images position with saved coordinates using jQuery Draggable.

I implemented draggable image using jQuery-ui Draggable and saved coordinates into database. Now I am getting coordinates and images url in xml format. I want to reset the image position. where it was saved. ============= Here is source code:============= $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "devices.xml", ...

What is the best way to disable the snapTolerance on the right side and bottom side of a JQuery draggable object (UI 1.7.2)?

What I would like to do is disable the snapTolerance the right and bottom sides of a JQuery draggable object. The following code seems to control the snapTolerance of draggable objects when I set snapMode to 'inner'. My initial thought is to override this portion of the code somehow but, I don't know how to do the override. Or, perhaps,...

Draggable jQuery UI elements using wrong start position when browser is scrolled?

I have been using jQuery 1.4.2 and jQuery UI 1.8.5 to create draggable elements that revert back to their original position. There is a problem though; when you've scrolled the browser window the start position will be changed to start somewhere higher. It looks like an absolute position is used but the amount that has been scrolled is n...

C++ WINAPI: Client area parent dragging with obscuring child tab windows

Attempting to simulate client area based window dragging by returning HTCAPTION under a WM_NCHITTEST (excluding HTCLIENT & appropriate areas) works flawlessly when used with a parent window - however presence of child windows such as tabs placeholder windows, even when set to the extended style WS_EX_TRANSPARENT, cause clicks to fail to ...

How to call jquery drag event

My code has some divs that appear on the screen based on different actions. The divs have handles that make them draggable via the jquery ui.draggable code. I have the draggable ui stack option set, so that when you drag an item, it automatically moves to the front of all other draggable items. The problem I am having is that I want a d...

Jquery.can make JQuery UI draggable,droppable,sortable work together?

Need some help to make it out: In my page I have some dynamic created note sticker which draggable. And then I have a dropper which that sortable(enable sort) at the same time. I drag and drop the note sticker inside the dropper and sort(via drag) the sticker up and down inside the dropper! I think I can make it using the Jquery UI. Bu...

JQuery .get error when drag item inside droppable elment!

my part of code: function orderFileInfoMWindow(event){ event.preventDefault(); //var orderFileInfoMWindowPanel = $('<div class="orderFileInfoMWindowPanel"></div>').appendTo('body'); var orderFileInfoMWindowPanel = $('<div />',{'id':'orderFileInfoMWindowPanel'}).append($('<div />',{'class':'orderFileInfoMWindowPanelHeader'...

JQuery Draggable and Sortable placeholder

Hi everyone, I am facing a particular issue with combining draggable and sortable. The problem has to do with a placeholder not showing when a draggable is moved over the sortable and the drop is not "recognized". This behaviour occurs when the sortable ul hs NO height defined in css. When i do define a fixed height in css for the #Sor...

How to make <div>s in HTML5 draggable for Firefox?

Hello, I am playing around with the HTML5 features, and I want div's (and similar containers like articles, sections, etc.) to be draggable. Consider the following code: <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <title>A Simple Draggable Object</title> </head> <body> <h1>Test #1: A Simple Draggable Object</h1> <div draggable="true">This text ...

How to make a window Draggable(C# Winforms)?

I have form. I have enabled the transparency on the form and I have removed it's Title Bar and Border. Inside that i have created a Custom UI, Which have the same features like a window. Basically, my idea is to create custom window. Everything is working as expected but only the windows dragging is not working. I am not sure how to ena...

JQuery UI dragable (can't correctly stop it)

Hello. i have some problems with dragable UI. In some conditions i need to stop dragging. It is very dynamic. I try to give it more simple. What i do: drag : (function(e,ui){ if (ui.position.left > 400){// in my example 400 is variable whitch calculates every drag event return false; } ...

Android: Draggable view to show another view (similar to Facebook)

Hey everyone, For those of you who have used the Facebook app, it has an interesting way of showing more information on the home activity by having a draggable view at the bottom of the screen that, when dragged up, shows Facebook notifications. Dragging the same view back down hides the notifications. Note that this will work either ...

draggable connect to sortable (change the id)

Hi, I have a ui draggable that connects to a sortable list with helper clone. $(".mydrag").draggable({ helper:'clone', handle: '.drag', connectToSortable:'.new', start: function(event, ui) { console.log(ui); var id = ui.helper[0].id; ...

jQuery UI dragging nested sortables to sortable tab

I'm combing a lot of things jQuery's UI can do, up to a point where I got lost... I set up a sample at http://jsfiddle.net/Patrick/uAKvx/. let me know if you have a problem getting to that. Anyway, I am able to order links and drag 'em to other windows, and I'm able to do the same with windows and columns. What I want is to be able to d...

jQuery UI draggable force update

I am trying to set the values in $(element).data("draggable").offset.relative.top but the new value isn't updated until the mouse is moved, Is there a way to update this value right after it is set? ...

objective-c disable drag in UIButton

I want to disable UIButton dragging in Xcode, is there anyway to do that? any solution would help Thanks ...