
JQuery draggable inside a dialog won't clip or behave

Hi I am using jQuery 1.8 and I want to have a custom 'draggable' control that is a child of a jquery dialog. I am encountering lots of problems as I want the draggable control to shrink to its contents size (its a div for now) and be clipped with in the dialog bounds. If I set the control to position absolute it behaves perfectly but d...

Netvibes like "draggable boxes" with javascript

Do you know any project/framework in javascript (jquery or anything else) that has nice draggable windows that snaps in some fixed places like netvibes has? I found jPolite v2 but it seems a little too complex for what I want to do. Any idea? ...

jQuery UI, draggable / sortable append problem

I am trying to append html to an item which I have successfully dragged to a sortable list but it does not seem to work. I am cloning the original item and have tried to append to the ui.helper to no avail. Here's what I have so far: <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascr...

How can i disable drag event using jquery?

Hi, i wan to disable drag event using jquery and want to bind one another event with same mouse event, but it will shows an error i have attached drag even to <div class="mydiv"></div> and i have used jQuery('.mydiv').draggable("destroy"); it is disabling the drag event and attached one more functionality on mouse down but whe...

jQuery: Prevent drop propragation over a draggable dialog

I have a page with some droppable <td> elements and a dialog over the page with some draggable elements. When I drag an element over the dialog that is over a droppable <td>, then elements drops inside it even if it is still being dragged over the dialog. Is there any way to prevent drop while the draggable is still over the dialog? For ...

jquery ui draggable custom helper element

Im working on building a jquery plugin to re-arrange the order of columns in a table NOT table rows! I'm using the jquery ui draggable/droppable libraries to do this. The table header cells are the draggable elements. Once a header cell is dragged I want the helper element to be a cloned verson of the table column. So far I've come up ...

live fcdraggable for ajax loaded events?

is there a way to make fcdraggable live so it works with ajax loaded external events? right now i'm loading the draggable function after each ajax call, but i'm wondering if there is a more elegant solution using live() ...

Dynamically added Draggable won't drag

I am adding a draggable DIV dynamically but when I click and hold on it to drag it, it will not drag. I am adding it like so: $("#leftPersonalContent").append(leftSlotContent); $("#" + firstID).addClass("ui-draggable"); where leftSlotContent is of the form <div id="puzzlePiece_left_2" class="personal draggable ui-draggable">....</div>...

Jquery draggable persistence either through mysql or saving cookie in the database?

I want to know that how can I persist the divs dropped on a draggable. I have been trying since long but stuck at this point. Actually you can see the demo here. I have to save the user designed wedding floor. So whenever user logins next time he/ she is able to see the last design saved. The code is shown below: ...

jQuery-UI Draggables Question

I am using jQuery-ui *draggable()*, and overall, works fine. Issue I am having is when either a form button or field, or flash video is inside the draggable div area -- and the drag event does not fire when use mouses over those elements to try and drag the draggable() div. What I need (I think) is something like what the iframeFix par...

Draggable Elements for Token Field like Mac clock format panel

I need to be able to make a token field with draggable elements like the Mac clock format panel (see the following image). Thanks so much, Alex. ...

IE can't handle draggable div with png's?

I'm creating a draggable/resizable menu with all the neccesary links to control the website, a CMS-bar kind of. I'm using some png's to create the background, set with some transparency. It works great in FF, but in IE my png's get transformed after I drag my menu around: Screenshots: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v739/Alienna/falco...

JQUERY-UI Draggables - Seralize is running before the Draggable is complete

Hello, I'm using the JQUERY-UI draggable plugin. As a setting, when the Draggable is done, using the STOP setting I run a function to seralize a list of LIs to get their order in terms of their IDs. For example, if I have an UL, with a list of LIs with the following IDs: 1,2,3,4,5 If I then move 5, between 2&3, the seralize is returni...

jQuery UI - Draggable is not a function?

Hi, I've trying to use the draggable effect on some divs on a page, but whenever I load the page, I get the error message: Error: $(".draggable").draggable is not a function I've had a look around it seemed other people were having this problem as they had not included the jQuery UI javascript file, but I definitely have. The follow...

jQuery Draggable Problem

Im trying to get a div to be movable within the constrains of the browser window, by dragging the titlebar inside the div. My code is as follows: <div id='container'> <h3 class='title' id='titlebar'>My Title</h3> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#titlebar").draggable({ containment:...

Create draggables by draging mouse

Hi: I am new to JQuery library. I am currently trying to create a Draggable by mouse. Say, when I press the mouse it start to draw and then I drag the mouse to change the size and then I release the mouse to finalize the drawing. Is it possible to do this with JQuery? Thank you in advance. Joe ...

Alternatives to trigger('mouseup') to stop dragging programmatically

As it seems like I have found a bug in jquery: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2916152/jquery-draggable-throws-error-when-mouseup-is-triggered Can I get some advice on how to implement the following functionality without using the trigger? I want to be able to stop an element to be dragged when a condition has been reached, I have bee...

Actionscript 3.0 - drag and throw with easing

I'm creating a map in flash and I would like to have a smooth movement similar to this: http://www.conceptm.nl/ I have made a start but I'm having trouble taking it to the next stage. My code currently throws the movieclip after the mouse is release but there is no easing while the mouse button is down. Any tips on how I would achieve...

alert when containment limit is reached

Hello everyone at SO! Can somebody tell me how to display an alert when containment limits are reached? Thanks in advance. ...

Drupal drag-able blocks issue

Druapl offers great functionality whereby blocks can be dragged up and down to reorder as shown below. However, on a couple of projects I've been working on they have disappeared during development )as shown below) but I have no idea why! It must be something that I am doing wrong but for the life of me I can't work out why. ...