
HOW TO: Draggable legend in matplotlib

QUESTION: I'm drawing a legend on an axes object in matplotlib but the default positioning which claims to place it in a smart place doesn't seem to work. Ideally, I'd like to have the legend be draggable by the user. How can this be done? SOLUTION: Well, I found bits and pieces of the solution scattered among mailing lists. I've come...

jQuery UI draggable to smaller droppable

I am using this http://jqueryui.com/demos/droppable/ But I have a problem dragging to a droppable that is smaller than the draggable. It will not drop on the droppable, but on the top left of the droppable. Is there any way around this? Here is the code, thanks. $('.draggable').draggable({ revert: 'invalid', revertDuratio...

Combine Text with a Draggable Mask AS3.0

So I have an image that is the size of the stage: img_mc. Then I drew a small rectangle: mask_mc. The idea is to make a "window" of the small rectangle, view img_mc through the window, and be able to drag the window around. The following code works fine but I want to add text to the mask - "Drag Me!" or whatever. But if I group text wi...

jquery draggable into sortable only works after sorting

Hi, I'm experiencing problems with a simple combination of a Draggable and Sortable: initially, the dragging does not work and I do not get a receive callback. Only after I have done a sort (i.e. change the position of things in #workarea), can I drag new things into it. Somehow it seems as if the sortable needs to be 'initialized' be...

How can I provide user feedback when a draggable is rejected by a droppable?

jQuery 1.3 jQuery UI 1.7.2 I have an application where there are a number of droppable divs that accept only a single draggable. I do this by setting the accept option on all my droppable's to a function that check for a valid draggable and if it is already occupied. If it is occupied, the accept fuction returns false, else it returns...

IE Problem: Jagged Scrolling and Dragging Inside Large Viewport

My site is a single page website with a very large "canvas" size. and to navigate around the site i'm using jquery scrollTo and jquery Dragscrollable plugin. in IE 7 & 8 the scrolling/dragging movement is very jagged. at first i thought it was my script or some other plugin that's causing this. but after i stripped down everything it's ...

Get attribute of JQuery ui.draggable

Hi Everyone, I'm using JqueryUI for drag and drop on one of my pages and for some reason I can't seem to get an attribute of the ui.draggable object being passed into my droppable drop event. ui.draggable.attr("src") and $(ui.draggable).attr("src") both return undefined, however if I type ui.draggable.html() I will get the html back. ...

Combine jQuery UI sortable and draggable

I want to combile jQuery sortable and draggable. Each item has three handlers Sort handler Clone handler Remove handler Sorting works fine. Cloning causes some problems, item clones itself but it makes all elements to flicker while dragging, placeholder moves from one position to other with no sense. Other question is, why sort and...

How to stretch table cell by dragging like webkit does for textarea?

Webkit adds to the bottom, right corner of any textarea, an icon that you can drag to resize the textarea. I need to create the same affect on a table cell to allow my user to adjust the size of a given cell via drag. I could code this up, but I doubt if it hasn't already been done. ...

JQuery Dragging Outside Parent

I'm using JQuery's draggable(); to make li elements draggable. The only problem is when the element is dragged outside its parent, it doesn't show up. That is, it doesn't leave the confines of its parent div. An example is here: http://imgur.com/N2N1L.png - it's as if the z-index for everything else has greater priority (and the element ...

Draggble object hides outside content when wrapt in span

I have a simple CSS problem In this site http://web.cinaird.se/pdf/test.htm (<--removed) I have a draggable images in the top content, I want a span that float on top of the image and for this I need a span containing the image and a span floating on top. So long no problem but now when i drag the image it hides outside the top conte...

Dragging an NSTextField inside of a window

Hello, Im attempting to make a little app that lets you add text boxes to you canvas (window). I have an NSTextField that needs to let you drag it around the window. When you drop it it needs to stay in the spot you mouse left it. Heres my code to make the fist text field: NSTextField *myTextField=[[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:NS...

Making Google Maps overlay draggable

I have extended GOverlay so that it draws small rectangular div at a specified location. But how to make it draggable using Maps API V2? First I tried to just listen the mousedown/up/move DOM events of the div itself. While I got this mostly working, I thought that there has to be a simpler way of doing that. I tried listening the "dra...

Flex 4: How to make draggable and resizable modules?

Hello, I would like to make an application using Flex modules (mx.modules.Module), the requirement is that those modules have to be draggable and resizable inside the main application shell. What is the best practice to make this kind of applications in Flex 4? Thank you in advance for your help, Adnan ...

jQuery 1 draggable list & 2 sortable destination lists - bugs...

Hi, I have a list (List1) which I can drag boxes from, and two lists where I can drag List1 boxes to (List2 & List3). I have 'sortable' code for List2 & List3 which reformats what I've dragged from List1 (eg. it changes the colour of the box etc using the 'receive:' function. Say List2 boxes turn blue & List3 boxes turn red). The code ...

jquery draggable get its content JS fired twice

I noticed the first time you drag it around and then cancel the dragging, the js in the dragged item will fire another time, after that, everything seems normal, any idea? ...

jQuery drag and drop behavior with partially transparent image

I'm trying to develop a drag-and-drop behavior based on the jQuery UI draggable behavior but am running into some road blocks. I want to be able to drag several images with transparent regions around a region of the screen. I want the user to be able to drag the image he clicks and not just whatever draggable div or PNG happens to be z-i...

Problem with jquery-droppable in Chrome

I have a simple application that users jquery-ui's draggable and droppable. In Firefox, it works perfectly. In Chrome, however, I'm having problems. This is the code: $(".cell").droppable({ drop: function(event, ui) { var originalTarget = event.originalTarget; ... } }); In Chrome the 'event' obj...

jeditable accidentally triggering on Draggable on nested items

I'm using jquery-ui's draggable for drag-and-drop, and jeditable for inline editing. When I drag and drop an element that's also editable, right after it's dropped jeditable kicks in and pops into 'edit mode'. How can I disable this behavior? Edit - the problem happens because of netsting - see this example. I also added draggable to ...

How to drop larger object on a smaller one when near edge of the containment?

I'm trying to drop a large box onto a smaller box. The large box seems to be 'over' the box only when its very center is inside the smaller box. Can I change the part of the big box which needs to be over the smaller one? Why? Because it all works fine until I add a containment. When the small box is near the edge of the containment t...