
how to set focus the dropdown item in the page load event?

Based on my dataset row value , my drop drown will focus the particular list item in page load event. ddparty.SelectedIndex = ddparty.Items.IndexOf(ddparty.Items.FindByValue(ds.Tables[2].Rows[0][1].ToString())); i try the above code its not working. ...

How can I make dropdown menu main item stay in position?

I've built a menu with Superfish v1.4.8. Everything is fine but I need to show menu item's hover state when mouse is over its drop-down items. In case I want "Ürünler" to be at its hover state when it's dropdown menu is open. Site can be seen here. ...

How do I create a WPF Dropdown panel

I'd like to create a dropdown panel in WPF the acts like a ComboBox/Expander hybrid. I'm currently using an Expander but it pushes the the controls underneath it down when it expands. I simply want it to act like a ComboBox and overlay it's dropdown. I've looked at using Popups but they don't move with the underlying window when it's mo...

Adjusting ComboBox DropDown Width in C#

Hello. I have this code that adjusts the width of a comboBox drop-down: private void comboBox_DropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { ComboBox senderComboBox = (ComboBox)sender; int width = senderComboBox.DropDownWidth; Graphics g = senderComboBox.CreateGraphics(); Font font = senderComboBox.Font; int vertSc...

How do I make a suckerfish/superfish CSS dropdown that sticks to the right hand side of the page?

I am developing a CSS dropdown menu based on the suckerfish CSS. I would like to put it on the right hand side of the page but the menus extend from the leftmost edge of each menu to the right, instead of from the rightmost edge of each menu to the left (as is necessary to keep the rightmost dropdown menu from opening outside the visible...

How to get Value of dropdown to other page populated using ajax?

Hello Programming Experts, To Nik, I am facing same problem.I am generating two dropdown using ajax. But I can't access value of those dropdowns to another page. i cannot understand this code..what should i do to get value from those dropdowns....Where should i put this function? Plz reply me at [email protected] php page is like ...

How to split drop down column using Extended Menu Extension in Joomla

I want to split the drop down columns same like the one on www.whitehouse.gov How should I do that ? Please help . ...

Has anyone come across a good article or resource investigating dropdown/flyout site navigation and its use on touchseen devices (iPad/iPhone)?

The question sums it up. ...

ASP.NET MVC 2 - How can I get the selected value from a drop down into my view model?

I'm creating a drop down via <%= Html.DropDownList("data.Language", Model.LanguageOptions) %> and want to read back its value through automatic model binding into my LanguageModel viewmodel: public ActionResult Save(LanguageModel data) However, data.Language is null when the Save method is called. How do I get the selected value f...

Why is the value not passed to my controller page in codeigniter?

I am selecting state from country and city from state. This is my country select box: <td width=""><select name="country" onChange="getState(this.value)" class="text_box_width_190"> <option value="0">Select Country</option> <? foreach($country as $row) { ?> <option value="<?=$row['dCountry_id']?>"...

Style Option Elements in Select List (Add Padding and/or Margins)

Is it possible to style the option elements of a select list/dropdown beyond background and font? I'm specifically looking to add some padding/margins so the list isn't as cramped. ...

how do i display DropDown list on mouseover using Javascript

please suggesst me some code using pure javascript and html and css ...

How to implement dropdown with mouseover image popups

Hi, I'm looking to try and implement the theme dropdown shown at http://demo.rockettheme.com/ . Is there a JQuery plugin or tutorial I can follow on how to do this? ...

How to delay hiding of a menu with Jquery Dropdown Menu?

I have a dropdown menu that works fine, but I would like it so, that if I hover off the menu, it doesn't immediately hide again. So basically I would like a one second delay. I have read about setTimeout, but not sure if it is what I need? $('#mainnav a').bind('mouseover', function() { $(this).parents('li').children('ul').show(); }...

drop down menu and seo

"Hidden links and contents are not good for seo". Whether drop down menu affects seo. If yes any perfect solution for drop down menu with seo perspective? ...

Delphi Custom popup/dropdown, how?

I want to make a custom dropdow/popup menu with a shadow nicely beneath it. The problem is that it is not a standard menu and I need to put some components on the popup/dropdown. So basically I want a dropdown I can do whatever I want with, not being limited to simple menuitems. I want it to act like a normal popupmenu problem is where d...

add dropdowns to magento

I would like to add dropdowns to the top navigation on a magento site, would this involve a plugin or is there built in functunality that could potentially do this already? ...

using the selected value of a drop down before form submission

Hi, i am using a dropdown in php which asks for user_category before creating the user. Upon selection of the category further text boxes are to be created dynamically depending upon the selection. I know how to get the selected value from $_POST but here i need it befor form submission.Pls help ...

Is VS what's the name of the dropdowns with classes, functions, etc under the tabs?

I am developing an extension, and I need to read the value of these two dropdowns, but I don't know what they are called. Any idea or guess? ...

Show just some options in in HTML drop down list

Hi everyone, How can I show 10 option out of 100 in the drop down list and the rest to be available using scrollbar? thanks a lot. ...