
Validation error language in asp.NET dynamic data WEB-site

Hello, I need to change language of validation error to another language. Validation logic must not be changed. I just want to translate The field f5080eb8_0a83_4b89_b339_233528441711 must be a valid integer. into another language. For example from English into Italian. I search in Visual Studio(Entire Solution) for this texts must...

How can I get "new MVC item" options to appear in AddItem menu, when project is a Dynamic Data project

Hi I've started with a VS2010 Dynamic Data project, but now I want to add other MVC type pages etc. How can I get "new MVC item" options to appear in AddItem menu? i.e. this seems to appear in an MVC created project, but if I started with a DD project how can I make the option appear ...

Does an ASP.net MVC project support adding Dynamic Data?

Hi, Does an ASP.net MVC project support adding Dynamic Data? If so, any links/pointers to doco that gives an overview? ...

Can we bind dynamic data (dataset or list) to a control in WPF

Hi, I have a user control...and the base page(s) which uses this user control has a dataset which will be used by the user control. My dataset is dynamic...means..it can have different number of columns depending upon which page my usercontrol is implemented. Is there any control in wpf which i can use to bind this dataset (without kn...

asp.net mvc dynamic data article

Can someone point me to great startup article over the mixture of ASP.NET MVC and Dynamic Data? ...

Is there a more easy way to create a WCF/OData Data Service Query Provider?

I have a simple little data model resembling the following: InventoryContext { IEnumerable<Computer> GetComputers() IEnumerable<Printer> GetPrinters() } Computer { public string ComputerName { get; set; } public string Location { get; set; } } Printer { public string PrinterName { get; set; } public string Location { get; set; ...

DataContext Doesn't Exist in Dynamic Data Project?

This is really annoying...and I know it is something extremely simple... 1. I create a new Dynamic Data project. 2. I add a LINQ-to-SQL class and drag and drop some tables onto the class. 3. I open the global.asax.vb and uncomment the line: DefaultModel.RegisterContext(GetType(YourDataContext), New ContextConfiguration() With {.Scaffold...

How can I move my Dynamic Data folder?

I accidentally moved my Dynamic Data folder into my Images folder. The project still compiles, but it's just not right. However, when I try to move it back to the root in Visual Studio, I get an error that the destination folder already exists. If I move Dynamic Data back to the root outside of Visual Studio, the project no longer com...

How to use strings from Resources.resx file in dynamic data TableName attribute

Hi i am trying to find solution for using resource file with dynamic data based on EF 4.0 [TableName(Resources.Test)] public class TestTable .... I get an error An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type. How to do it right way? ...

How can I use different metadata for a Dynamic Data form view and the list view?

We often need a summarised list view with more detailed form view. So far, the only two way I can think of doing this are using a 'custom' list or form view than uses a sumplimentary 'remove' or 'add' list of fields anb generalise this over all entity sets, or create a custom metadata provider that infers somehow which columns to supply...

How to handle concurrency control in ASP.NET Dynamic Data?

I've been quite impressed with dynamic data and how easy and quick it is to get a simple site up and running. I'm planning on using it for a simple internal HR admin site for registering people's skills/degrees/etc. I've been watching the intro videos at www.asp.net/dynamicdata and one thing they never mention is how to handle concurren...

ASP.NET Dynamic Data Running as Read-Only?

I've created a new ASP.NET Dynamic Data website and have used LINQ-to-SQL for the framework. I start up the application and it displays my tables fine and I can browse them - but it doesn't give me any create/update/delete abilities - all I can do is read? I didn't change anything from the defaults - what gives? ...

Editing tables with ASP.Net - Quick 'n Dirty

I have need to provide a way for users to edit tables in ASP.Net. The tables are simple (no master/detail relationships), but there are likely to be a lot of them. What's the quickest/simplest way to provide a view/edit interface to a table, even considering commercial options (but not Iron Speed Designer. That thing is ridiculously e...

Get control instance in asp.net dynamic data

Hello All: I am creating a web application using Asp.net dynamic data. I am using GridView to show data from the database. In the grid view I am having following code for columns <Columns> <asp:DynamicField DataField="UserId" UIHint="Label" /> <asp:DynamicField DataField="Address" UIHint="Addr...

Dynamic Data Associate Related Table Value?

I have create a LINQ-to-SQL project in Visual Studio 2010 using Dynamic Data. In this project I have two tables. One is called phones_extension and the other phones_ten. The list of columns in phones_extension looks like this: id, extension, prefix, did_flag, len, ten_id, restriction_class_id, sfc_id, name_display, building_id, floor, ro...

Disable Foreign Key Exposure in Entity Framework?

When I originally created a Dynamic Data project I told it to expose the foreign keys, but now I can't make mappings between two entities b/c of the foreign keys. When I click on mapping details while focused on my association I receive the message: Mappings are not allow for an association over exposed foreign keys. So I'd like to...

Customize FK hyperlinks in Dynamic Data gridview.

I would like to change the presentation of hyperlinks to related tables in the List.aspx view to show the display name of the associated table, not the raw association property name. E.g. I have the following entity associated with Products, but despite the DisplayName attribute, when I view Products in the standard List.aspx page tem...

Convert string to variable in Javascript

Is there any way to convert a string to a variable in Javascript? Right now, what I have is a script that updates data based on the values of the select box: <script type="text/javascript"> var a = new Array(); a[0] = 'Name'; a[1] = 'Description'; var b = new Array(); b[0] = 'Name 2'; b[1] = 'Description 2'; function changeSystem(){ ...

Custom Filter on Dynamic Data Website

Hi All! I want to able to search on a column that is a foreign key to another table. I don't want to type in the ID (which is the foreign key). I want to search by name. For example, you have a Product Table and a Manufacturer Table. On the Products gridview, I want to be able to search the Manufacturer Name - not Manufacturer Id. But ...

Dynamic Data - Make Friendly Column Names?

I've created a Dynamic Data project with an Entity Framework model. It works nicely. But, right now it shows all my database tables with the db column names - which aren't always the most friendly (e.g. address_line_1). How can I got about giving these more friendly column titles that will display to the end user? ...