
nHibernate - eager fetching a list with child lists already populated

I have some objects: Public Class Person() { public int Id {get;set;} public IList<Account> Accounts {get;set;} public string Email {get; set;} } public class Account(){ public int Id {get;set;} public IList<AccountPayment> Payments {get;set;} public IList<Venue> Venues {get;set;} } public class AccountPayment(...

Help me understand Rails eager loading

I'm a little confused as to the mechanics of eager loading in active record. Lets say a Book model has many Pages and I fetch a book using this query: @book = Book.find book_id, :include => :pages Now this where I'm confused. My understanding is that @book.pages is already loaded and won't execute another query. But suppose I want to ...

Eager loading OneToMany in Hibernate with JPA2

I have a simple @OneToMany between Person and Pet entities: @OneToMany(mappedBy="owner", cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.EAGER) public Set<Pet> getPets() { return pets; } I would like to load all Persons with associated Pets. So I came up with this (inside a test class): @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfig...

Nhibernate join on a table twice

Consider the following Class structure... public class ListViewControl { public int SystemId {get; set;} public List<ControlAction> Actions {get; set;} public List<ControlAction> ListViewActions {get; set;} } public class ControlAction { public string blahBlah {get; set;} } I want to load class ListViewControl eagerly...

Rails eager loading

HI, I have a Test model, which has_many questions, and Question, which has_many answers... When I make a query for a Test with :include => [:questions, {:questions => :answers}] ActiveRecord makes two more queries to fetch the questions and then to fetch the answers - it doesn`t join them!!! When I do the query with :joins ActiveRecord m...

When must we use eager loading in NHibernate? What is it's usage?

When must we use eager loading in NHibernate? What is it's usage? ...

How to eager fetch a child collection while joining child collection entities to an association

Assuming the following fictional layout Dealership has many Cars has a Manufacturer I want to write a query that says get me a Dealership with a Name of X and also get the Cars collection but use a join against the manufacturer when you do so. I think this would require usage of ICriteria. I'm thinking something like this.. ...

rails named_scope ignores eager loading

Two models (Rails 2.3.8): User; username & disabled properties; User has_one :profile Profile; full_name & hidden properties I am trying to create a named_scope that eliminate the disabled=1 and hidden=1 User-Profiles. The User model is usually used in conjunction with the Profile model, so I attempt to eager-load the Profile model...

[hibernate] criteria.list() return rendundant records if fetchtype is EAGER

Hi all, look this code: // In A.java class @OneToMany(mappedBy="a", fetch=FetchType.EAGER) @Cascade(CascadeType.SAVE_UPDATE) private List<B> bList; // In B.java class @ManyToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name="id_a") @Cascade(CascadeType.SAVE_UPDATE) private A a; And this is my record in DB tables. // Table A | ID |...

Eager Loading Using Fluent NHibernate/Nhibernate & Automapping

Hi guys, I have a requirement to load a complex object called Node...well its not that complex...it looks like follows:- A Node has a reference to EntityType which has a one to many with Property which in turn has a one to many with PorpertyListValue public class Node { public virtual int Id { get; set; } ...

Linq to Entities - eager loading using Include()

Hey Everyone, I've got this really basic table structure: dbo.tblCategory dbo.tblQuestion (many to one relationship to tblCategory) dbo.tblAnswer (many to one relationship to tblQuestion) So basically, what I'm trying to do is when I load a category, I want to also load all Questions, and all Answers. Now, I've been able to do this...

NHibernate Eager Loading Collections + Paging

Here is an example of my entities that I am trying to return with eager loaded collections. Mixes -> Tracks (collection) -> Tags (collection) I need to return a paged list of Mixes with eager loaded tracks & tags, without paging it is relativly simple by using the Future<>() function to run multiple queries for the tracks + tags. Be...

Eager loading for polymorphic associations

Hi, Not sure this could fall in performance section as well as model/database section, so here goes.... Let's say I have 3 models: Movie { has_one :interest, :as => :resource } Song { has_one :interest, :as => :resource } Story { has_one :interest, :as => :resource } and ... Interest { belongs_to :resource, :polymorphic => true } ...

NHibernate Eager Loading - Lots of unrelated data

My members will have the ability to customise their profile page with X amount of widgets, each widget displays different data such as a list of music, list of people they are following etc. Several widgets include: - List of media they have uploaded - List of people they are following - List of people following them - Html/Text wid...

NHibernate query - Many-to-Many - eager loading (twitter style followers/following)

I have come stuck in optimizing one of my queries...here is my scenario... I have a domain simular to Twitter where a user can follow other users. So here is a sample of my User model: User -> Followers (many-to-many users) -> Following (many-to-many users) I now need to return a paged result of users following user 'XYZ', but also...

SQLAlchemy only loads collection, not backref when eagerloading.

For example (eagerload/joinedload do the same thing): session = Session() parents = session.query(Parent).options(joinedload(Parent.children)).all() session.close() print parents[0].children # This works print parents[0].children[0].parent # This gives a lazy loading error Adding the following loop before closing the session wo...

Applying a Condition to an Eager Load (Include) Request in Linq to Entities

I have a table Product. Product is related to ProductDescription in a one-to-many relationship. ProductDescription can have more than one row for each product. It will have multiple rows if there are multiple translations for the description of the product. Product has a many-to-one relationship with Language. Language has a language cod...

Doing Eager Loading and Projection in Linq to Entities

This is a spin off from another question I posted a few days ago that was successfully answered but it really didn't get into the underlying issue I was having but wasn't able to express fully in my original query. I have a table Product. Product is related to ProductDescription in a one-to-many relationship. ProductDescription can have...

rails eager loading :select

I have model called VoteTopic with the following associations belongs_to :user belongs_to :category has_many :comments has_many :vote_items, :dependent => :destroy has_many :votes, :through => :vote_items I use Searchlogic gem to query for @vote_topics in the index action as follows.. scope_procedure :all_approved, lambda {status_equ...

Disable all lazy loading or force eager loading for a LINQ context

I have a document generator which contains queries for about 200 items at the moment but will likely be upwards of 500 when complete. I've recently noticed that some of the mappings denote lazy loading. This presents a problem for the document generator as it needs access to all of these properties based on which document is being genera...