
Image editor component in Flex / JavaScript

Hi everyone, I'm looking for a simple Flex or JavaScript based image editing component which can be embedded in a web application. It shouldn't be a web service but rather a component that I can download and customize (i18n etc.). I only need some basic features: most important is cropping, optional features would be rotating and adjus...

WYSIWYG HTML editor for custom cms

Hey guys, Am looking for a good and easy to use WYSIWYG HTML editor that i can integrate into a CMS that am currently developing for a client. Am developing the CMS in PHP and is web-based. The editor will have both visual and code view. Thanks for ur help. ...

scite editor and gcc setting up?.

Hey there, In class we're using the Scite editor with gcc and its a tad outdated. I was wondering how you would "attach"(For lack of a better term) gcc to scite so that it would compile the code when I hit the compile icon?. Also would this process be the same when using other text editors like notepad++. -cheers. ...

in eclipse plugin, how to customize path editor element browse button to open at a given absolute path

Hi I am making a plugin whose Gui is having path editor element. I want to make the browse button such that on clicking it open the directory from a given absolute path. I researched in depth: it seems the path editor.getNewInputObject() is responsible for the setting the filter which set the position in the directory dialog. Please ...

Dynamic change of an editor type for ASPxGridView

I have an ASPxGridView from DevExpress fed with data from ObjectDataSource. My data row objects expose properties such ParameterName, ParameterType and ParameterValue. //Properties, constructor and private fields code omitted for clarity public class InputParameterDescription { public string ParameterName; public Type ParameterTy...

Does Texniccenter or any other tex editor auto-complete references in Latex?

I want to use a latex editor that has auto completion feature for existing references in a latex file. Do you know any good ones? I am trying to find this feature in texniccenter, but I guess it doesn't exist or I could't find it yet. Update: Ok, I found how to enable auto completion in Texniccenter. I needed first create a project. The...

lightest WYSIWYG javascript editor

Hi, what is the lightest WYSIWYG HTML/Javascript editor. I don't really need it to have many functions, but just the basic such as changing fonts etc. TinyMCE seems a bit slow loading for me :( ...

Lauch default editor (like 'webbrowser' module)

Is there a simple way to lauch the systems default editor from a Python command-line tool, like the webbrowser module? ...

In vim, is there a plugin to use % to match the corresponding double quote (")?

The % key is one of the best features of vim: it lets you jump from { to }, [ to ], and so on. However, it does not work by default with quotes ( " or ' ), probably because the opening and closing quote are the same character, making implementation more difficult. Thinking a bit more about the problem, I'm convinced that it should be ...

ERB Ruby Templates -- Online Editor

Hi, I am aware of quite a few different JavaScript based online text editors for WYSISYG html editing, however I am trying to find something similar for ERB Ruby templates. Essentially it would be just like the other editors, however it would not garble or encode the <%= foo.to_s %> type code blocks. Is there anything out there which w...

Vim file navigation

I'm trying really hard to learn vim after using TextMate for the last few years. I've started to commit some of the in-file navigation to memory, but I'm struggling with navigating between multiple files. In my workflow, it is pretty common that I'm flipping between a handful of files pretty regularly (enough files such that split-pane w...

Vim Editor is very smart?

I am programming in C++ or Java. So I want to use Vim editor, because it is very flexible. I have heard that I can configure the Vim editor to be able to go from object to the definition from function to the definition from class name to the definition Do we have any professional Vim-er that could tell me how exactly to configure Vim...

Are there any halfway decent free HTML editors for the Mac?

Everything I found so far is either a WYSIWIG designer or a glorified TextEdit replacement. I am looking for the following: Lightweight (that rules out Eclipse and Aptana) Code completion or at least automatic bracket closing Syntax highlighting FTP integration (either on its own or with another FTP application) ...

Editable Text Highlighting

I would like to create an editable "textarea" with text highlighting (e.g. different colours, bold) and I am not interested in backward compatibility with old (and meybe current) browsers. It isn't a code editor, but something similar. So it is really different from CkEditor, because the content should appear formatted to the user, but ...

RapidWeaver-like editor for windows

After seeing a friend using RapidWeaver and producing wonderful results in a few clicks, I was astonished and started searching if a tool like that exists for Windows. Unfortunately, so far my search yielded no result, so I'm writing here the criteria I'm using hoping that anybody will come up with a relevant suggestion: WYSIWYG HTML e...

Visual Studio 2008 - Un/Comment button for css

Is there a way to add a comment/uncomment css line/s button to the menu in the VS2008 css editor? Other than adding a macro. Thanks. ...

How do I indent multiple lines at once in Notepad++?

In many text editors that are aimed at programmers, if the user has a selection that spans more than 1 line and presses the TAB key, those lines are indented by 1 TAB (or a number of spaces, depending on how the editor is configured). However, this does not seem to be the default behavior of Notepad++. Is there a way I can do this in No...

Visual Studio 2008 - Minimap

I'm not really sure what to call the "minimap" feature of a text editor. For example, this editor has what I would call a Minimap feature. A skinny map on the left side where you can click to get to different parts of the file. http://www.sublimetext.com/ Is there a plugin for VS2008 that has this? Thanks ...

HTML editor with fixed (uneditable) regions and ability to add/remove and reorder editable regions

Before I start to develop an online WYSIWYG HTML editing solution which can take templates that have locked regions, regions where sections of predefined HTML can be added, removed and re-ordered (much like DreamWeaver template functionality), the editable regions will be edited with an out of the box solution such as the CK Editor or th...

Free javascript navigation menu manager/editor?

I need to build a control that allows content managers to change 3 level menu. Anyone know any javascript navigation menu managers that i can use? ...