
Searching for a source code editor component

Hi, I have to develop a program at work in which a consultant can enter a specification which is developed 2 years ago here in house. So i can't really tell what it is about. But the editor should support some standard functionality such as syntax highlighting, auto completion and maybe search & replace. I've searched for Java components...

How do I change the background color of the column with the expanders in Eclipse?

Recently after scorching my retinas from the garish white background in Eclipse, I found some of the excellent posts about how to change the colors so it uses sane (i.e. dark background) colors in the editor. However, one problem present in all solutions is that background of the column with the expanders for code folding is always whit...

WYSIWYG-editor with "add custom html feature" and secure (validated) html output?

I've been looking into some of the WYSIWYG editors (TinyMCE, FCKEditor, etc.) and they all seem to offer a lot of options. However, one vital feature that seems to lack is a simple "add custom html" option which would allow the user to input any of these embed-snippets you find all around the web these days, for example a youtube video....

Working with two editor paradigms

I currently work with both Visual Studio, Eclipse/Rad, and Vim heavily. Visual Studio and Eclipse don't present any problems because they're the same paradigm. However vim (which I use for my *nix work) muddles the issue because it's modal. I actually like the modal nature of vim and find myself trying to type esc k k in Visual Studio...

Looking for a free xsd scheme editor

I'm looking for a free alternative to all the XML/XSD editors around here (that are relatively expensive--at least for me). I totally fail to find one. I need it to allow me to edit xsd files to help in writting an xml-based language specification. I need it to be visual to help with the design, making it clear. Other features are less ...

docbook wysiwyg editor for the web

Is there any ready-to-go docbook editor for web applications out there? I'm thinking of something like FCKeditor or TinyMCE that returns a docbook xml code back to the web application. I am aware that FCKeditor is customizable to do this, but I have not heard of anyone who did this. ...

Visual Studio incorrectly smart indents the opening brace

When I type the closing brace in an html page, this i what Visual Studio does. Notice the opening brace is now 1 indent before the foreach. They should be even as shown by the closing brace. Not a big thing but driving me nuts. <% foreach (var item in Model.Messages) { %> <% } %> ...

Are there Any free XSL-FO editors?

I am looking for a free WYSIWYG editor of XSL-FO. Specifically, I would like to be able to design the FO file through a visual editor. I am aware of some that are available for purchase and evaluation, however I was wondering if there are any free editors available? Thanks ...

SQL Server Query Editors - any that warn of number of rows to be changed?

We're using SQL Server 2000 Query Analyser, and one issue we have is that very occasionally, when a user is updating our live database, they insert the incorrect/no(!) where clause. I know, not good, but it happens. Are there any editors that will warn of the number of rows that might be changed (if that is even possible) or even a way...

does inherit classes depends on the plugin in which they are?

Hi, I am a developer of Elipse's plugins, I created an Editor containing a TextViewer I wanted to disable the standard selection of text so I created a class that inherits SyledText in a package "org.eclipse.swt.custom", then I override the method doMouseSelection () the problem is when I put this package in a fragment (plugin-host = or...

Programming tips for writing document editors?

I'm asking this because I'm in the process of writing two such editors for my Mega Man engine, one a tileset editor, and another a level editor. When I say document editor, I mean the superset application type for things like image editors and text editors. All of these share things like toolbars, menu options, and in the case of image ...

VS2010 method comment block pretty format.

I have just installed the lastest RC of VS2010, which for me represents a shift from VS2008. A new comment formatting feature that I was looking forward to appears to be missing. About 6 months ago I read a Scott Gu blog post that mentioned a new VS2010 feature that would format /// style method comment blocks into more readable formatt...

How to comment out a block of Python code in VIM

I was wondering if there was any key mapping in VIM to allow me to indent certain lines of code (whether those lines have been selected in visual mode, or n lines above/below current cursor position). So basically something that converts the following def my_fun(x, y): return x + y to #def my_fun(x, y): # return x + y I am...

Sampling Large Data Files

Hello, I currently work in the position of Data Warehouse programmer and as such have to put numerous flat files through ETL process. Of course prior to loading the file I have to be aware of its content, the problem is that majority of the files are > 1 GB large and I can not open them using my dear old friend "notepad". Kidding. I usu...

Using Emacs for big big projects

Hello, Maybe is a often repeated question here, but i can't find anything similar with the search. The point is that i like to use Emacs for my personal projects, usually very small applications using C or python, but i was wondering how to use it also for my work, in which we have project with about 10k files of source code, so is veee...

ASP.NET MVC & Silverlight development - on Ubuntu

I recently moved my working environment from Windows 7 to Ubuntu, and enjoy this every minute of my working day. My work is currently to develop ASP.NET MVC and Silverlight applications. Thus, important Windows stuff is being still run in VirtualBox (such as IIS, MSSQL, Silverlight 3, and legacy COM stuff). For now, I use Visual Studio u...

core data editor problems

I was recommended by someone in Stack Overflow to use Core Data Editor http://christian-kienle.de/CoreDataEditor/ to manage the sqlite persistent store. However the latest version (3.0) crashes on launch everytime. Older versions load but I see nothing when i point the config to the persistent store and the object model directories. Ther...

Fck Editor Multiple Editors

Hello, How would I be able to achieve something like this: have multiple textareas and only want one toolbar. What I want: <div id="Editor"> <!-- Toolbar will go here --> </div> <textarea>Some content...</textarea> <textarea>Some content...</textarea> ...

Emacs without Lisp

Should I learn to use Emacs with no intention to learn Lisp, if my other option is to get familiar with vi? ...

Java Swing jtable cell editor doubles E numbers

Hi I an issue with editors in a JTable. I have a column which displays data as 26,687,489,800.00 ie: Double. When the user clicks the cell to edit the data it is displayed as -2.66874908E10. I want the data to be edited as it appears when it is displayed ie: 26,687,489,800.00 - without the E10 etc... Any help would be appreciated. M...