
In browser template editor

I'm tending to make an in browser template editor. It will have a GUI to play with css (text, background, margin...) html (make div layout) and generate html and css separately. But it seem is huge thing to do. So I'm looking for something similar. Any suggestion? ...

Visual Studio 2008 Break Point visible style

Hi, Default settings makes each line where the break point is to be highlighted. Is there an option to make this line not to be highlighted (the point in the left side of the window is enough for me) Thanks for help ...

A good Linux based text editor, with FTP editing, and ability to keep alive ftp connection.

I need a text editor for linux with the following features: Syntax Highlighting for PHP, Javascript (most have these) Autocompletion of braces, parenthesis, and Most important of all, editing via FTP. Even more important of all, have a 'keep alive' function when editing via ftp. I have a not so fast internet connection and many editor...

Tinymce insert link to an image error

Hi i create my own filemanager. This open in a popup. if i insert a link to an text the code is work perfect, but if i use it an image remove the selected image in opener window function addslashes(str){return (str+'').replace(/[\"']/g, '\$&').replace(/\u0000/g, '\0')} var code = window.opener.tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent...

A good editor/add-on for Sproutcore?

Is there a good editor/ide/add-on for sproutcore out there? ...

Which IDE has syntax highlighting, code outline for several languages, collapsible code and FTP remote editing for web development?

I am in dire need of an IDE I'm comfortable with. The closest to perfect I've come in IDEs, and the one I'm currently using, is Aptana Web - which has everything I'd ever want from an IDE except perhaps the most important feature: collapsible code. The features I need in my editor is: Syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS, Javascript and ...

how to ignore/retain non html tag in tinymce editor inside blogengine

Hi , I am using tinyMce in blogengine 1.6.I want to retain the tag for comments when I switch between raw view to html view.But it tags disappear when I am switching with check box click. Please suggest how can I retain these tags in textbox content. Thanks Ritu ...

Javascript WYSIWYG Editor and font sizes and I am stumped

I'm creating a Javascript WYSWYG editor (yes I know a million already exist but none met my needs) and I've hit a wall. I need only two features in my editor: 1) Users should be able to select any font size specified in pts. 2) Users should be able to have text of various sizes in the same editor window. Sounds simple but you'd be sur...

Easiest way to rearrange methods in Eclipse

I am trying to keep functions related to each other in close proximity to each other. What would be the easiest way to rearrange methods within a class in Eclipse. ALT+UP / ALT+DOWN works for code within methods, but moving the whole function around is a bit hard since it does not respect function boundaries. Copy/Paste works, but I ...

What is the best SVG IDE?

I am looking for some IDE for working with SVG files that supports SVG animations. Something that has powerful XML editor and visual GUI editor, so it is equally easy to drag objects around with a mouse and edit actual sources yourself. ...

Unable to edit seemingly arbitrary JTable columns

As the title states, I have a JTable and I am unable to edit "arbitrary" columns. I have 4 columns and only the first column is editable. The first column has files and a special editor, the next two columns have Strings, and the last column has Integers. I'm using a custom model, and I am returning true from the isCellEditable method. ...

Set (temporary) fixed zoom factor in Visual Studio 2010 code editor

Is there a way to configure Visual Studio 2010 (or ReSharper, btw.) to zoom in newly opened files to a specific percentage? (Background: In some cases (working late, different screen) I'd like to zoom in a little to make it easier on the eyes) ...

What's so great about Block Selection Mode?

Longtime Eclipse user here; I recently discovered the "Block Selection Mode" (Alt-Shift-A) that was added into Eclipse 3.5. I tried it out, it's pretty neat--I can select a rectangle of text in my source code instead of selecting things a line at a time like I usually do. Apparently this feature is common in other editors too, under o...

Determining current cursor location in dojo edit widget

Hi, I need to append some text programatically to the dijit editor(with textArea) at the current cursor location, I am able to do this at the end of already entered text but need to do it at current cursor location. Please guide me in getting the text/value before and after the cursor. ...

Undue Br tag Is adding In Table Html

I have a user interface where I'm toggling between HTML markup view and rendered view. An HTML Editor. Using Javascript I have set that if anyone types any word and presses enter and then types another word then it should render as two lines. In HTML view this is an inserted <BR> tag as per my expectation. But when we insert a table wi...

I want to create a menu editor for my website using PHP and AJAX

I created menu.php which loads the menu items from a MySQL database, parses them through a function which creates the code for the menu items which are then displayed in order in an HTML list (tell me if this is confusing and I can post the code). What I would like to make is an admin page the would allow the user to reorder the menu ite...

JQGrid form editor displays in the middle of the screen on top

In my JQGrid everything works fine except for the form editor.. Do now know why but the form editor displays in top-middle of the screen. Below is my code $(document).ready(function () { var briefallocationid = $("#BriefAllocationId").val(); var updateDialog = { url: '<%= Url.Action("UpdateRegionAndCity", "BriefAlloca...

Programming related documents editor

Is there a document editor that helps formatting documents like API documents or specifications? I prefer not to use Word but something that is more productive. ...

How does visual web WYSIWYG editor works?

I've seen some editors doing the same as Dreamweaver but on the Internet, how is that done is what I'd like to know. What technologies are involved? Exemples: visualwebsiteoptimizer.com and optimizely.com ...

How to Extending vs2010 editor context menu for .js file?

I have a VS2010 VSIP package with several commands,Those commands are added to the javascript editor's context menu,and i am using <Group guid="guidPrettyJsCmdSet" id="ContextMenuGroup" priority="0x0600"> <Parent guid="guidSHLMainMenu" id="IDM_VS_CTXT_CODEWIN"/> </Group> but it work only C# file,how to make it work for .js...