
Finding whether a value is equal to the value of any array element in MATLAB

Can anyone tell me if there is a way (in MATLAB) to check whether a certain value is equal to any of the values stored within another array? The way I intend to use it is to check whether an element index in one matrix is equal to the values stored in another array (where the stored values are the indices of the elements which meet a ce...

jquery remove selected element and append to another

I'm trying to re-append a "removed option" to the appropriate select option menu. I have three select boxes: "Categories", "Variables", and "Target". "Categories" is a chained select, so when the user selects an option from it, the "Variables" select box is populated with options specific to the selected categories option. When the ...

Java SAX ContentHandler to create new objects for every root node

Hello everyone, I am using SAX to parse some XML. Let's say I have the following XML document: <queue> <element A> 1 </element A> <element B> 2 </element B> </queue> <queue> <element A> 1 </element A> <element B> 2 </element B> </queue> <queue> <element A> 1 </element A> <element B> 2 </element B> </queue> And I als...

How to add attributes to an element using LINQ, C#?

Hi, I have an XElement object which has a number of attributes and I simply want to add another attribute to the element. How do I do this? Thanks, Matt. ...

WPF element binding across seperate windows-how to do?

I can do element-to-element binding in WPF: For example, I've got a window that has a slider control and a textbox, and the textbox dynamically displays the Value property of the slider as the user moves the slider. But how do i do this across seperate windows (in the same project, same namespace) ? The reason is that my main applicati...

In XPath how to select the element content

Hi all, Is there a way of writing an XPath expression to select the content of the element. e.g. <Element>xxx</Element> Assuming I can write XPath (/Element) to get Element how do I tweak the XPath to get xxxx returned rather than the Element wrapper? EDIT/ANSWER To do this in dom4j world use the Element.valueOf(String xpathExpres...

Biggest z-index but still "transparent"?

Hello Is there a way to click through element, even if it's on top of the others. I have a link under one div, and the div must be where it is, but link should of course be clickable. Solutions? Even jQuery is okay, if impossible with CSS. Martti Laine EDIT: I cannot add link higher, because the div here is a kind of overlay/glare. ...

jQuery + Validation plugin: add/remove class to/from element's error container

Hi guys, I'm working with the jQuery Validation plugin and I wrote the following code which adds a class to the element's (<input>) parent (<label>) if not valid, as well as inserting the actual error element (<span>) before the <br>. the HTML ... <label> text<br><input> </label> ... and the jQuery. $("#form_to_validate").valid...

How do I find out the DOM node when select text in a browser’s editable content window using Javascript?

I want to get parentElement when I select some text in iframe. iframe = document.getElementById("iframe"); function getParentElement(){ var sel=iframe.contentDocument.getselection(); return sel.parentElement() } getParentElement(); when I run this code it show Error:" TypeError: iframe.contentDocument.getSelection().parentElement i...

How to Create Element in XSLT When Copying Using Templates

Hello, I'm trying to create an element in an XML where the basic content is copied and modified. My XML is something like <root> <node> <child>value</child> <child2>value2</child2> </node> <node2>bla</node2> </root> The number of children of node may change as well as the children of root. The XSLT should copy the wh...

Get a single element with PHP and XPath

Lots of tutorials around the net but none of them can explain me this: How do I select a single element (in a table, for example), having its absolute XPath? Example: I have this: /html/body/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr/td/table[3]/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr[3]/td/table/tbody/tr[4]/td[5]/span What's that PHP function to ge...

Receiving name of the element as an object

This is my JavaScript code: <script> function change(name){ var element = document.all.name.value; } </script> It returns an error. How to pass to the function the element's name in order to change its value? ...

How to find out minimal render size of a visual in WPF?

Hello, I'm trying to display a game desk and info panel right next to the game desk and I need to calculate minimal width of the info panel in order to display the game desk properly. This is my XAML code: <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <Rectangle Width="Auto" Height="Auto" Name="gamedeskRect" Style="{DynamicResource GameDe...

Low volume in mp3 using media element

I am playing a mp3 using Windows Media plaver, its fine, but same file playing in Silverlight 3.0 using Media Element, its volume is low, so what should I do to increase the volume,. ...

how to remove element.style in css

Hi I am using Joomla 1.5. i am having a page where a cSS has been added for the title which is in <strong></strong> I firebug it , it appears as element.style { color:#666666; } i dont know of from where it comes from.. but i am having a css applied for the same tag with other color. but it disappeared. How to remove the element....

Populate hidden form element value on title from clicked anchor tag via Jquery

Hey all. I'm trying to set a value on a hidden form element based on a link that is clicked. I figure the best way to go about this is to pass along the anchor title attribute as the value for a particular hidden form element. This hidden form element value will need to be updated depending on the latest link that is clicked. I've scoure...

How can I add graphic elements in android using code?

How can I add graphic elements in android without the use of drag it into main.xml? I mean using code to make them ...

Drupal questions - customizing form_altered modules

This week I have figured out how to modify form elements in the location module using form_alter and the custom element hook_elements() see: see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2637052/need-some-tips-on-drupal-form-value I was able to to hide elements using unset eg: unset($element['locpick']['user_latitude']); Also added css with ...

Easily position an element over another element in jQuery?

Hello I need to position a div over an image with jQuery. I can create it with using position:fixed and use top and left to position it using elements offset, but it sucks because the element will not be on top of the element if user scrolls. Any other ideas? Martti Laine ...

How would i go about showing the closest paragraph element to a unique link with jQuery?

The title is a bit rusty, sorry about that. Now let me explain what i'm trying to do. I have a few listed items, like this: <li> <a id="toggle" class="0"><h4>ämne<small>2010-04-17 kl 12:54</small></h4></a> <p id="meddel" class="0">text</p> </li> <li class='odd'> <a id="toggle" class="1"><h4>test<small>2010-04-17 kl 15:01<...