
Need to determine if ELMAH is logging an unhandled exception or one raised by ErrorSignal.Raise()

I am using the Elmah Logged event in my Global.asax file to transfer users to a feedback form when an unhandled exception occurs. Sometimes I log other handled exceptions. For example: ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(new System.ApplicationException("Program code not found: " + Student.MostRecentApplication.ProgramCode)); // mo...

Securing ELMAH File

I am trying to allow the access to the elmah.axd file for only a perticular login and all others should be denied. I have followed Phil Haack's tutorial for securing the file. <httpHandlers> <remove verb="*" path="*.asmx"/> <add verb="*" path="*.asmx" validate="false" type="System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptHa...

ELMAH: Only sending specific exception type via mail

Hi, I have ELMAH set up for a webapp, logging exceptions to a SQL server. I wish to have ELMAH send me an email too, but only when a specific exception is thrown (ie. MySpecialException). ELMAH must still log all exceptions to SQL server. I know you can do it programmatically in global.asax, but I'd prefer to use web.config. So, ho...

ELMAH - Exception Logging without having HttpContext

I tried this solution with Elmah.XmlFileErrorLog but I'm getting following exception System.ArgumentNullException was unhandled by user code Message="Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: context" Source="Elmah" ParamName="context" StackTrace: at Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromContext(HttpContext context) in c:\builds\ELMAH\src...

Elmah sends error mail on development server, but not on production

Hi, I am trying to set up Elmah so that it sends me an e-mail when a new error occurs. This works fine on my development server, but on the production server no e-mail is sent. The exception is logged on the production server, it's just the e-mail that does not get sent. Here are my elmah configuration settings: <elmah> <secu...

Elmah is only logging 15 Errors

Hi, I've just starting looking at a site in place at work. They're using Elmah to log errors. It seems to be logging fine, but in the web interface, when I tell Elmah to show me 100 errors per page, it only shows the most recent 15. Then when I click on "Download Log" I only get shown 15 errors in the CSV. Anyone know how I can confi...

Logout exception flooding elmah

I am using ASP.NET membership, and in particular a copy of the membership code included in the MVC project. I am also using elmah to log exceptions. I am getting flooded with the following when people sign out. System.Web.HttpException: Server cannot set status after HTTP headers have been sent. Here is the stack trace sent System.We...

How to use elmah multiple error log process

In my application i want to save error log on DB Server and xml files by using the elmah .I can use them in single.How to use it for multiple process. ...

How to use server,Xml,email error log store process on elmah

using elmah i can save error log on database,email,xml .They are individually works well .I want to work in together.Suppose in my config file i can can active server log than i can not active xml log but i want to work on both .How to do. <elmah> <!-- Change this to 1 to allow remote access. If you do, be sure to lock down the...

Elmah on a WebServer

I Setup Elmah to work on a website. It works fine on my local machine but when I moved it to a web server I get this exception Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration ...

Is it possible to configure ELMAH entirely in code?

I'd like to configure ELMAH for an ASP.NET MVC site entirely in code. This includes registering the module, setting the logging provider and settings, and filtering exceptions. The only part I've managed to do so far is filter exceptions. Has anyone else figured out how to do this? I'd really like to avoid cluttering up my config file w...

ELMAH is not logging

I've been using ELMAH on my development machine and it works fine. I also deployed it on Win2008 IIS7 and run the LOCALHOST website with force exception and it logs.. However, when i try browsing the website on other machine (using other machine from the network to browse the website) ELMAH is not logging.. I've check the App_Data for xm...

Is there a version of ELMAH for .NET 4?

I'd like to use ELMAH in an ASP.NET MVC 2 application running on .NET 4, but according to the project hosting site on Google code, it only supports .NET 1.1 and 2.0. Is there a .NET 4 version of ELMAH already, or do I have to download the source and update whatever breaks myself? ...

Elmah Timeout error on logging /insert all of a sudden

Alright we are quite sure the Elmah has become too big. Apparently the database is sitting at 17GB because of this. Were were getting timeout errors accessing /elmah first and now there are errors inserting data into it - hence exceptions are being thrown by the application. I just wanted to confirm can INSERT timeouts happen - or does ...

ELMAH in asp.net mvc2

Can any body give me code to impement ELMAH error handling for my asp.net mvc application.. I need to know step by step process to implemnt? thanks ...

ASP.NET MVC 2 routing on IIS 7 - can only view homepage on previously working website, what can I try to fix it?

Am pulling my hair out over this! I have an ASP.NET MVC 2 web application, which up until yesterday was working fine on the hosted server (running IIS 7.5, I don't have direct access to IIS, just web portal access to some features). Yesterday I attempted to install the ELMAH logging framework (see this article) and now all my routes ap...

External Config Files with elmah

I am using elmah (v1.1.11517.0) and am trying to move the config to an external source. My config currently looks like this: <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <configSections> <sectionGroup name="elmah"> <section name="security" requirePermission="false" type="Elmah.SecuritySectionHandler, Elmah"/> ...

How secure Elmah?

Hi I am wondering how to actually secure elmah in my situation. I know you can disable remote connections(what I done) but how about for me I still want to be able to connect to it remotely just not anyone else. Usually if I wanted to look at elmah errors I would just load up the site on local host with my live db in my web.config so I...

elmah on iis6 and 7.5 mvc2

I am trying to get elmah working on a remote web server and my local iis 7.5 server. The remote server is iis 6. Elmah works the visual studio 2010 development server. When you browse to a aspx page that doesn't exist, it logs it and shows it in the log. When I test the application on iis 6 and iis 7.5 I can get to the elmah log page but...

Can't get ELMAH to works with ASP.NET MVC2 on IIS7.5

Hello, I try to use ELMAH on my ASP.NET MVC2 application, it works fine on the test server (Casini x86) while using the x86 version, but when I deploy it on the production server with the x86_64 version, I get a 404 error when I try to access "elmah.axd" and no errors are logged on IIS (but they are logged in Casini) Here is my Web.conf...