
Mouse Buffer Menu with keyboard

Hey folks, is it possible to invoke the graphical menu that pops up with 'mouse-buffer-menu (which in my case is assigned to '[C-down-mouse-1]) without actually hitting the mouse? When I invoke M-x mouse-buffer-menu emacs tells me execute-extended-command: mouse-buffer-menu must be bound to an event with parameters Is it possible, t...

Shortcut with meta-shift key doesn't work in emacs

Hi,I can't use any shortcut that has meta-shift (alt and shift) in it because ubuntu will treat it as "change keyboard layout" shortcut (I map it to alt-shift since I use the same shortcut in windows) as soon as I press m-s. In windows change keyboard layout shortcut doesn't register until you release the key so any shortcut with m-s is ...

How can I easily reload Emacs lisp code as I am editing it?

As an Emacs beginner, I am working on writing a minor mode. My current (naive) method of programming elisp consists of making a change, closing out Emacs, restarting Emacs, and observing the change. How can I streamline this process? Is there a command to refresh everything? ...

Emacs elscreen - How to disable "split screen"?

I've got elscreen on my emacs for tabbed windows but it's splitting my screen in 2 like so... |-------| | | |-------| | | |-------| How would I make it only display one screen? The only things in my .emacs file is.. 135;; --------------------------------------- ...

emacs - open multiple files at once in tabs?

Hi, I'm using tabbed mode but it doesn't seem to (or I don't know how to) open different files in different tabs. Could anyone tell me of a way to achieve this? ...

How viable is emacs LISP aside from editing emacs?

I'm in my second year of my CS major, and I've only had courses in C (first course and then a polymorphic data structures course), C++ (OOP focus), MIPS assembly, and a compiler course. I worked in WinForms and C# over the summer. I worked through the Little Schemer and I'm really interested in learning some sort of LISP. Emacs is my e...

How to undo call-last-kbd-macro in emacs

In emacs, I sometimes invoke call-last-kbd-macro by mistake. When undoing I would have expected undo to undo the entire effect of the keyboard macro atomically, but that does not happen. Instead I find myself having to undo each step of the macro one at a time. How can I get emacs to return to the buffer state before the execution of the...

Programatically send an email from an elisp function

I need to automatically send an email from within an elisp function. Hypothetically, I would like a single function which I can pass in the to, from, subject, body, and possibly other headers. Does such a function exist? If not how could it be implemented? ...

Displaying camel cased words as such with underscores in Eclipse

To me, reading long camel cased words can sometimes be a bit frustrating. For example: aReallyLongCamelCasedMethodNameWhichIsTooSelfDescribing Now, look at this version: a_Really_Long_Camel_Cased_Method_Name_Which_Is_Too_Self_Describing Which version is easier on your eyes? The second one is for mine. While using Emacs, I stumbled...

smart-operator.el not autoloading ... what gives?

Hi all, I'm trying to use smart-operator.el in emacs. I've put the following into my init.el file: (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/dotemacs_git/smart-operator/") (require 'smart-operator) (smart-operator-mode 1) That doesn't seem to turn on smart-operator-mode automatically ... I still have to do M-x smart-operator-mode to get...

Unable to run fastri on cygwin: uninitialized constant Gem::Version (NameError)

I'm trying to setup fastri (http://eigenclass.org/hiki/fastri) on emacs running on cygwin in windows. The ruby install is also from cygwin, not the windows version of ruby. After downloading, unpacking the tarball and running setup.rb, when I attempt to run qri or fri, I get the following error message: [/cygdrive/g]$qri /usr/lib/r...

Recursively identifying lines which are longer than 80 characters in Emacs

Since it may be a good idea to have lines that are not wider than 80 characters in code files, what's the most effective way of recursively identify these lines in an existing project using Emacs? UPDATE: Using Trey's suggestion, I'm currently using the following code: (defun find-long-lines (base-dir) "Recursively look for lines lo...

Emacs define-key, Viper-mode key binding

I'm trying to learn emacs, getting vi custom key bindings. Using Viper-mode, what is the correct way to re-bind a key? (I'm using Colemak keyboard layout(instead of qwerty) so have to change things like n->j) But would like it to work in viper-mode. From this key binding guide on GNU.org: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_n...

In GNU Emacs, what is `[C-tab]`?

In GNU Emacs, what is [C-tab]? Consider: (version) "GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2010-05-08 on G41R2F1" (defun key-binding-test () (interactive) (insert " key-binding-test called ")) For a single letter control character, a character constant must be used in the vector: (global-set-key [C-l] 'key-binding-test) ; ...

prohibit the launching of two emacs

When you double click on a file opens a new window emacs. Tell me how to do to open in the same I beg your pardon, Linux OS I installed emacs23 Then i run the command: emacs --daemon && emacsclien -c && emacsclien -c And i have opened 2 windows instead of one ...

How do I change drive letter in ido mode (emacs) ?

I'm using Emacs on windows. My default folder is c:/home, but I want to edit my file in d:/ how to do it in ido mode ? I tried // but that put me in c:/. Currently, I use C-f (change back to normal find file mode), but that defeat the purpose of using ido mode in first place.... ...

The emacsclient documentation has an example with %d and %s arguments - what are they

In the emacsclient documentation, an example EDITOR setting is: EDITOR="emacsclient --alternate-editor emacs +%d %s" How can the %d and %s be used? I understand that + starts at the specified line and the %s is the file name to edit, but what program replaces %d and %s the values? For example, if subversion tried to kick of $EDITOR,...

Emacs desktop doesn't remember TRAMP connections?

I use emacs to edit scripts and code files on several different servers. TRAMP is working very well. However, when I exit emacs, all my tramp connections go away. I tried desktop-save-mode, but only local files show up when I restart emacs. Is there some package that will remember tramp connections? Is this just a configuration issu...

multi lines python indentation on emacs

Im an emacs newbie, I want emacs to be able to indent my code like this egg = spam.foooooo('vivivivivivivivivi')\ .foooooo('emacs', 'emacs', 'emacs', 'emacs') It's not possible to do this automatically by default (without manually inserting spaces or C-c >), since emacs always indents 4 spaces (unless Im splitting multiple a...

emacs regexp-replace seems to work unexpectedly

I am trying to remove some <span style="something not constant"> from a text and I tried M-x replace-regexp> "<span*>" -> "" but it does nothing. I made sure the cursor is at the beginning of the file. ...