
Working setup for hunspell in Emacs

Does anyone have a working setup for hunspell and Emacs? Simply setting ispell-program-name to hunspell doesn't work, the output (when using flyspell, for example) looks like below: -> UTF-8 encoding error. Missing continuation byte in 0. character position: - 9631: word not found (my files are usually encoded in UTF-8) I've seen a ...

How I can eval a buffer and/or an instruction within Emacs with Swank and SLIME?

Hy everyone, I've successfully installed clojure-mode, slime, slime-repl within Emacs. I start a swank server with "lein swank" and hang slime to it with "slime-connect". I can use the SLIME REPL to evaluating Clojure expression within the REPL. How can I eval a single s-exp or a whole file (a.k.a I want to run a Clojure file withing Ema...

Pymacs error starting Emacs after installing Python

I installed python using one of the msi files. But when I start up emacs, it gives me: Problem 1, which I thought I'd fixed When I run cmd and type in python, I get "python" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. So from online sources, (windows 7 btw) Went to System Properties and Envi...

Emacs: How to toggle Buffer-menu-files-only by default

In buff-menu+.el or (respectivly buff-menu.el) there is an function "Buffer-menu-toggle-files-only", which sets the variable "Buffer-menu-files-only" to true/false. When showing the Buffer list, I can toggle this with the key T. So i can prevent non-file-buffers from being shown in the list. I would like to have this filter (files-only...

Emacs org-mode file/viewer associations

In an Emacs org-mode file, when I click on a PDF the file opens in a PDF viewer. Similarly, when I click on a URL it opens in a web browser. But when I click on a path to an image file, the byte stream opens as text in the editor. How do I configure Emacs/org-mode to open images with a specified application, say an image editor or a b...

How to change indentation in text-mode for emacs

I'm in text mode and want my tab key to indent a line to two spaces. The file looks like this: Line one Line two The cursor is situated before the 'L' : "Line two", and I hit TAB and it gets indented 6 spaces as opposed to the desired 2 spaces. Actions I've tried: I've tried updating the variable: tab-stop-list (setq tab-stop-li...

EMACS Question - hash key

I have a Mac Laptop and I am connecting to server running Linux. As Alt+3 is already bound in EMACS to a command, so I cannot insert the hash symbol in a file. I have tried the following solution I found online: (global-unset-key (kbd "C-3")) (global-set-key (kbd "C-3") '(lambda() (interactive) (insert-string "#"))) //I know that ...

Emacs/CEDET. Multiple projects and code completion.

I've setup emacs with CEDET 1.0 and ECB 2.40 (heavily inspired by Alex Otts setup at http://github.com/alexott/emacs-configs/blob/master/rc/emacs-rc-cedet.el and his gentle introduction to Cedet ( http://alexott.net/en/writings/emacs-devenv/EmacsCedet.html ), thanks Alex). It works quite well, but I need more understanding abou...

License banners for Scala when using ENSIME

I'm trying to start using ENSIME for Scala development with SBT. How should I manage license headers? I used to use Copyright Wizard in Eclipse and that seemed fine. ...

Running process that has space characters in its path name with emacs on Windows 7

For F# mode in emacs, one need the following line in .emacs. The problem is that because of space between file path, C-c C-s doesn't work. (setq fsharp-compiler "C:/Program Files/Microsoft F#/v4.0/fsc.exe") I had to copy the F# compilers to the directory that doesn't have space in its file path. (setq fsharp-compiler "C:/app/fsharp/...

Emacs: GUI with emacs --daemon not loading fonts correctly

Hello, I set up an emacs --daemon in order to startup emacs faster. I like especially the GUI version of emacs, so I do emacsclient -c to open a new emacs frame. The problem is that I have changed my fonts, but these fonts aren't loaded if I start emacsclient -c. However, they are applied if I start just emacs (but this causes the who...

Is it possible to auto-complete parentheses or quotation marks in emacs?

I've used XCode and Netbeans, and I've noticed that they have a feature to automatically complete quotation marks or parentheses (and I assume that other IDEs often do this also). I don't know what the name of this feature is, but is there any way to do this in Emacs? For example, when I type printf(" I would like it to automatically...

Emacs terminals

In emacs, I often find myself in a situation where I need to jump back and forth between various source files to various terminals. However, I feel like I do not have a good way to do this efficiently (and it stinks that you can only open one "shell" in emacs (shell, eshell, or term). Moreover, I need an efficient way of juggling my te...

What does #[...] mean in emacs-lisp?

Hello everyone! I am puzzled by the expression #[nil "\300\207" [nil] 1] as a value of skeleton-pair-filter-function. Is this an alternative way of writing function in elisp? Or lisp in general? Thanks. ...

Emacs: how can i just show the next line when i reach the last line of the view?

Hi, when i move the cursor upwards or downwards and it reach the first/last line of the view (the part of the file that is been showed) it "jumps" so it shows the before/next half page of the view instead of just showing the before/next line (like in vi). So how can i just show the next line? Regards Javi ...

Emacs and intel debugger

Hi, A coworke integrated the gdb into my emacs, so that i can single step through my code and it gets shown where i am in the emacs window. How do i do that with idb? Unfortunately i cannot remember what we did then, so a walkthrough would be appreciated. cheers ...

How can I set Emacs tab settings by file type?

I need to be able to set the tab settings for the following file types: .rb: 2 soft spaces .css, .html.erb: 4 space tabs I have tried the following, but none of it seems to alter my default tab settings for each of the file types. ;; js-mode-hook has also been tried (add-hook 'javascript-mode-hook '(lambda() (setq ta...

emacs w3m export highlighted area as text

Hi, How to perform copy text from emacs-w3m when the content is placed in a table. Currently, it copies the table-formatting and boundaries as well. Is there a export as text for w3m? Thanks Sandeep ...

In Eclipse, hide files ending in tilde `~`

Eclipse, by default, hides files that begin with . in the Package Explorer, Navigator, and other file views (e.g. .classpath, .settings, etc). Is it possible to hide files which end in ~ (e.g. somefile.txt~). Yes, these are Emacs backup files, created while using both Eclipse and Emacs on the same project. ...

How can I access the path to the current directory in an emacs directory variable file?

According to the Emacs documentation, Directory Variables apply to all files below a directory that contains an .dir-locals.el file. How can I, in that file, set a variable to the full path that contains the file? For example: ((nil . ((indent-tabs-mode . t) (my-project-path **THIS_DIRECTORY**)))) ...