
embedded web browser

Hi, I'm looking for Linux embedded web browser, or preferably just a rendering object (it will not be used for actual browsing, just for displaying web based gui). The requirements are: Written in C/C++ (small footprint) Support Dynamic HTML Support Java script Minimum dependencies on the libraries (although i understand that it ...

Embedded linux call using system

I'm having a problem using system("command") call in C on an embedded system in linux. The call to the app works fine on the command line but when called in a compiled cgi script using the system command it is painfully slow. Any help appreciated? ...

core at which function is running

hi, consider a kernel tasklet scheduled and executing the tasklet function. Is there a way to know which core the tasklet is running ? I mean is there a function / variable to know at which core the tasklet is running at. Architecture is arm. Thanks! ...

Controlling read and write access width to memory mapped registers in C

I'm using and x86 based core to manipulate a 32-bit memory mapped register. My hardware behaves correctly only if the CPU generates 32-bit wide reads and writes to this register. The register is aligned on a 32-bit address and is not addressable at byte granularity. What can I do to guarantee that my C (or C99) compiler will only gene...

decode Infrared remote control code using c or c++

Hi Please let me know how to decode infrared remote control code using c or c++. ...

Alternative languages for embedded programming

I`m looking for alternatives programming languages (from assembly, C, C++ and basic) to embedded (microcontroller) programming. Is it possible for example, to programm microcontrollers in C# or Java? Maybe Ruby or Python? If possible, please post development tools and hardware used. Thanks ...

Can Microchip TCP/IP stack implements two or more clients sockets at the same time?

I need to make one device communicate with 2 servers. Is it possible with Microchip TCP/IP stack? ...

Class Template Instantiation: any way round this circular reference?

I have two classes that I'm using to represent some hardware: A Button and an InputPin class which represent a button that will change the value of an IC's input pin when it's pressed down. A simple example of them is: template <int pinNumber> class InputPin { static bool IsHigh() { return ( (*portAddress) & (1<<pinNumber) ); ...

Has anyone been successful at a assembler based led blinker for an xcore?

I am liking the http://www.xmos.com chips but want to get a lower level understanding of what is going on. Basically assembler. I am trying to sort out something as simple as an led blinker, set the led, count to N clear the led, count to N, loop forever. Sure I can disassemble a 10 line XC program, but if you have tried that you will...

Resources for learning C, Unix, Linux and embedded systems

Hi, I want to learn C , UNIX and LINUX, and more about embedded systems. Very much interested in them. Are there any online courses or websites which can guide me. And please suggest books to read in learning them. Thanks for your time. Ya please lets your answers and comments come in , they are invaluable to me..!! ...

Gang scheduling in RTOS over a multicore processor

I understand that Gang scheduling is a scheduling algorithm for parallel systems that schedules related threads or processes to run simultaneously on different processors. Gang scheduling is used so that if two or more threads or processes communicate with each other, they will all be ready to communicate at the same time. However, how...

Throughput calculation using cycle count

Is it possible to determine the throughput of an application on a processor from the cycle counts (Processor instruction cycles) consumed by the application ? If yes, how to calculate it ? ...

Determining the load on a particular core in a multicore processor

In a multicore processor, there are ways to tell the particular application to run in either single core or 2 cores or 3 cores. Considering a scenario in which the application(having lot threads) is running on more than one core, how will a scheduler be able to determine the load(number of threads) on a particular core in a multicore pro...

Need a good serial port logging tool

I'm working on an embedded system and it uses one serial port for all it's logging purposes. Is there a tool out there that allows you to filter lines into different windows (or remove them altogether) so that I can separate the output of the various logging sub-systems and remove spam messages that show up multiple times a second? I'd...

Communication between processor and high speed perihperal

Considering that a processor runs at 100 MHz and the data is coming to the processor from an external device/peripheral at the rate of 1000 Mbit/s (8 Bits/Clockcycle @ 125 MHz), which is the best way to handle traffic that comes at a higher speed to the processor ? ...

Polling or Interrupt based method

When should one use polling method and when should one use interrupt based method ? Are there scenarios in which both can be used ? ...

How to capture unhandled exception in C# .NETMF 4.0?

Anyone know how register an event handler for unhandled exceptions in C# .NETMF 4.0? A Google search reveals nothing. Thanks! ...

Does .NET 3.5 SP1 SerialPort class append extra 0's on transmission?

Update Turns out the error was in the crypto processor code, that is fixed. But now running into what seems like it might be a handshaking issue. On first transmission, we get a single byte back from the device with value 0xFF(don't know why, the engineer I'm working with isn't too experienced with RS-232 either). Then, things run as n...

What free tiniest flash file system could you advice for embedded system?

I've got DSP tms320vc5509a and NOR flash AT26DF321 on the board and I'm going to store named data on the flash. I don't need directory hierarchy, wear leveling (I hope system will write to flash very few times), but CRC is strongly needed. Thank you ...

How to deal with a wrapping counter in embedded C

Hi Guys, I need to deal with a counter that gives me ticks for my application. The counter is 32bits so what i need to know is how to deal with it when it wraps. for example: I have a function that returns a (timestamp + shifttime) and i have another function that will return 1 or 0 depending whether or not the time has elapsed, but t...