If I add this to the beginning of my script:
require 'jcode'
then I can walk over every char of a word containing unicode characters. Imagine a word containing umlauts or something, and I iterate over them like this:
word.each_char do |c|
# do something with c
If c is a unicode character and I print it's size,...
99.9% of the pages in my application are using UTF-8 encoding.
However for some special usecase in the client side, I need one of them to use Unicode (2 bytes for each character)
For that matter the header of this page is:
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=unicode"%>
...<my content>...
This implementation work...
Whats the java equivalent of Python’s urllib.urlencode?
>>> urllib.urlencode({'abc':'d f', 'def': '-!2'})
Where I can pass a HashMap of key values and it encodes and gives me the url string ..
Edit: I wanted to avoid this scenario
String data = URLEncoder.encode("key1", "UTF-8") + "=" + URLEncoder.en...
I'm trying to split a string with text into words by using the php-function preg_split.
$words = preg_split('/\W/u',$text);
It works fine except for swedish chars lite åäö. Doing utf8_encode or decode doesn't help either. My guess is that preg_split only works with single byte chars and that the swedish chars are multibyte. Is there a...
Within the web.config file i have the following, regarding encoding info, since the website is availiale only to Greece.
<globalization fileEncoding="windows-1253" requestEncoding="windows-1253" responseEncoding="windows-1253" culture="el-gr" uiCulture="el"/>
What changes should i implement if i decide to add the English version of th...
If you have binary data that you need to encode, what encoding scheme do you use?
I know about:
Hex encoding. Very simple, but quite verbose, expands one byte to two.
Base 64. Most common, not so verbose, expands three bytes to four.
Base 85. Not common, less verbose again, expands four bytes to five.
Are there any other encoding sc...
Are there any applications out there that will let me encode my Ruby on Rails code so others can't read it? I plan on selling a few small applications, but I really don't want everyone knowing my code.
any idea how to convert this xml to utf-8 ?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="tis-620" ?>
<rss version="2.0"><channel><title>Pantip.com : Tech Exchange - IT
NEWS</title><description>ข่าว IT NEWS จาก PANTIP.COM : Tech Exchange ส่งตรงถึงคุณทันเหตุการณ์</description><link>http://www.pantip.com/tech/newscols/</link><category>News/...
how to use specific encoding on NSXMLParser ?
It default on utf-8 ,I want to use on tis-620
any idea?
I'm looking for an equivalent to .NET's System.Text.Encoding in Java. For example in C# I can do this:
Encoding defaultEncoding = Encoding.Default;
byte[] encoded = defaultEncoding.GetBytes("Text to encode");
I would like to be able to do the same in Java.
I use Apache Commons FileUpload to receive uploaded files in a Servlet, as described at http://code.google.com/appengine/kb/java.html#fileforms
ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload();
FileItemIterator iterator = upload.getItemIterator(request);
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Is there a way to iterate over every character in a given encoding, and print it's code? Say, UTF8?
How to programatically insert string with special characters into RTF?
I have rtf template I load to string and then replace all $MY_VARIABLE$ with data.
Data contains special chars like 'ąęść' and the problem is that in result file these characters are replaced with '?'. It's something wrong with encoding but what?
My code looks like:...
I want to convert an e-mail address into HTML Escape Characters as a basic way to try and avoid being harvested by spam-bots. Like mentioned in this question:
When placing email addresses on a
webpage do you place them as text like
[email protected]
or use a clever trick to try and fool
the email address ha...
I have a text editor that can load ASCII and Unicode files. It automatically detects the encoding by looking for the BOM at the beginning of the file and/or searching the first 256 bytes for characters > 0x7f.
What other encodings should be supported, and what characteristics would make that encoding easy to auto-detect?
I am receiving a xml through a http request. The format is like this "<.?.x.m.l. .v.e.r.s.i.o.n.=.\".1...0.\". .e.n.c.o.d.i.n.g.=.\".u.t.f.-.1.6.\".?.>| etc
Then i'm getting an error: {"Name cannot begin with the '.' character, hexadecimal value 0x2E. Line 1, position 2."}
Trying to convert it to ascii like this, doesn't solve the ...
In the Flat File Connection Manager screen there is a checkbox to specify that the file is encoded as Unicode, but there is no way to tell which encoding will be used (UTF-8, UTF-16, ...)
Is there an official Microsoft resource as to which encoding is used?
Kind regards
Hi programmers,
I want read line by line a Unicode (UTF-8) text file created by Notepad, i don't want display the Unicode string in the screen, i want just read and compare the strings!.
This code read ANSI file line by line, and compare the strings
What i want
Read test_ansi.txt line by line
if the line = "b" print "YES!"
else pri...
I'm creating email client, when i receive emails from blackberry server it sends file name as "=?utf-8?B?anBlZ2F0dGFjaG1lbnQuSlBFRw==?=" but the original filename was "jpegattachment.JPEG", and sometime I get the plain text when I receive from other mail servers.
So here my problem is I can get a string which may or may not be encoded.
I'm having trouble sharing messages containing scandinavian ä & ö to twitter through a share-button on my site. If I use UTF8-codes above %7F, i just bump into an "Invalid Unicode value in one or more parameters" error.
An example: http://twitter.com/home/?status=%40user+blah%26%E4
I've tried a bunch of different encodings, but none se...