
Why do we need entity objects?

Ok, I realize I might be downvoted into oblivion for this question, especially given my stance on the matter, but I really need to see some honest, thoughtful debate on the merits of the currently accepted enterprise application design paradigm. I am not convinced that entity objects should exist. By entity objects I mean the typical t...

Convert XML/HTML Entities into Unicode String in Python

I'm doing some web scraping and sites frequently use HTML entities to represent non ascii characters. Does Python have a utility that takes a string with HTML entities and returns a unicode type? For example: I get back: & #x01ce; (There is no space. I put that so Markdown won't interpret it) which represents an "a" with a tone mark...


I have an "ldquo", "rdquo" and several other entities under my RSS feed. Seems like if I add <!DOCTYPE rss [ <!ENTITY % HTMLspec PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Latin 1 for XHTML//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml-special.ent"&gt; %HTMLspec; below the xml tag and above the rss tag then I'll be able to include those entities....

Special Characters in XML

I am creating a left navigation system utilizing xml and xsl. Everything was been going great until I tried to use a special character in my xml document. I am using and I get th error. reason: Reference to undefined entity 'raquo'. error code: -1072898046 How do I make this work? Thanks ...

Does LINQ to Entities reuse instances of objects?

Using LINQ to Entities sounds like a great way to query against a database and get actual CLR objects that I can modify, data bind against and so forth. But if I perform the same query a second time do I get back references to the same CLR objects or an entirely new set? I do not want multiple queries to generate an ever growing number...

Entity Framework: Working with FK's (why do they get hidden?)

First of all, let's define a few tables: Users table will store information about a user: Users - UserID (int, PK) - ... UserTasks is a table that stores a task associated with a user: UserTasks - userID (int, FK to Users table) - taskName (varchar) When I generate the UserTasks table using the ADO Entity Framework, I'll get a c...

Can you develop using .NET 3.5 SP1 and run under just .NET 3.5

Can I develop a website which utilizes ADO .NET Entities in the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and then deploy it on another machine with just the .NET 3.5 framework? ...

HTML entities and charset in IE

I am displaying html entity &#10003; (a check mark: ✓) in an html document that uses iso-8859-1 for the character set. In Firefox, it displays as a check mark. In IE, it displays as a square box. Switching to UTF-8 doesn't seem to make a difference. Is there a reliable way to display these entities in IE 6 & 7 without using images? ...

In DDD, what are the actual advantages of value objects?

I have gotten so far that I understand entity objects have an ID while value object have not, but in the most common example you have the person entity that have a address value object attached to it. What is the big advantage of creating a separate address object instead of just keeping the address properties within the Person Entity? ...

Repository Pattern question - is it acceptable to use a repo inside of a different repository?

So I have a repository for basically each entity but my model has a relational division where entities aren't directly related in the model. So what I need to do is query off of that indirect relationship and return a collection of entities. Is it appropriate to initialize and invoke queries on a different repository from the one you are...

How do you convert HTML entities to Unicode and vice versa in Python?

Duplicate: Convert XML/HTML Entities into Unicode String in Python How do you convert HTML entities to Unicode and vice versa in Python? ...

In HTML I can make a checkmark with &#x2713; . Is there a corresponding X-mark?

No text :) ...

Using a doctype with XML

I'm using a seperate .dtd file as a doctype for my custom xml file: names.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE name SYSTEM "names.dtd"> <names> <name> <text>Pep&eacute;</text> <creator>&lost;</creator> <history>&lost;</history> </name> <name> <text>Charles</text> <crea...

Accessing Aggregate Entities without Lazy Loading

I want to follow the DDD philosophy and not access entity objects of an aggregate directly. So, i have to call the root object to get the associated entity. But In other cases I dont always want every associated entity to load when the root is called. Is that the purpose of lazy loading? How do I access entity objects through the root...

What Belongs to the Aggregate Root

This is a practical Domain Driven Design question: Conceptually, I think I get Aggregate roots until I go to define one. I have an Employee entity, which has surfaced as an Aggregate root. In the Business, some employees can have work-related Violations logged against them: Employee-----*Violations Since not all Employees are subject...

How to parse badly formed XML in Java?

I have XML that I need to parse but have no control over the creation of. Unfortunately it's not very strict XML and contains things like: <mytag>This won't parse & contains an ampersand.</mytag> The javax.xml.stream classes don't like this at all, and rightly error with: javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException: ParseError at [row,col]:[...

Use LINQ for arbitrary sorting

Let's say we have an entity that has attributes att1 and att2, where att1 can have values a,b,c and att2 can have values 1,2,3. Is it possible to use LINQ so that we can sort items in the collection by applying arbitrary sorting rule without implementing IComparable. I am facing an issue were business requires that on some screens items ...

Problem with repository creation in C# and ADO.NET entities

Hi everyone, I'm building this app at night after work and have been struggling with this design problem for a week or two now. I'm building a program that has 44 different types of entries and requires the ability to create a custom type. Because users might change the fields in a particular type of entry and/or define their own, my ...

Good strategies for reusing "entities" in multiple applications?

Let's say you've got two applications for working with "Customers"... one might be an account management application, the other might be a support / helpdesk application. Both applications use the same Customer entities... by that I mean they both hit the same datasource to manage Customers. At a basic level, a Customer is exactly the ...

Entities and Dynamic Data Site: references between tables.

I have two tables: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Context] ( [Identity] int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [Naam] nvarchar (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL, [Code] nvarchar (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL, [Omschrijving] ntext COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL) ; ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Context] A...