
Parsing XML structure without expanding entities in PHP

I'm trying to extract the structure of an XML document in PHP without expanding the entities within. I'm aware that entities are usually expanded before the structure is parsed, and that ignoring this means that the XML may not be well-formed, but I'm parsing XML fragments which might not include the normal XML document header, and so wi...

Problem pulling data from PeopleEditor.Entities

I have created a web part with a PeopleEditor control (called peADLoopUp) and a button, and basically, when a user enters people into the PeopleEditor control (which gets those people from Active Directory), they click the button and it loops through the people they entered into the PeopleEditor control and adds those people to a custom ...

Is there some functionality in/for Delphi that converts a string with html named and numbered entities to unicode text?

I read data from a mysql database that has is filled by php scripts. All special characters are converted to named or numbered html entities (for example & a m p ; & # 2 8 6 ;). I know of no way to convert these characters back to the original ones in Delphi as unicode strings. Did anyone ever find or even create such a function? This wo...

The type or namespace name 'Objects' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Data'

I am using entities, C# and SQL Server to create an n-tier app. I am creating some base classes common to all my DAL components. In this base class, i want to handle the connection state of the ObjectContext base class inherited by entities object. Compiling throws the following error: The type or namespace name 'Objects' does n...

How to indicate a columns as NOT NULL in a view?

I'm trying to use a view to create an ADO.NET entity using a view. However, that view does not have a single column that is NOT NULL. One thing that occurred to me was to create a NOT NULL column on the view to use as a 'primary key' for the view. This worked, but the field is still reported as NULL. Is there a way to force or trick SQ...

Reading from multiple tables and populating multiple entities using JPA SqlResultSetMapping

I have been building a JSF application using JPA to access the DB. There are a number of entities. I want to create a search results screen that shows columns from more than one entity in a table. These entities do not have foreign key relationships. To achieve this I have used a EnttityManager.createNativeQuery and specified an Entity...

Server Tags in DataSource

Is Possible to put some server tag in Session Field to access a constant string??? <asp:EntityDataSource ID="EntityDataSourceProcesos" runat="server" ConnectionString="name=Entities" DefaultContainerName="Entities" EntitySetName="PROCESO" EntityTypeFilter="PROCESO" Select="it.[DE_PROC], it.[ID_PROC], it.[ST_PROC]" Where...

why can't php just convert quotes to html entities for mysql?

PHP uses "magic quotes" by default but has gotten a lot of flak for it. I understand it will disable it in next major version of PHP. While the arguments against it makes sense, what I don't get it is why not just use the HTML entities to represent quotes instead of stripping and removing slashes? After all, a VAST majority of mySQL is ...

What is &#13; ?

In html made by fckeditor i find the following character: &#13; What is this character? ...

How to display entities taken from XML with Javascript?

There MUST be an easy way to do that! I didn't want to ask this question again if somebody already asked it but I couldn't find something similar in this site... anyway : So I have a XML file : <marker>This is a test &amp; it&#039;s fun. &eacute;</marker> So when I read this XML file with Javascript, I want to put it in a text input ...

NHibernate and DTOs

I am considering bringing NHibernate into a project but have a question on how read only DTOs would be implemented. Entities are easy, but what about scenarios where you have a field our two from multiple entities/tables that need to be mashed together for display data on a view. Surely it would be overkill to load up all of the entities...

Can one prevent Genshi from parsing HTML entities?

I have the following Python code using Genshi (simplified): with open(pathToHTMLFile, 'r') as f: template = MarkupTemplate(f.read()) finalPage = template.generate().render('html', doctype = 'html') The source HTML file contains entities such as &copy;, &trade; and &reg;. Genshi replaces these with their UTF-8 character, which cau...

How to deal with HTML-entities for publishing multilingual content

In case of publishing any text online as a HTML page – I face the problem of the correct reflection of symbols of several languages which require extended Latin character encoding. In this case I’m searching the Entity (hex) from the list on this site http://theorem.ca/~mvcorks/code/charsets/auto.html . I wonder If it’s possible to save ...

Repository Pattern and Linq to sql

I 'm trying to implement user authentication and authorization using roles table, user table and a xref table having userid, roleid. For implementing generic repoistory to update role, insert role, add user, add user to role, update user, update user role, authenticate user, add user session to audit etc do i have write seperate functi...

Entity association problem

I have three tables: User: UserId (pk) FirstName Lastname Messages: MessageId (pk) Heading Body User_Messages: UserId MessageId Now, the entity designer only creates two tables with an association bewteen the tables. I am trying to select an item where UserId = value1 and MessageId ...

PHP DomDocument Save XML with HTML

Hi, How would I save an XML file opened with DomDocument so that the HTML inside won't be encoded into HTML entities? ...

Linq one to many insert when many already exists

So I'm new to linq so be warned what I'm doing may be completely stupid! I've got a table of caseStudies and a table of Services with a many to many relasionship the case studies already exist and I'm trying to insert a service whilst linking some case studies that already exist to it. I was presuming something like this would work? ...

How do I model a selected entity instance from a set of possible instances in Core Data?

I have two Core Data entities, say Account and House. Each account can have a list of houses and a house can only be in one account, so that's a regular one-to-many relationship with an inverse. An account also has a "primary" property that indicates which of the many possible houses is primary or is nil if there are none. The identity ...

PHP DomDocument XML Load with Broken XML Data

Hi, How do you deal with broken data in XML files? For example, if I had <text>Some &improper; text here.</text> I'm trying to do: $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->validateOnParse = false; $doc->formatOutput = false; $doc->load(...xml'); and it fails miserably, because there's an unknown entity. Note, I can't use CDATA due to t...

.NET Entities with Child Elements

Hi, i'm building a DAL in C# that is connecting to an ancient versione of informix, so i cannot use entity framework. I wrote the entities classes referencing them self in a parent-child fashion. now i wrote the DAL classes one for each entities implementing generic methods such as getbyid(object key),findall() ... now the question is f...