
Can Eclipse 3.5 discover all bundles in the plugins dir?

Simple usecase: assemble an Eclipse product using simple scripts, just dumping bundles into the plugins dir. This used to work with 3.3 - with 3.5 it's broken: my application doesn't start as the app plugin is not found. Question: what's the easiest way to fix that? This seems to be the only pain in the whole upgrade process for me. ...

Service References in OSGi

Once an instance of an OSGi service is retrieved from the bundle context does it become invalidated when the service is stopped? My initial tests show that the service instance can be used even after the service bundle is stopped, which contradicts my understanding of the dynamic nature of OSGi. I suppose this boils down to what retri...

Metro + Jetty + OSGi = pain

I am trying to swap out Sun's HTTPServer for the much better Jetty server, within an OSGi bundle, running on Equinox. I have tried this: System.setProperty("com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServerProvider","org.mortbay.jetty.j2se6.JettyHttpServerProvider"); but when endpoint.publish(url) is called, and the server is spawned, it complains o...

Best way to shutdown an OSGi Container (specifically equinox)

I'm looking for a best practice on shutting down an OSGi container. Currently we are using a small launcher app which calls EclipseStarter.startup() and installs some core bundles. After that the launcher terminates. When the test GUI (running as a bundle) is closed it calls a System.exit(0) to shutdown the container, but there must be...

Can't find service because OSGi bundle isn't activated

I'm having a problem discovering services that are provided by some OSGi bundles that are not being activated. Let me describe the situation: Bundle A defines interface X Bundles B, C, and D provide services that implement interface X These bundles' services are registered via Spring DM, so they are only created when the bundle is ac...

Is JSF available as an OSGi (Equinox) bundle?

There is a bundle for JSP/JSTL, which can be deployed on Equinox OSGi Framework and can be used by other bundles then: org.eclipse.equinox.jsp.jstl_1.0.0.jar Is there also a bundle for JSF, so i can use JSF components in my bundles? I really need to solve this issue, because i have to transform an extisting JSF Web Application to an O...

Better handling of Thread Context ClassLoader in OSGi

I've been using OSGi for a while now and I have various solutions to the problems I encountered. I wanted to revisit one of these and see if people had come up with different solutions. One of the most common issues I have with OSGi (Equinox 3.4.2) is the frequent unavailability of the Thread's context ClassLoader. I know this is partly...

How to handle packages provided Java using Eclipse P2

I got some OSGi bundles in binary form that declare dependencies to bundles like "org.ietf.jgss" which are provided by Java itself. P2 detects these dependencies and when I try to install the product later using the P2 director application the installation fails since no bundle provides these packages. But if I use the P2 product build I...

How can I start an OSGI bundle at runtime?

I need to wait to start a bundle during the execution of another bundle, is this possible? ...

JSF in jetty-equinox, Cannot find Bean classes in other bundles!

Hi I have problems running JSF in an OSGi environment. I am using jetty web container and equinox to provide the OSGi functionality. The structure of my application is as follows: The first bundle has all the JSF libs, web.xml and a config.xml. It looks as the following: bundle1 ----src/mai...

Trouble understanding the whole OSGi web eco system

Hello, I am pretty new to the whole Java and OSGi world and I have trouble understanding the eco system of a OSGi web application. To be more precise I am at the moment trying to understand how all the parts of the eco system are related to each other: OSGi Framework (e.g. Apache Felix, Equinox, Knoplerfish) OSGi Runtime (e.g. Spring...

Knopflerfish packaging

Hello, I am at the moment creating a matrix which is showing how far Knopflerfish, Equinox and Felix are OSGi 4.2 compliant. So far I looked at the Knopflerfish documentation (Link 1, Link 2) to get an idea of how much of the Core and Compendium specs are actually implemented. The core specification seems to be fully implemented, alth...

com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean use in an OSGi bundle

I have some legacy code that was used to monitor my applications cpu,memory etc that I want to convert to a bundle. Now when i start this bundle its complaining Missing Constraint: Import-Package: com.sun.management; version="0.0.0" I had used the OperatingSystemMXBean to get access to stats on the JVM. My question is can I use this...

How to use OSGi from java application

Hi! I'm new whith OSGi, but it is interesting. Is it possible to interact between osgi bundles and java application? If it is possible, how? thanks! The context is that I have a big Java SE application(author is another programmer) with many dependencies. First my goal is to add new functionality and second - change architecture. I'll t...

How to force a reload of the log4j configuration in equinox?

I have a running equinox instance, how do I force equinox to reload the log4j configuration (if possible at all)? (it just jakes to much time to shutdown and restart the server) ...

OSGi Logging with spring-DM extender not logging

My Setup: I am able to create a simple OSGi bundle with Log4J as my logging framework and when deployed to my OSGi container (Equinox) it works great my logging is configured very simply with a seperate bundle fragment that configures my logging. This setup does not have spring involved and it works really nicely. My Issue: I am convert...

Is there a good way to add Equinox source to Eclipse to help debugging an OSGi bundle?

I am banging my head against a mess of JNI code and DLLs that we are trying to shoehorn into an OSGi bundle. It has been particularly hard to get good debugging info out of the system and I have spent too much time stepping through raw byte code trying to infer what is happening inside equinox--when I really don't care--I am just not ge...

What new in Equinox 3.5.2?

The Eclipse and Equinox teams have released a new version of Equinox framework which is 3.5.2. I am currently using Equinox 3.5.0 and considering to upgrade to Equinox 3.5.2. However, I could not find any sites that mentions what is new in Equinox 3.5.2 and what bugs have been fixed in this new version, even in the website: http://downlo...

Can I package my Eclipse extension so the right version is automatically installed?

Is there a way to build an Eclipse Update Site so that Eclipse 3.3 will install one version of my plug-in while Eclipse 3.4 will install another version? The feature spec allows for "optional included features" but I can't see how to make them conditional on the version of the target. Background: I've become responsible for an Eclipse e...

generating p2 site from feature fails with unresolved import package javax.swing.table

Hi, I would like to generate an Eclipse p2 Update Site from a Feature. The Feature contains several 3d party plugins. The export fails with a "Problem during export" org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Bundle com.springsource.org.dom4j_0.0.0 failed to resolve.: Unsatisfied import package javax.swing.table_0.0.0. Unsatisfied import ...