
Please tell me why this code is throwing an error.

I can not for the life of me figure out what is wrong with this code: IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE name = 'Report_Date' AND object_id = OBJECT_ID('TempTable3')) ALTER TABLE TempTable3 ADD Report_Date datetime --Set "ReportDate" field to the date the data was extracted less one. UPDATE TempTa...

getting "E2197 Constant object cannot be passed as var parameter" when passing var parameter

this code works fine: procedure TForm2.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); var Text: string; begin SetLength (Text,555); GetWindowText (getforegroundwindow, PChar (Text),555); Form2.gtListBox1.Items.Add ( IntToStr (getforegroundwindow) + ': ' + Text); end; but when i put var Text: string; from Timer1Timer event handler to ...

SQL Server Error: "%" is not a constraint. Could not drop constraint. See previous errors.

I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and am relatively new to SQL in general. There is a relationship between two tables, "Resources" and "Group_Resources", in the database "Information". Resources has a foreign key, "id", in Group_Resources, named "resource_id". There is a foreign key constraint, "fk_gr_res_resources", between the tw...

Drupal form validation marks other form fields as invalid

I have a problem with multiple forms in one page with inputs sharing the same key. I have a form in a page and another form in a block showing on the same page. Both forms have a field name exactly the key name (mail). I can't change those field's keys or I would break 2 modules. So, whenever I try to post the page form and the mail i...

Problems with custom exception in WCF Service

I've developed a service using webHttpBinding and i'm having problems with getting the StatusDescription on the client. I'm able to set the StatusCode. I've tried some code i've found through google with no success. This is the errorhandler i'm using: public class ErrorHandlerEx : IErrorHandler { public bool HandleError(Excepti...

SQL Server 2005 - Getting error for unknown reason

What I'm trying to do is create a table that has 2 fields, one being the status and one being a type of equipment. I then need a list of how long these particular types of equipment have been being repaired. There can be multiples of each equipment, so I would like something like this: Equipment Type | Status | 0-7 days | 8-15 days ...

Strange Firebug Error That Includes the doctype

Theres a strange syntax error in firebug. I thought it was the doctype and have changed the doctype several times but no luck any ideas ...

Can only use Add/Edit button once with jqGrid (tableToGrid)

Found the problem: Had an empty element in my colModel and colNames (ex. colModel: [{name: '', id: '', editable: true}]). I am using jqGrids tableToGrid to convert an exsisting table to a jqGrid. My javascript code looks basically like this: jQuery(document).ready(function{ tableToGrid('#grid', {/*All my options*/}); jQuery(...

How do you set the message for an ICEfaces ice:inputFile filename validation error?

Setup: ICEfaces 1.8.2, Java EE 5, JSF 1.2. I'm using an ice:inputFile tag to allow the user to upload a PDF file, and an ice:messages tag to provide error feedback to the user: <ice:inputFile fileNamePattern=".+\.pdf" uniqueFolder="false" uploadDirectory="#{FileController.fileUploadDirectory}" uploadDirectoryAbsolute="true" actionListe...

Xcode fails to get the task for process XXX. How do I solve this? (iPhone SDK 4.0)

Hi, I have the following error when I try to run a new project on my ipod: Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process 312. The program being debugged is not being run. I've read about Entitlements.plist, and I've tried to add the get-task-allow, but then it doesn't let me compile because of a code signing erro...

Invalid Syntax Near ',' - SQL C# Error

I keep getting the following error: (C# WinForms) "Invalid syntax near ','" I have the following code: // Initialize and instantiate a new reader object. SqlDataReader slrr = null; // Send command. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand command = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT ActivationCode FROM CAccounts ...

Crashing on saving a managedObjectContext, with 'NSInvalidArgumentException', but only sporadically

I keep getting crashes from a save: command on a managedObjectContext. It doesn't even fulfill the NSLog statement so I don't see the unresolved error statement, so I can't figure out what the problem might be. It doesn't happen every time, but only sporadically. Here's the code (which basically wants to increment a counter): if ([[...

Capturing regex compilation errors

I am trying to set up a service similar to rubular, but with PHP as the language using the preg family of functions. It will take an input regex, a test string, and run preg_match(). How can I find out if a compilation error has occurred (eg: invalid regex), and if that is the case, what was the error? Normally it will throw warnings l...

illegal state exception in android when inserting data in database

According to my application i create the database with two tables. when i inserting the data in 1 table then it runs correctly after that when i save data in the second table then it gives the exception of illegal state exception (database cannot be open). Please give me the solution. ...

Netbeans 6.9 Can't Find Main Class

Whenever i load NetBeans 6.9 (similar errors happend on previous versions also) then i let netbeans finish scanning my projects and once it's done i try to run a profile which points to a class with a main method, Netbeans always says main class not found, even though it shows up in the list of classes once the error pops up. If i selec...

Different template error format in GCC?

GCC has a very verbose format for certain template error messages: ... some_class<A,B,C> [with int A = 1, int B = 2, int C = 3] Any chance to make it show something like: ... some_class<1,2,3> ...

How do you simulate a Rails error flash in jsp?

Is there a jsp/jstl equivalent of this Rails error flash? <%- flash.each do |name, msg| -%> <%= content_tag :div, msg, :id => "flash_#{name}" %> <%- end -%> I've been looking for a pre-built solution that is as simple as this Rails idiom. ...

Rebuild all failed without any error - Visual Studio

I work in Visual Studio 2008 and I got this issue couple of times. i.e. when I rebuild the solution, status shown at the status bar will be "Rebuild all failed". But when I check in the error window there are no errors. Has any one seen this issue? Is it a bug of VS 2K8 or am I doing something wrong? ...

Controlling Login Validation Error Message Direction

I'm working on a website for the marching band that I'm part of, and there is a "Member's Only" page that requires a password. When you click the link for the page, you're prompted for a username and password. If you enter an incorrect user/pass and click OK you are correctly directed to a generic error page. However, if you click Cance...

Dependency error while trying to use dll

Hello, I am trying to connect the quantumsoftware winforms components ( to my visual studio 2010 (.net 4) project. The following warning always pops up when I try to use one of the components. Afterwards it results in an error: namespace not found.: The referenced a...