
MySQL: ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column in 'where clause'

I'm doing some changes on a WordPress database. I need to replace the URLs in the GUID field on the wp-posts table with the URLs coming from another table called ebdurls. The description of the tables is as follows: wp_posts: the field type for the two fields I need are: ID -> bigint(20) unsigned guid -> varchar(255) And the table w...

C#: A project with an Output type of Class Library cannot be started directly.

Guys, I'm a novice in C# and Visual C# IDE, I don't know anything about how to use them at all. I have programmed all my life in C on EclipseIDE. I have searched on several places how to solve this problem but could not get a proper procedure to do so. I'm posting the question here, for that reason. I downloaded a C# project, I wish to...

Getting Tried to register widget with id==grid but that id is already registered on My Dojo Grid

I have created a Dojo Grid that returns results from a .Net WS based on search criteria from the browser. The grid works fine the first it is populated, but if I make another search attempt. It throws the following error Tried to register widget with id==grid but that id is already registered I understand what the error means, it means...

Smarty check if undefined

i am getting errors if smarty variable is undefined. Here is the code: < input type="text" value="{$data.allKeywords} id='keyId' /> I am getting the error: Undefined index: allKeywords. I know the variable - $data.allKeywords is undefined but should it not ignore it if a variable is undefined? Is there a way to check if it is unde...

Exclude attribute name prepending in error message

I have a simple internationalization: attributes: user: login: Login errors: template: header: "Errors" body: "" models: user: attributes: login: taken: "The chosen {{attribute}} is already registered" The resulting error message is as follows: Login The chosen Login is already registere...

couchdb missing file

curl localhost:5984/_users/org.couchdb.user:tyler {"error":"not_found","reason":"missing"} I am logged into futon as tyler, so i know that user exists. Anyone know what i'm doing wrong? ...


SQL Syntax is still something I am learning. I am getting the error noted below the this snippet of code. SELECT CASE WHEN LTRIM(RTRIM(cLehmanNo)) =' ' THEN NULL WHEN cLehmanNo IS NOT NULL THEN REPLACE ( cLehmanNo,SUBSTRING (cLehmanNo,PATINDEX( '%[^a-zA-Z0-9 '''''']%',cLehmanNo),1), ' ' ) END asLOAN_NUMBER ,CASE WHEN ...

help with LibSVM input data

Hi, I am using the LibSVM tool for my support vector classification implementation:- The first line in my input data file looks as so:- +1 15752:47 6279:45 475:40 5231:30 515:29 7529:28 11623:24 274:24 15431:21 7342:20 4819:20 7598:18 8853:17 11134:16 501:16 911:15 4656:15 5875:14 10725:13 7334:13 13762:13 8295:12 9314:12 317:12 10641...

ColdFusion error using IsDefined(): parameter must be a syntactically valid variable name

In ColdFusion, when I call IsDefined("root.L1[1].L2"), I am getting the following error: Parameter 1 of function IsDefined, which is now root.L1[1].L2, must be a syntactically valid variable name. This is a valid variable name, so what gives? Here is my simplified test code: <cfscript> root = StructNew(); root.L1 = ArrayNew(...

How do I retrieve an error string from WSAGetLastError()?

I'm porting some sockets code from Linux to Windows. In Linux, I could use strerror() to convert an errno code into a human-readable string. MSDN documentation shows equivalent strings for each error code returned from WSAGetLastError(), but I don't see anything about how to retrieve those strings. Will strerror() work here too? How ...

How can I get powershell exception descriptions into a string?

I want to have access to the same message that Powershell prints when you send an error record to the output stream Example: This is the exception message At C:\Documents and Settings\BillBillington\Desktop\psTest\exThrower.ps1:1 char:6 + throw <<<< (New-Object ArgumentException("This is the exception")); + Category...

Unable to initialize the runtime due to low memory conditions.

I have a Visual Studio 2008 C# Project. Here is what works: It runs without errors in Debug Mode on WinXP and Win7. It compiles without errors in Release Mode on WinXP and Win7. The Setup Project builds and installs on WinXP and Win7 with no errors. The Installed Application will run on WinXP with no errors. Here is what does NOT wo...

Should app crash or continue on normally while noting the problem?

Options: 1) When there is bad input, the app crashes and prints a message to the console saying what happened 2) When there is bad input, the app throws away the input and continues on as if nothing happened (though nothing the problem in a separate log file). While 2 may seem like the obvious solution, the app is an engine and framew...

The requested clipboard operation failed

I've using 2003 and some of the times this error arises. Can anyone know on how this error arises and how to fix it? Error: The requested clipboard operation failed ...

i18n and Error messages in Kohana 3

Hello. I am developping an administration application with Kohana 3 and I'm obviously working with a lot of forms. The application needs to be multilangual and I'm very confused about how to manage my messages files and especially how to access them. Does i18n support different folders and files inside le language folder? E.g: i18n...

How to use xdebug more then backtracking an error ?

i'm using xdebug. but have no knowledge to extend its usability. I'm still using it for backtracing error only. Is there any use of xdebug ? or how do you personally use xdebug ? ...

Display Zend_Form form errors in ViewScript

I'm trying to display all form errors before the form using a ViewScript. Here is the code that I'm currently trying to use within my ViewScript: <div class="errors"> <?php echo $this->formErrors($this->element->getMessages()); ?> </div> This call gives me an error message: Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be str...

Could not find module `Control.Monad.Reader'

Today when I tried to compile my code in Geany I got this error Could not find module `Control.Monad.Reader': it was found in multiple packages: monads-fd- mtl- Compilation failed. I get the same for the Writer monad; I thought I should remove one of those packages, but I do not want to break other packages, so now wha...

Getting Access Denied when trying to view or delete a MySite in SharePoint 2007 Moss

Hello, Im the SharePoint Administrator at my company. When i try to go to someones site to delete it. using this path> Central Administration site > SharedServices1 Home page > User Profiles and Properties > View user profiles. I then select the userid that has the site i wish to delete. Then try to manage Personal site. I then get...

What is this? "TList does not contain a member named ..." in Delphi

I've added some of the new Generics into my Delphi 2009 program. In the Structure window of the Delphi IDE, I'm getting a bunch of errors of the form: 'TList` 1' does not contain a member named 'JumpID' at line 1031 (1031:57) My declarations and lines seem fine to me. And my program Builds without any errors and runs without problem...