
How do I debug issues that I can't reproduce on my dev system?

I have recently finished phase 1 of my Facebook game: Rails Across Europe It works fine on my dev system, but other people report errors and timeouts when they try to run it. Does anyone know how I would go about debugging these issues if they don't occur on my system? Thanks. ...

The conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.

I have an ASP.NET MVC application where I am editing an existing database to update a paticular field, DateTime. My database has 4 fields, two of which are DateCreated and DateModified. When I try to update the field, I want to keep DateCreated time the same, no reason to update the date it was created, and I change the DateModified time...

cakephp save returns true but does not save

Hi, CakePHP is driving me nuts! Here is my code: if($this->Page->save($datavalue)) { $this->Session->setFlash('Page content updated successfully.'); } else { $this->Session->setFlash('Page content was not updated.'); } it always says updated successfully, but nothing is updated in the database. Here is the content of $datavalue: Ar...

Error in the view page when I am doing updating the product

Hello All, I am getting an error when I am upadting the product ,the error is coming in the view page .it is "Object reference is not set to an instance of an object". Please tell me why is the error coming. category_id: <%= Html.TextBox("category_id", Model.category_id ) %> <%= Html.Val...

netbeans subversion authentication failed

Hello, Today i started getting a weird error, i couldnt access any subversion repo from my netbeans app. I keep getting authentication failed. I am using ubuntu 9.10 and netbeans 6.7.1. My credentials are ok, i can connect, update, commit using RapidSVN. thanks :) Later edit i am not behind a proxy didn't updated the working copy,...

Problem Publishing Silverlight Application LocalHost

I am trying to publish my SilverLight application to the web and I keep getting "An error occurred while trying to make a request to URI "http://localhost:2898....". I've changed the ServiceReferences.ClientConfig to point to the web address but the app still keeps on trying to connect to localhost. I've opened the application in FireF...

Blackberry - error on open Google Maps in browser

The Google Map doesn't render in the BlackBerry Simulator. My application has a "View Map" button which on click calls a Google Map web URL. The error is "ThrownValue in ExecuteScript ReferenceError:GMap2 is not defined in BlackBerry" I did enable the JavaScript support in the Browser configuration Device Target:Up to Bold Blackberr...

Show error message using popup in a mvc project

Hi. I want to create an error handler for a mvc project, but the error message should be displayed in a popup. I tried to override onException event of the controller, but I don't know how to get back to the initial page and show the popup. I don't want to be redirected to an error page. Any advices? ...

Error while using Keyword Query object in application for search in sharepoint.

I am trying to use Keyword Query object in application. I wrote this code : Namespace : using System.Data.SqlClient; using Microsoft.SharePoint; using Microsoft.SharePoint.Search; using Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query; Page load event: GridView grd = new GridView(); ...

DBMS debugger causes TOAD to hang

I can start the dbms debugger in Toad and use it normally but if I hit the 'halt execution' button or just hit the 'Run' button to reach the end of the function it causes TOAD to hang. Windows reports it as not responding and I have to kill it through the task manager. I have had this problem in Toad and Toad 10 on two differen...

SQL Server: how do I find which column/row gave me an error?

Does anyone have any hints on the best way to find the source of an conversion or truncation error such as: Error converting data type varchar to numeric. String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated. When I'm inserting batches of data, I'll get these type of errors, and it then becomes a educated guess...

Trouble deciphering java class not visible from class loader error.

I am trying to write some java code that will code the will get the Cocoa IKPictureTaker widget to load using Rococoa. I feel like I am getting closer now but I am getting an error and I am not quite sure why it is occurring. The error that I am getting is this: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at IKPic...

c++ visual studio 2008 Linking problem

When I build my project it compiles well, but when Linking it throws huge number of LNK errors! error LNK2001, error LNK2005, error LNK2019 were there in the error list >Linking... 1>MultiCatAttributeInfo.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: class std::vector<class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>...

NSThread Error in Objective-C

Hi , I am getting this error bool _WebTryThreadLock(bool), 0x1b53d0: Tried to obtain the web lock from a thread other than the main thread or the web thread. This may be a result of calling to UIKit from a secondary thread. Crashing now... what is this due to ? Thanks ...

getting posts from Wordpress to out of WP in codeigniter view

Hi friends, I use codeigniter and need to display last 3 posts at footer from blog as located. when I create a test.php file as below. it works well, test.php <?php // Include Wordpress define('WP_USE_THEMES', false); require('./blog/wp-blog-header.php'); query_posts('showposts=3'); ?> <ul> <?php while (have_posts...

ClassFormatError: 56 while using hessian in j2me

I am trying to use the hessian j2me implementation @ using java me sdk 3.0. mentions the usage for j2me. The application builds without any errors/warning. But, the moment the line where MicroHessianOutput is instantia...

python cProfile and profile models skip functions

basically the cProfile module skips some functions when i run it, and the normal profile module produces this error. The debugged program raised the exception unhandled AssertionError "('Bad call', ('objects/controller/', 9, '__init__'), <frame object at 0x9bbc104>, <frame object at 0x9bb438c>, <frame object at 0x9...

Retrieve LoaderExceptions on a shared host without a dev environment?

An MVC 1.0 with a 3rd party assembly builds and loads fine on my dev machine (no big surprise). When I publish it to my shared hosting provider, a System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException gets thrown at the start. I understand the general nature of the problem. My question is: how can I get at the LoaderExceptions property w...

Java Problem "UnsatisfiedLinkError"

I made a simple java program that sends bytes to the parallel port, which uses a .dll along with two other classes ( and to accomplish it, and it works perfectly fine. However, I started making another program on NetBeans IDE which has a similar function. It compiles perfectly, but when I run it I get: Exception ...

Ocaml Syntax Error

What's wrong with this code? I can't figure it out: let parent (rules : grammar) (symbol1 : string) (symbol2 : string) : (SymbolSet.t) = try SymbolSet.singleton (getParent [symbol1; symbol2] rules) with Not_found -> SymbolSet.singleton "";; let fundementalRule (set1 : SymbolSet) (set2 : SymbolSet) (rules : grammar) : (S...