
Print using a template in flex

I've set up an application to print the current state of the control I'm using (in this case an ArcGIS server map), but I'd like to set up a print function that uses it's own template to print rather than grabbing the state of the application. I've attempted to do this by setting up a flex component that lays out the items I want to pr...

Help plotting Geographic Data in R using PBSMapping and Shapefiles

Using O'Reilly's Data Mashups in R as inspiration, I'm trying to plot a handful of addresses on a shapefile of Salt Lake County, Utah found here. I have data frame geoTable: > geoTable address Y X EID 1 130 E 300 S 40.76271 -111.8872 1 2 875 E 900 S 40.74992 -111.8660 2 3 2200 S 700 E 40.72298 -111.8...

Roads Shapefile Names

I have a shapefile with a road network and it seems like the roads are all listed as 1 big polyline. Is this typical is it possible to get a road network where the roads are listed individually and have names associated with them? thanks, Jeff ...

ArcGIS Server 9.3 SUSE 10 "Failed dependencies"

I'm getting an error when I try to install: in SUSE 10. error: Failed dependencies: is needed by rpmlib(PayloadIsLzma) <= 4.4.2-1 is needed by Any ideas? Thanks! ...

Jquery Tooltip on ESRI web adf Toolbar

i want to implement Jquery tooltip on my ESRI toolbar. but i am not able to access toolbar component from javascript. Can anyone suggest custom tool tip for Toolbar. also can anyone suggest writing better Map help file bettern than it comes with out of the box ...

Network analysis and adjacency matrices

I want to try and create a network for several hundred shapefiles that consist of polylines. The polylines are snapped to each other and consistent. Then I want to create an adjacency matrix for this network. What is the best way of doing this? I know how to do it on an individual basis by clicking through options within ArcCatalog, but...

Error editing a blob field in ArcGIS Engine

I have a GIS layer backed by a MSSQL db. The features on the layer have, say, one field of type esriFieldTypeString and one of type esriFieldTypeBlob. I can edit the string field just fine, but, when I try to edit a blob, StopEditOperation() throws a very generic exception (message: "Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to ...

TimeZone by Coordinate

As the title infers I need to find a time zone (or perhaps just the UTC offset) based on a pair of coordinates. I've been searching for different solutions, and there is a couple of web services out there but I need to be able to access the application offline. As the timezones isn't completely based on longitude it doesn't seem that eas...

SQL Server Spatial Datatypes

I have exported an ESRI shapefile to SQL Server 2008 using Manifold, which gives me a column "Shape" of type Geometry. The Manifold .prj file looks like this GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]] so I assume the SRID is 4326? How...

Alter map layer symbology dynamically (ArcGIS Server)

What is the preferred method of altering a layer's symbology dynamically? My web app consumes a map service via the REST API, but I don't mind using the SOAP API or ArcObjects (.NET). ...

Where do you get ArcGIS development questions answered?

Where do you have the most success getting your ArcGIS development questions answered? ESRI forums? Stack Overflow? Google? Mailing lists? Blog posts? ESRI documentation? I can usually get answers to my ASP.NET/Oracle/JavaScript/C# questions in short order, but questions about ESRI products and APIs are a different matter. Posts founde...

reading and plotting an esri shape file in R

I'm having difficulties reading in a .shp (esri shape file) into R. I have tried several options in R, and tried to convert the shape file in ArcMap to something that correctly reads in the shape file but nothing worked yet. (In ArcMap I corrected the geometry, converted from single to multipolygon, etc which was probably not necessary o...

Set a double click event without disabling default mouseup/mousedown behavior.

I'm trying to enable a double click event on a flex control without disabling the default mouseup/mousedown behaviors. I'm using the ESRI Flex API for arcgis server, and I have a map control with one background layer and a GraphicLayer. The graphics layer has several Graphic objects that respond to mouseover, and allow the user to pan ...

Adding a featureclass / featurelayer dynamically to a Map or MapResourceManager

I'm struggling with a really stubborn problem here. I have a FeatureClass which I want to add to my map, the problem is that every example I can find requires me to hardcore a servicestring, point to a service or something likewise. I already have a featureclass so I would like to use that to add a dynamic layer to the map, it's a simp...

How do I change the context menu on a WPF ESRI Symbol at run time?

An ESRI Symbol has a ControlTemplate and in the ControlTemplate I can specify a ContextMenu, and that works fine. However, I need to change the ContextMenu (add, remove items) at run time. ControlTemplate.FindName doesn't work because Symbol is not a FrameworkElement. I also know about Graphic.MouseLeftButtonDown, but I want the context ...

ArcGIS Server - HeatMap for to identify hotspots on a cached service

ArcGIS Server lets you create cached map services. These can be consumed by various applications (ArcGIS Desktop, web apps, etc) I would like to get an idea on which areas of my cache are getting hit the most. I would like to visualise these results using a heat map overlaid onto the same cached map. I was thinking of utilising something...

What does the exception "Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040653" when calling IFeatureClass.Search in ArcObjects mean?

I'm supporting an application built on ESRI ArcObjects where the original developers are long since gone. The application after having worked fine for a couple of years has started failing with this exception. The application runs on a daily schedule. The error message isn't very helpful. Any ideas what the cause of the error might be?...

How would I strip an '&' symbol out of an ESRI dropdown before any of its default control logic is run?

I have an ESRI dropdown control inside of an ESRI toolbar. One of the items in the dropdown needs to have an '&' symbol in it. As it turns out ESRI stuff builds its callback strings as & delimited strings, so when an item is selected the parent toolbar immediately builds and handles the callback string. At one point it splits strings ...

Scala Actors with Java interop to underlying COM libraries

I'm working on a JVM project which uses ESRI components (COM based, wrapped with JIntegra.) The client has requested the JAR files we produce work on the JVM and be accessible to Java code. I'd like to use Scala but I'm worried about how well the library will play with Scala's actors. Particularly I'm worried about the different mecha...

using external maps with bing map

can i use bing map platform with an external mapping source ? for example, i want to use bing map siverlight client with my own map files instead of the provided maps. (some areas coverage is insufficiant with bings provided mapping) Thanks. ...