

Hi all, i got an EXC_BAD_ACCESS when i perform the last line of the function (webData). -(void)requestSoap{ NSString *requestUrl = @"http://www.website.com/webservice.php"; NSString *soapMessage = @"the soap message"; //website and soapmessage are valid in original code. NSError **error; NSURLResponse *response; //Convert paramete...

CoreData : App crashes when deleting last instance created

Hello, I have a 2 tabs application. In the first one, I'm creating objects of the "Sample" and "SampleList" entities. Each sampleList contains an ID and a set of samples. Each sample contains a date and temperature property. In the second tab, I'm displaying my data in a tableView. I implemented the - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)...

Simple calculator app crashes when a third number key is punched.

Hi , I am a newbie to the iphone app world. So I thought I try my luck with a calculator app. Unfortunately I am running into an issue where if I press a third key in the calculator the app crashes. Sometimes I get this error EXC_BAD_ACCESS. Here is a code in my CalculatorViewController.m file. #import "CalculatorViewController.h" @imp...

Tracking EXC_BAD_ACCESS on iPad

I've been using this code to create my UIWindow UIMyWindow* win = [[UIMyWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame]]; UIMyWindow isn't anything special it just has a pointer to a C++ class that does some wrapping of ObjectiveC. Recently my application start crashing after adding some line ...

EXC_BAD_ACCESS in CFAttributedStringSetAttribute and NSNumber?

Hi all, I am getting an infuriating EXC_BAD_ACCESS error in an objective c app I am working on. Any help you could offer would be much appreciated. I have tried the normal debug methods for this error (turning on NSZombieEnabled, checking retain/release/autorelease to make sure I'm not trying to access a deallocated object, etc.) and ...

EXC_BAD_ACCESS on iPhone (with debugger screenshot)

Hello. I'm developing an iPhone application that show the camera's view with this code: -(void) displayAR { [rootViewController presentModalViewController:[self cameraController] animated:NO]; [displayView setFrame:[[[self cameraController] view] bounds]]; } And hide the camera's view with this code: - (void) hideAR { [[...

NSZombieEnabled breaking working code?

I have the following method in UIImageManipulation.m: +(UIImage *)scaleImage:(UIImage *)source toSize:(CGSize)size { UIImage *scaledImage = nil; if (source != nil) { UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(size); [source drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, size.width, size.height)]; scaledImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCu...

[iPhone]how to catch signal "EXC_BAD_ACCESS" ?

Hello, i would like to log every crash of my application... so i've tried to catch all signals. But it seems not working for "EXC_BAD_ACCESS" Someone know... If is it possible to catch it ? And how ? ...

Crashes when using AVAudioPlayer on iPhone

Hi all, I am trying to use AVAudioPlayer to play some sounds in quick succession. When I invoke the sound-playing function less frequently so that the sounds play fully before the function is invoked again, the application runs fine. But if I invoke the function quickly in rapid succession (so that sounds are played while the previous so...

EXC_BAD_ACCESS NSArray of ManagedObjects (Core Data)

Something strange is going on with my iphone app. I am using Core Data to store data in a SQLite database. The first time after my app starts up I try to read a table to return all of the rows to fill a UITableView with a list of things for the user to select from. If they chose the top item in the list I get a EXC_BAD_ACCESS exception. ...

Bad Access Error in Cocos2D Game in SKD 4, but not 3

Yeah, so this one through me or a loop for a while until I figured out what was going on. With Apple releasing the final version of Xcode today, and iOS 4 coming out yesterday, I finally started to look into porting my apps to iOS 4. So I downloaded the new SDK, and got to work. After working on my app a bit, imagine my surprise when ...

Tracking down EXC_BAD_ACCESS without NSZombie?

I've spent two days on this and I still can't find the cause of the crash. I know it has something to do with trying to access an object that has been freed but I don't know which access or which object. Whenever I google trying to find the source of EXC_BAD_ACCESS people suggest using NSZombies. The problem is when I enable zombies...

EXC_BAD_ACCESS on iPad device

hello i'm a newbee and developp a nice application for iPad. Works well on the simulator but on the device :telling me EXC_BAD_ACCESS i build and debug and it's doing EXC_BAD_ACCESS on the last line... ... calculrecord = [[UILabel alloc] init]; calculrecord.text = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringF...

EXC_BAD_ACCESS when using SQLite (FMDB) and threads on iOS 4.0

Hello, I am using FMDB to deal with my database which works fine. The app uses a background thread which is doing some work and needs to access the database. At the same time the main thread needs to run some quieries on the same database. FMDB itself has a little locking system, however, I added another to my classes. Every query is o...

EXC_BAD_ACCESS Error for no conceivable reason.

OK, This is a method from my program that keeps giving the EXC_BAD_ACCESS error and crashing. I indicated the line below. questionsShown is a readwrite property and points to an NSMutableArray that I initialize with a capacity of 99 at an earlier point in the program. When I debug everything appears normal in terms of the property being ...

UINavigationController EXC_BAD

Hello, i am using a UINavigationController in my application. in the first view i am displaying some information and have a button for loading an picture from the camera. this works fine so far. when the picture was loaded, i want to display the picture in a UIImageView within a second view. Therefore i am using the following code. MyA...

Memory issues with NSUserDefaults

I have spent hours trying to get my project working and I just can't get it working. Basically, I'm trying to use NSUserDefaults to save a custom object when the user hits a save button and load all the data up when the app loads. If there is no previous NSUserDefault saved, I want to set some defaults. In the end, I am getting EXC_BA...

NSMutableArray Exc_Bad_Access

I only have this code in m. file NSMutableArray * arrayOfBools; arrayOfBools=[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1000]; NSNumber *ijk =(NSNumber*) 9; [arrayOfBools addObject:ijk]; Get error o this [arrayOfBools addObject:ijk]; ...

Pushing UITableViewController onto [self navigationController] causes an EXC_BAD_ACCESS

In the current view that I am in, a button touch-up-inside event leads to the following action: (Note that while in the Debugger, I've verified that both [self navigationController] and the instantiated historyViewController do indeed exist. I am unable to determine why this bad access is happening. I can pop/push this view/other view...

Releasing modal view content controller causes: CALayer release - message sent to deallocated instance

I'm trying to present a viewcontroller modally: - (IBAction)addReference { ReferenceAddViewController *referenceAddViewController = [[ReferenceAddViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ReferenceAddViewController" bundle:nil]; [referenceAddViewController setDelegate:self]; [self presentModalViewController:referenceAddViewC...