
C# - Excel - how to get the criterias available for the autofilter() method

Hi I want to use the autoFilter() method to filter some rows. I've managed to activate the autoFilter() method on a selected range (the whole sheet) with no problem. The method i use on a selected range looks like this: range.AutoFilter(5, myCriteria, Excel.XlAutoFilterOperator.xlAnd, missing, true); where: 5 is the column index, my...

How to merge multiple excel files?

The whole idea is the following, I get monthly reports in excel files about large number of companies with couple of columns of data such as their closing share price for month, rating, p/e, and maybe one more column. Each company is sorted by a unique company ID, but from month to month the reports will contain about 70% records of same...

softartisans excelwriter is telling me "binding mentioned in %%value couldn't be found in current group", but it is.

My template looks like this: %%group %%header %%value(section1.sectionName) %%=section1.col1(Optional) %%=section1.col2(Optional) %%=section1.col3(Optional) %%footer %%endgroup I create my table like so: Dim dtMain As New DataTable dtMain.Columns.Add("sectionName") For i As Integer = 1 To 3 dtMain.Columns.Add("col"...

Export from PHP to Excel

I need to export data from php to Excel, and be able to format various items in the excel spreadsheet. So far, the best library that I have found is PHPExcel (http://phpexcel.codeplex.com/). However, it seems very heavy, and somewhat slow. Granted, it is very powerful. Is there anything a bit more lightweight and faster, that allows me...

How to connect Mongodb from Excel

I want to connect to a mongodb database using excel macros, does anybody knows how to acomplish this task? ...

Parse Excel Spreadsheet into model in java

Hi all, I have an excel spreadsheet that contains service delivery information for a single client at a time. For example, Max Inc will be provided with health assessments at 3 of their corporate offices. An office may have deliveries of health assessments (service type) on multiple days and performed by different doctors. I've created ...

Vb.net - Search Excel file for values

Hi! I have a form with a couple of combo boxes. The first combobox adds items based on each row in an excel sheet. Public Sub FetchExcelValues(ByVal ControlType As String, ByVal control As Object, ByVal xlApp As Object, ByVal xlWorkBook As Object, ByVal xlWorkSheet As Object, ByVal column As String, ByVal row As Integer) Dim iTelle...

Improve creating excel sheet speed ( programatically)

I need to generate some kind of reports in excel via web system. My current code is as follow (simplified): //[javascript inside .aspx page] ExcelApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application"); ExcelSheet = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Sheet"); ExcelSheet.Windows(1).WindowState = 2; ExcelSheet.Application.Visible = false; for (i=1; i< [ele...

How to activate a specific worksheet in Excel

I just need to activate a certain worksheet. I have a string variable that keeps the name of the worksheet. ...

Copy filtered data to new Excel workbook and prompt with Save As dialog

I have a worksheet which contains some financial data to be transferred to accounting system. Can say I know some things about programming, but Excel macros are little too much for me, so please suggest some (even partial) solutions to my problem. Thanks! Master workbook columns are: Name Account Date Followup Amount Checked Transfer...

SQL duplicate data for excel dynamic table

First thanks for reading me and sorry for my bad english. I have the following code on sql server 2008 r2 SELECT FA960.*, UMCONVPZ.UMFR, UMCONVPZ.UMCONF AS Piezas, UMCONVPL.UMCONF AS PL, UMCONVCJ.UMCONF AS Cajas FROM FA960 FA960 JOIN UMCONV UMCONVPZ ON FA960.RECURV = UMCONVPZ.UMRESR JOIN UMCONV UMCON...

Excel VBA puts extra blank line at end of text file when exporting

I have an Excel VBA macro that outputs to a text file. There is always a blank row at the bottom of the text file and I am having trouble getting rid of it. Any useful suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Here is a sample text file generated from this code: link. You would probably have to download it and open it in notepad ...

In Excel is it possible to merge cells and get a value on it if they are already conditionally formatted?

Hi, Is it possible to merge cells and get a value on it if they are already conditionally formatted? I am creating a timeline Gantt-chart which is working from a specific date to end date, so it creates a bar or select those cells and color them on basis of conditional formatting m using on it. And now I want to show value on those cel...

Pulling dynamic data from Sheet2 into Sheet1 then to Sheet3..10

So I have Sheet1 and Sheet2, Sheet1 is user set settings and Sheet2 is a table of values generated by different values in Sheet1. Now Sheet3..10 can be created, which will pull a value from Sheet2 based on calculations on it. The problem I'm running in to is when say Sheet3!H20 is updated from Sheet2!I15, how do I get Sheet3!H20 to have...

Create additional rows in excel

Hi, How can I add new rows from:- Column A Column B Column C 11 Size S 11 Color Yellow 11 Type Q 22 Size M 22 Color Blue 22 Type W 33 Size ...

Forcing the unloading forms from memory

I am writing a solution in Excel that uses a number of linked data entry forms. To move between he sequence of forms, the user can click a "Previous" or "Next button. The current form is unloaded and the new one loaded and opened. Sub NextForm(curForm As MSForms.UserForm, strFormName As String) Dim intCurPos As Integer ...

Extract words from delimited string in Excel?

I need to extract specific words between semicolon with a condition that these words contains "@" which mean e-mails. Here is an example: A1 >> james john;Paris street;p.o. box:12345;tel.987654321;[email protected];usa B1 >> david eric;34th street;tel.543212345;[email protected];canada;ottawa ... and so on Notice that there are no specif...

How do I make an integer to null in Excel VBA?

I am trying to detect whether an integer was set, and if not, skip most of the code in the loop (using an if statement). Here is what I have so for. Do While hws.Cells(r, 9).Value <> "" On Error Resume Next ar = Null ar = aws.Range("A:A").Find(hws.Cells(r, 2).Value).Row If Not IsNull(ar) Then 'work with ar' End If ...

how to filter Excel data, by text length?

Hi. In Excel 2007 , i want to filter rows by one of my columns text length, eg. hide the rows with text lengths less or greater than 12 characters. what should i do? Thanks. ...

How to output an excel spreadsheet with images from ASP.net

Suppose I'm writing an ASP.net web application. The original designer of the application was using "PopChart" to make some images appear in the web application. One of the pages had an "Export To Excel" button on it. When the button is clicked, the page content is output to Excel as in this tutorial: http://aspalliance.com/articleView...