
Export Gridview to Excel / additional Content

Hi There, I have a grdiview and a button on my page that export the content to an Excel file,What I would like to add is to have companies logo,Title,Today's Date and Time as well. Any Idea? Thanks in advance ...

Jasper Reports JEcxelApi Exports Numbers As Text

I have a Jasper report that is successfully being exported to Excel, however all numeric columns (currently of type java.math.BigDecimal) appear in Excel as type "General". This makes it impossible to do numeric operations on the column (such as adding extra 0's) - even if you first convert the format of the cell to be a number. I have...

A Simple C# DLL - how do I call it from Excel, Access, VBA, VB6 ?

Hi all, I have a simple class library written in c#. using System; namespace TestDll { public class Test { public string HelloWorld { get { return "Hello World"; } } } } My question is how can I call this HelloWorld function from Microsoft Office ...

Installing a VBA macro in Excel 2007

I've got a VBA macro in an Excel 2003 spreadsheet and I'd like to 'install' it on a machine running Excel. I created a 'Trusted Location' on the local machine, and I know how to copy the module to the existing workbook and assign a key combination to invoke it, but I don't know how to make the macro appear automatically when someone s...

How to import excel files in asp.net to any database?

I have a set of excel templates, which will be entered by users. I have to import the data entered in to this templates to database. Problem with the templates is that they are not in the tabular formats. ...

Excel PivotTable from External Source with Query/Filter

Excel 2007 with Data in SQL 2008 View. Trying to create a PivotTable from an external datasource (SQL 2008 - View). I would like to create a filter for a date range, since the view contains a lot of records. The problem is I can't figure out how to specify a filter for my view so the filtering takes place in SQL. Ideally user would be ...

VBA global variables

I have the following code for handling userforms on my spreadsheet VBA macros: Option Explicit Public saved_vocab As String Public saved_num As String Public saved_def As String Public saved_ex As String Private Sub Save_Click() Dim low As Integer Dim high As Integer Dim selected As Integer low = 1 high = Cells(1, ...

how to export MVC detail view data to excel file?

How to export MVC detail view data to excel file? What's the simplest solution? ...

Create Excel file in Java

Hi, i'm creating exel file and writing data just like writing notpad(text file) i have changed .txt as .xls file extension.i want bold letters in excel file how can i do that? plz help me. i have tried using jxl api,is every time i have to create label to when i want add ne label,cant i edit row and column of the lable? Thanks guna ...

How to insert programmatically a new line in an Excel cell in C#?

I'm using the Aspose library to create an Excel document. Somewhere in some cell I need to insert a new line between two parts of the text. I tried "\r\n" but it doesn't work, just displays two square symbols in cell. I can however press Alt+Enter to create a new line in that same cell. How do I insert a new line programmatically? ...

How do I install Spreadsheet::WriteExcel on Windows with ActiveState Perl?

I have installed Perl version 5.6.1. But it doesn't support Date::Calc. So I installed 5.10.0. Now I am writing a program that writes data in Excel using Perl. For this, I have to use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel but Spreadsheet::WriteExcel was not installed when I installed ActiveState Perl. So now do I have to install another version of pe...

Can a worksheet object be declared globally in Excel VBA?

I'm refactoring a number of modules in an Excel 2003 workbook and the same set of worksheets are declared in each procedure in each module; I'd like to just declare them once globally. I can set the worksheet name as a literal, e.g.: Public Const xlwkGSModel = "gs_model" As String And then in the procedure use: ...ActiveWorkbook.Wor...

Unable to format date in dataset column,GridView

Hi , I am reading data from an excel sheet and displaying it in a data gridview.There are some date columns in the excel.So when i read the data from the excel and bind it to the dataGridView.The date is displayed in the format "02/02/2009 12:00:00 AM" but the actual data in the excel column is in the format "2/2/2009".So how to ...

Importing HTML Table into Excel via clipboard

I want to copy tabular data to Excel from my app. The most simple way I found so far was using HTML as the intermediary format. After reading this question, I could preserve the formatting of my data. Is there a way to keep the width of the columns, too? I tried to set the style in various ways: <td style="width:100;">...</td> <td style...

MS Access - Output Data in Windows folder, can be deleted after procedure?

Not sure if this question is going to make sense or not be here goes: So I have a some VB that outputs data from some queries. It simply export that resulting dataset from the query out as excel into an excel file, and there are several that do this. These all trip automatically (open and close events on forms) as a part of a little aut...

Getting "Invalid bracketing of name" error when i try to run query on excel sheet

In order to make some reports i need to parse some excel files. When i try to select records from sheet i get next error: Invalid bracketing of name '1. page$'. Heres my code: OleDbDataAdapter myCommand = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [1. page$]", connectionString); I know it will work if i rename sheet to "page" for example, ...

How to change column names from VBA

I am creating an Excel spreadsheet in Access vba code. I need to change the column names from A, B, C, etc to a meaningful name. I have looked high and low but cannot find a way. ...

Parse xls file in email

I am trying to parse an excel file from an email without using an oledb driver or mssql! The client i am working with is using server 2003 x64 and ms sql express 2005. I cannot run IIS in x86 because this would break the exchange owa. I also cannot create a sql job to take in the xls file and spit out a csv because it is an express editi...

Data extraction with Excel

I monthly receive 100+ excel spreadsheet from wich i take a fixed range and paste in other spreadsheet to make a report. Im trying to write a vba script to iterate my excel files and copy the range in one spreadsheet, but i havent been able to do it. Is there an easy way to do this? ...

Excel Conditional Content/Formatting for Print vs. Screen and Page Breaks

I have a VBA publishing macro in Excel which generates a published workbook based on a master configuration worksheet and a number of worksheets with the data. The published version is straight data, still formatted, but with no formulas and with certain notes and background information suppressed. Basically, the master configuration c...