
How to create a .NET executable through a .NET windows forms application?

As described in the title I would like to develop a Windows Forms Application in .NET that is capable of creating at run-time another .NET command line or windows form executable and let me save it to disk. Do you have any ideas if it is possible and how to proceed? #Region "Some more info" I would like to create a form where the user...

Getting output from one executable in an other one

Hi there. I'm currently trying to get the output of an executable console-app into an other one. To be exact, a little overview of what I'm trying to do: I have one executable which I cannot edit and neither see it's code. It writes some (quite a bunch to be honest) lines into the console when executed. Now I want to write another exe...

Closest equivalent to subprocess.communicate in Haskell

I want to do a popen() / python's subprocess.communicate from Haskell - start a program, give it stdin, and get its stdout/stderr. What's the most direct / Haskellish way to do this? ...

Easiest language to produce a Windows executable to prefix running another executable with system calls?

I want to run some system commands (to fix things) before running an executable. I have a reasonably locked down (work) Windows XP system and so can't change what a shortcut points to. For my users' convenience, I must keep the same shortcut. However, I am able to swap out the .exe (renaming) and potentially replace it with another .exe ...

Pack program *and* dynamically loaded files into single executable? (python + pygame, or language agnostic)

There are plenty of great answers to questions about making a standalone executable, but I can't figure out how to pack art assets (or dynamically loaded files) into it as well. Why would I want to do this? Because it would be great to distribute a simple (throw away) game that lives entirely in a single executable with no installer. ...

Can I distribute a modified GPL binary which I use from my closed source application

This is very similar to other questions, but none of the other ones quite answer it, so please read through fully before shouting at me :) (See e.g. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1394623/can-i-dynamically-call-a-lgpl-gpl-software-in-my-closed-source-application) I have written a closed source, commercial application. The applicat...

Testing the functionality of already compiled binaries

Is there a library for testing the functionality of already compiled binaries? Something like unit tests but for already compiled executables, that should allow me to specify and verify rules regarding the behavior of the program for specific inputs and scenarios. I'm specifically interested in something targgetting the .NET platform, bu...

How to inject code through C#.NET in a Exe created in C#.net

I have created a form in C#.net which ask for key and check validity (expiry date). i place this form as first running form in my application. first time it takes key and every next time loading it check for expiration policy which saved through key in registry. this form is working fine. but now i want to create a another application wh...

CMake linking problem

I am trying to use CMake to compile a C++ application that uses the C library GStreamer. My main.cpp file looks like this: extern "C" { #include <gst/gst.h> #include <glib.h> } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { GMainLoop *loop; GstElement *pipeline, *source, *demuxer, *decoder, *conv, *sink; GstBus *bus; /* Initialisation ...

running an outside program (executable) in python?

Hello all, I just started working on python and I have been trying to run an outside executable form python. I have an executable for a program written in Fortran. Lets say the name for the executable is flow.exe. And my executable is lacated in C:\Documents and Settings\flow_model I tried both os.system and popen commands but so far cou...

Python print buffering

Let me rephrase my previous question. I just created a tool in ArcGIS using pythong as script language. The tool executes (runs) an outside program using the subprocess.popen. When I run the tool from ArcGSIS, a window appears that only shows the following. Executing: RunFLOW C:\FLOW C:\FLOW\FLW.bat Start Time: Mon Nov 30 16:50:37 2009 ...

Error when running maven generated executable jar

Hi, I'm having (a strange) problem when executing a maven generated executable jar: user@host$ java -server -jar MyJar.jar Error (and nothing more than this!!!) Do you have any idea what this king of error comes from ? In my pom.xml, I copy all the dependencies to a lib folder with: <plugin> <artifactId>maven-dep...

What is RVA and VA?

Please explain what RVA and VA means ...

.bat file can not execute on windows server 2003

Hello, I want to execute the batch file on server but the problem is that it can not execute. Even it is not giving any error. What should I do? this is my code try { ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo(AppPath + @"bin\execute.bat"); info.UseShellExecute = false; info.RedirectStandardInput = true; i...

Using environment vars in non-rails cucumber test

I created a simple smoketest for a portal running java/tomcat/jahia (cms) fronted by cache servers and big ip. Cucumber + Webrat + Mechanize is a good fit for a simple smoketest of this setup. (and it has been very easy to get started). Right now I have hardcoded into /features/support/paths.rb the following lines: module NavigationHel...

Config file (App.config) does not update on new installation

I am creating setup of my project using Visula Studio 2008. I am facing problem in setup installation. If I uninstall old setup (application) and install the new one then config file (App.config) updates the attributes (surely it is new file) of config file but if I install new setup without uninstalling the old one then config file do...

How to create a executable .exe file from .m file

I was wondering if there is a way to create a '.exe' file from ' .m' file in matlab , such that it can be run in machine which does not have matlab ( like it can be done in c, C++) I know writing a Matlab function is one way, but not sure if it can run in machine without Matlab. Also i would like to hide my code and just create a scri...

How can I modify the strings of a binary(Mach-O) file?

Is there any way to (easily) modify a string in a Mach-O binary? I want to extend the length of a pre-existing string. ...

query on unix executables

This might be a basic question but i wanted to ask since i am not aware about it. if i have a binary file which was was created on HP-UX and suddenly i take this binary file on linux or let's say in any other platform like AIX or sun solaris and if i want to check about the details of the binary as to in which platform it was developed...

C# Interacting with existing executables in Windows CE using Compact Framework?

How would I go about interacting with an existing executable on Windows CE using the Compact Framework? I figure I am overlooking something simple. Here is the scenario: I am trying to write a small app to do some common functions such as creating a user with a specified password. The windows directory has a few executeables which...