
Preventing a WPF Expander from expanding when header is clicked

How can I prevent a WPF Expander from expanding when its header is clicked? I would like my Expander to expand or collapse only when the expand button itself is clicked. I imagine the answer has something to do with canceling a bubbled event. If possible I would like to implement the solution in XAML while avoiding retemplating the enti...

WPF Expander still shows Validation Error adorner when shrunk

I've got a style for a TextBox to show a validation error message as follows: <Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}"> <Style.Triggers> <Trigger Property="Validation.HasError" Value="true"> <Setter Property="ToolTip" Value="{Binding RelativeSource={x:Static RelativeSource.Self}, ...

Expand collapse feature without affecting the page content.

Hi Friends, I am implementing a expand collapse feature on my page using div tag. I am using asp.net with c#. I have succeeded with exapand collapse feature. Now i have to modify this feature so that when the user clicks on expand button, the page should not push down(the div tag consists of search parameters). When the user again clic...

Stackpanel with multiple expanders

Hi I have a stackpanel with multiple expanders: <StackPanel Margin="0,10,0,0"> <Expander Header="Test 1"> <ListBox> <ListBoxItem Content="Unit 1"/> <ListBoxItem Content="Unit 2"/> </ListBox> </Expander> <Expander Header="Test 2"> <ListBox> <ListBoxItem Content="Unit 3"/> <ListBoxItem ...

WPF Style.Trigger

Hi, Somebody can tell me why this trigger doesn't work: <!--Style--> <Style x:Key="Test" TargetType="{x:Type Expander}"> <Style.Triggers> <Trigger Property="IsEnabled" Value="false"> <Setter Property="IsExpanded" Value="false"></Setter> </Trigger> </Style.Trigg...

How to remove the border line for the header in the expander control in silverlight 3?

Please suggest a right answer ...

Fire WPF DataGrid edit from child element

You can refer to this question for background/explanation of what the context to my problem is. Basically, I have a WPF DataGrid bound to an ObservableCollection of an IEditableObject object. In a custom DataTemplate, for one of my columns that involves a flag enum property, I have constructed an Expander whose content is a bunch of che...

Expand WPF Expander to bring contained element into view

I have an expander that has n contained elements (possibly other Expanders that also contain elements). Now I want to programmatically bring a contained element into view - like with BringIntoView() for ScrollViewers. All Expanders that currently hide the element should expand. My current idea is to subclass the Expander and make it ...

jquery ie7 css height inconsistent result compared to firefox

var heightOfDIV = $thisElement.css('height'); alert(heightOfDIV); The above works as I expected it to work when I am using Firefox. It returns me the div element that triggers the above code. I get the height as 393px. however in IE7, i get auto. This is causing me issues. By the way, the above code is run in the afterExpand($thisE...

How do I anchor an expander to right side of a ListBox?

The XAML code below works fine except I want the expander button to be between the listbox and the grid. If I set the ExpandDirection="Left" the button is between the listbox and the grid but the direction indicator on the button is confusing to users - it point to the right when expanded and it points to the left when it is not expanded...

jQuery expander with max-lines property

Hi, I really thinks jQuery Expander plugin is great but it can't do satisfy my needs. It cuts text and put a "read more" button after the text which expands the text. But it only cuts when the text length is more than a specified value. But what if the text is: Some text: Blah blah The text use as much space as a text with many...

ListView with nested Expander not collapsing

This question is the same as this other unanswered question. When the Expander is expanded the outer ListView grows to make space for the expanders contents, but when the Expander is then collapsed the view does not force the ListView to resize. Reduced code, with notes after: <!--<StackPanel>--> <ItemsControl> <!-- ParameterGroupV...

Anyone know how to create an Expander in the SketchFlow style?

I've checked the Expression Blend + Sketchflow forum, and also looked through the Gallery, but haven't found an expander control that's in the SketchFlow style. Can anyone point me to one, or offer me advice on how I can roll my own Sketchflow Expander control? ...

WPF - How to get only one expander expanded at any one time

I've got a StackPanel with a group of expanders in, how do I set it so that only expander is expanded at any one time? Cheers AW ...

Style expander buttons of TreeView

Here is my XAML: <Style x:Key="ExpanderStyle" TargetType="{x:Type ToggleButton}"> <Setter Property="IsEnabled" Value="True" /> <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate> <Image Source="/Images/SHCalendarLeftArrow.tiff" /> ...

GTK Expander without fixed sizes.

Hi. I am having some trouble using the GTK Expander widget. I have several expanders in a vertical box. When collapsing an expander, I want the expanders below to "shuffle" up to meet the bottom of the collapsed expander's bar. However, using VBox appears to reserve a fixed amount of vertical space for each widget, which does not change ...

WPF Expander - Can't see the internal controls in Visual Studio 2010 Design window

Hi! I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and in a WPF app I'm using an expander. The prob is that the GroupBox etc inside the Expander are hidden from view in the Design window. Any ideas to have them show? Thx! ...

Wpf Popup Window Alternatives with a DataGrid

I have a presentatation based around a DataGrid, one of the features being access to a picklist of options for adding new line items (projects) to the grid. The picklist dialog shows 2 columns of data and provides search / filter options to find the right project out of 150 or so choices - too much to use a grid combo box! I was thinkin...

wpf - how can I create a dependency between expander inside datagrid and one of datagridrow properties

This is a general question. And may not be specific to datagrids. How can i related 2 properties or 2 different UI Elements/controls Like Each datagridRow has an Expander and i want the IsExpanded property to be dependent on datagridrow selected event . Thank you ...

I need to rollup an expander AND the stackpanel object it sits on in the window

Here is the code I have and wondered how I could completely rollup the stack, expander and objects within it to push all objects below it to take up the space left after rolling up the upper stack and objects. My current code is below: <Grid> <StackPanel Margin="8,8,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="225"> <Expander Header="Expand...