
WPF expander size issue

I am using an items control to place n number of expanders. My items control will be placed in a grid with height 600 (for example). I want to make sure my items control will always ocupy entaire available height, to do so it can expand some of the expanders. What will be the best approch to do so? Any suggestions will be appriciated. ...

WPF - Maintain Group Style in ListView

I've got a simple ListView which pulls data from an ObservableCollection and I'm using a CollectionViewSource to a set a GroupPropertyDescription so that my rows appear grouped. I've used the following style to use an expander for each group: <Style TargetType="{x:Type GroupItem}" x:Key="listViewGroupStyle"> <Setter Property="Margin...

how to bind to control inside expanders' contentemplate

I have a textbox inside a Expasnders contentemplate that I'm trying to bind to from outside the expander, but it's not really possible, I have another textbox inside the expander looking like this: and an exact duplicate of this markup outside the expander, The textbox inside the expander updates it's text proeprty when txtTitle is ch...

FlowDocumentScrollViewer woes

My goal is to have exandable sections in a flow document. This XAML works, BUT 1- if you change the root from grid to stackpanel the scrollbar no longer works. 2 - Exand section 1. Scrolldown and you'll see the Toolbar at the bottom and Section 2 below that - even tho IsToolBarVisible="False". Perhaps I need to structure the FlowDocum...

WPF - Expand Window to the Left

I have a WPF window with expandable panel (via Expander). The panel is on the left side of the window, and when expanded the window grows to fit the content. By default, windows are anchored to the top-left, so my window grows to the right. I'd like the window to grow to the left. I tried to do the following in the Window.SizeChanged ...

silverlight 4 - expander - UI virtualization

I have a silverlight application that is showing some data nested in expander control. So I have 1 expander for root element and then some textBoxes and expanders for content. All thing together looks like a big tree. And all works great with low number of elements to show. But when I have huge data (like 2000-20000 elements) to disp...

TargetType="{x:Type GroupItem}" arrow style in wpf

How to change arrow style for ...

Using xaml resources, but keeping unique content per reference

I have several ListBoxes and have set up the group style to make the groups expanders. I want all of the ListBoxes to use the same style information to make them all expanders, but i want to be able to change the content of the header to be custom for each use of the style. Is there any way i can take the out of the but still edit the...

GridSplitter with button for pinning like behavior

I'm looking to extend the GridSplitter in some way to add a button which when click expands or collapses the control to one of the specified sides of the splitter. I've found a solution that works for Silverlight 4 but I need this to work for standard WPF in .NET 3.5 which means that the GridSplitter doesn't implement the Visual State M...

silverlight use Expander Toggle template on Toggle control

Hi, I like the look of the toggle button on the Expander control, when using a theme. How could I apply this to a normal Toggle button? Many Thanks Paul ...

Unable to set focus of an element

Hello! I have an Expander that its content consists of a StackPanel that contains several elements one of whom is a TextBox. I want, that when the Expander expands that TextBox should gain keyboard focus, how do I do this? I tried: Private Sub xp_Expanded(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) _ Handles xpUnits.Expanded ...

[C#] Add a expander (collapse/expand) to a Panel WinForm

I have a panel containing a datagridview and 3 buttons at the bottom of a Form, i wanna to add the possibility to expand and collapse this panel, is there a way to do it in a Windows.Forms application ? Someone have done something similar ? ...

expander overflows

c# vs2010 hi all: how can I bring to focus on a window all controls hidden on expander. expander is collapsed at the bottom of the window, when i click on it to expand it (i have to scroll down,'cause controls are not showing on the window), I would like to bring into focus the first control and be able to see the last control on the...