
Exporting MXML using Flex

I've been having trouble exporting Adobe Flex using Adobe Air. I can't find the runnable application Air, and so when I export something to be opened in air it can't be opened. I'm on a Mac Powerbook G4 running OS 10.5.8. Help? ...

Export c++ functions inside a C# Application

Greetings, I am sorry for bothering, I'll show the question: I am trying to export some functions written in c++ in a DLL in order to import them in a C# Application running on Visual Studio. I make the export as reported in the following code, tobeexported.h: namespace SOMENAMESPACE { class __declspec(dllexport) SOMEC...

Exporting files from Basecamp

I've been looking around for a long time how to get files from Basecamp and so far it seems like a 'mission impossible', but I wanted to ask here as well: Is there any way to get files from Basecamp projects and, if there is one, how? Thanks in advance. Edited: I mean how to get the uploaded files. You can export all project data exce...

Is there any way to export a Google Visualization org chart as an image?

Is there anyway to have an export function to export the Google Visualization organizational chart as an image? I want this as a feature of my website, so people can click a button or a link and have it save as an image or a pdf file ...

Changing Row Height in Excel after Rendering by ASP.Net SSRS ReportViewer

I have an SSRS report that has a Comments field where there's enough text to span multiple rows per record. It renders fine in the ASP.Net ReportViewer control, but when it's exported the formatting can be different. Exporting to Word it looks fantastic. But exporting to Excel and PDF, the row height for each record is never increased...

InDesign Scripting: Need to export INDD file as INX (INDX).

I'm working with InDesign CS4 and CS3. Both need to export their files down to CS2. I'd like to use a .jsx code snippet to export to INDX, but I can't seem to do-so with the ExportFormat."formatName" JS code. Doesn't look like Adobe supports exporting to INDX from javascript - perhaps using a plugin (but that's a lot of overhead for a si...

iPhone: Get data off

Newbie Q. I am building an app that will store data in sqLite then will collect it at week's end when the staff comes into the office. What options do I have to get the data off. Perhaps a receiving REST Web service? Is there an 'export to iTunes file system' or something like that other option? ...

How to set up svn to automatically export to public_html?

I'm just getting started with svn so please, help me out if I saw anything stupid. I'm developing on a windows laptop using tortoisesvn. I'm deploying to a linux server. I have my repo set up and checked out on my laptop. I can't manage to check it out to a directory on the server. I've created a directory for it but can't get svn chec...

How does a compiler deal with inlined exported functions?

If a header file contains a function definition it can be inlined by the compiler. If the function is exported, the function's name and implementation must also be made available to clients during linkage. How does a compiler achieve this? Does it both inline the function and provide an implementation for external callers? Consider Foo....

Exporting/Importing a hierarchical graph from a database

I have a basic db schema comprising 2 tables; One is a simple ID -> Text list of terms, and the other has 2 columns, parent and child. The ids in the first table are generated on insert by a db sequence while the second table contains a mapping between keys to store the 'structure' of the hierarchy. My problem is that I may want to some...

Error exporting to PDF Report Viewer

Hi, I created a report in Report Viewer using the source 3 of 9 barcode, (for bar code), put the font in the Fonts folder in Windows. But the export to PDF the font does not appear, but now when I export to excel is perfect. Does anyone have any idea what can be? I'm using VS2008 - MVC - LINQ and C # language. Thank you, ...

What is the most easy way to get ddl sql-script from HSQLDB?

In other words, how to export sql-script for building database and putting data into it from HSQLDB? ...

Exporting MySQL to Excel

Hi, I need some help with this code from PHP Classes, that's supposed to export MySQL to Excel. I'm getting the following error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_SL in excelwriter.inc.php on line 100 This is line 100: [Line100] function GetHeader() { $header = <<<EOH <html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-...

Need Dynamic/ default width for CSV file when EXPORTING through SERVLET

Hi all, I am exporting my List to CSV file through Servlet. Everything is working fine. but i want to set default/ dynamic width for cell/column? Here is my coding. Your swift reply will be helpful.. Thanks in advance. package com.uson.stat.action; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import ...

Export LDAP entries from 389 Directory Server?

Can someone tell me the best way to export entries (user information, their groups and roles, etc) from 389 Directory Server so it can be best imported into a different LDAP server? Do these files follow some standard format? Is there a general best practice to doing this? Thanks! ...

Is "Export Movie" as PNG Sequence for movies with actionscript animation possible in Flash CS4?

Hello All, I was wondering if there is any way to use the "Export Movie" as "PNG Sequence" to work for movies where objects are animated with actionscript. Exporting like this works just dandy for normal animations, but it doesn't work for my current project. Basically I am creating images using mathematics and I want to be able to expo...

Selective Export of MySQL database

I have a webapp that spans many different users, each with selective permissions about what they are able to see. The app is built on top of a MySQL database. One feature I am interested in providing to my "power users" is a sql dump of all their data so that they can run off and do their own things with it. Now I can't just use mysql...

Java RMI - UnicastRemoteObject: what is the difference between exportUnicastRemoteObject() and extend UnicastRemoteObject()?

hi there! i'm preparing for an exam and I'm having a question that I hope someone here could answer me. Its about RMI and remote objects. I wonder why there is so much difference between these two implementations. one is extending the UnicastRemoteObject whereas the other is exporting the object as an UnicastRemoteObject. I don't really ...

Pure base class needs to be exported from DLL?

I have two DLLs a.dll and b.dll and in each one I have one class AClass and BClass. I would like to have both AClass and BClass inherit and implement the same interface AbsBase which is a pure abstract class. In each class I set up the #defines for __declspec(dllimport) and __declspect(dllexport). When I'm trying to compile I get this: ...

Is there any way to know which symbols are exported in a object file?

Hi I'm working in a Linux environment and I have to link to a object file already compiled which offers me some services (services.o) and I know some of them, but I'd like to know which are all of the exported symbols of it. Is there any way to accomplish this not having the sources? If so, how? Thanks you very much. ...