
Is it possible to export/import product categories in Magento?

I saw one other question on how to do a mass import of products, categories, and all that, but all I want to be able to do is import my categories from one store to another. When you export products I see that there is still a category ID attribute that it gives the products, but I don't see any options for exporting product categories....

exporting gridview contents to excel spreadsheet

Hi There, I have a gridvidew (GV2). I want the user to be able to export the contents of this gridview to an excel spreadsheet for offline processing. Here is my subroutine: Protected Sub ExcelButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ExcelButton.Click Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-e...

How to freeze the header row in an Excel spreadsheet exported from ASP.NET

I'm exporting an ASP.NET gridview to Excel using the following function. The formatting is working really well, except I need to freeze the header row in Excel on the export. I'm really trying to avoid using a 3rd party Excel plugin for this, but unless there's some archaic excel markup in my AddExcelStyling function. Public Sub ...

Export a .Net Panel Control to an Image

I'm developing an application in VB.Net (VS2008) which allows the creation of classroom layouts. The layout is a panel and has child panels (seat objects) the seats are then populated using drag and drop and show a preview of the person sitting there. I would like to export this panel to a printable format such as jpeg, pdf etc. I have...

How to export data from Excel to a valid XML ?

Hi i have an excel table with some data that i would like to export in XML. This exported XML need to be valid, so after formatting it, it has to be validated against an XSD. What's the best way to do it? Obviously all the formatting and validation need to be done with Excel that is the only tool available. This excel file will be us...

Are there any existing batch log file aggregation solutions?

I wish to export from multiple nodes log files (in my case apache access and error logs) and aggregate that data in batch, as a scheduled job. I have seen multiple solutions that work with streaming data (i.e think scribe). I would like a tool that gives me the flexibility to define the destination. This requirement comes from the fa...

Method for exporting drawn flash/flex UIComponent to vector based print file

Hi, I am creating a flex application where I am using the built in graphics package of flex 3 to draw shapes and things to a UIComponent. I want to be able to export this vector image UIComponent to a vector based file, pdf, eps etc. Are there any tools, libraries, or methods for doing so? I looked at AlivePDF - which works very sl...

Convert blob to text in a mysql export

Hi! I'd have some blob data such as: 0x3333332c2044e963617269652c20356520e9746167650d0a53742d4c617572656e7420285175e9626563292048344e20334d390d0a that I'd like to convert to text because the new database has text field instead of blobs and now it makes trouble with some accentuated characters. Is there somekind of blob to string con...

Insert Image into Excel cell(s) using ActiveXObject ("Excel.Application")

I have a PHP Web Application, which uses the ActiveXObject to export the contents of a table into an Excel spreadsheet. I have a bit of formatting (cell alignment, currency, dates, etc,.) for some cells, but I need to merge the top 3 cells and then import an image. I've been searching, but haven't had any joy. If anyone knows if this is ...

Magento order import export

Is there a way to import/export orders by CSV in Magento? I thought I could do this with profiles but if i try to create a new profile it makes me choose only between customers and products. I looked for an extension but i haven't found anything (anyway i'm looking for something free). Have you got some suggestions? ...

Avoiding exporting symbols from executables on Linux

I'm finding that when I link an executable against a static library (.a), the symbols from the static library end up being exported by the executable file. I would like to avoid this and export nothing. I've tried providing a version script, but it seems to make no difference. The contents of my version script are as follows: { glo...

Export GridView to Excel without losing grid lines in Excel

I have a GridView that I want to export to Excel. When I use the sample code I find online, it exports the content to Excel just fine, but for some reason it also clears out all grid lines outside of my exported table. For your average excel user this is easy enough to fix, but I need this solution to work for everyone. So then is ther...

avoid pageing on GridView (on button (on export))

protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //export { GridView2.AllowPaging = false; GridViewExportUtil.Export("Сводка.xls", this.GridView2); GridView2.AllowPaging = true; } I need to avoid pageing for XLS export :-/ ...

How to import a partitioned table into a table with a different number of partitions? (Oracle 10g)

I have an existing database with tables which each have 4 partitions (there are tables using both RANGE and HASH partitioning). I need to import it into another database with a pre-created schema where the same tables will have 8 partitions. How do I do this? Does this "just work" if I do a table-level import? ...

best way to export data from pdfs

Hi i work at a news paper and we are lookin a way to make archieve material available. Atm our pages come in pdf format so we need a way to export text and images from the pdf so that they can be added to a database. We've had a look at the News studio plugin for Adobe Acrobat from Iceni Technology, but just wondering if anyone else kno...

create fixed length flat file with Java

I have a process that currently runs in a Delphi application that I wrote and I need to convert it to a Java process that will run on our web application. Basically our State Financial (legacy) system requires this file in a specific output. In Delphi it is like this: procedure CreateSHAREJournalFile(AppDate : string; ClassCode : stri...

How can I export images from SQL Server to a file on disk?

I have a User table that has all of their avatars saved in an image field. I'd like to just take that out of the database and store it as a regular file on disk. I looked around and saw some code for textcopy, but that doesn't seem to be on my machine for some reason. Here is the code I wrote up anyway. Anyone know a way to get this ...

Does SVN delete files from your repository if you delete on your development box?

If I have a development area that I deleted files from a certain folder/directory, when I import them back into the repository on the server, is svn supposed to remove the deleted files on the server too? For example, I have directory "home" in home I had index.php. This is all on my development machine. At the moment it matches my sv...

Export Hierarchical RadGridView to Csv

I have a hierarchical telerik RadGridView in my WPF application. I want to export this grid to Csv format. Whenever I try to do this, only the records in the master table are displayed in the csv file. I want the hierarchical structure to be displayed in the Csv format. Can anyone help me with this? In case my query is not clear, please ...

Simple C# CSV Excel export class

Thought this might be handy for someone, this is an extremely simple CSV export class that I needed. Features: Extremely simple to use Escapes commas and quotes so excel handles them fine Exports date and datetimes in timezone-proof format Without further ado: using System; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using System.IO; using System.T...