
Export to excel missing css file error in asp.net

Hey.. i m trying to export data from asp.net form to excel using following code Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=Report.xls"); It saves the file but while opening it i get error ---Missing css file default.css... but its a simple asp.net form and i m ...

Best way to do a MySQL large database export

I've usually use mysqldump to export a database. However, when the database is really large, it seems much faster and less intensive to just gzip the database files directly without involving the MySQL deamon and copying that to the other database. eg: tar -czvf {db_name}.sql.tgz /var/lib/mysql/{db_name} Is this a good method of do...

Export OSGI-Application from Eclipse

I've developed an osgi application (no rcp) using eclipse. It consists of several Plugin-Projects-Bundles and dependencies from eclipse plugins folder (commons.* ...) The application works fine when launched using eclipse. What is the best way to export and deploy such an application from eclipse? Is there a simple way to export my la...

Export tables in SQL Server 2005

In SQL Server 2000 you had DTS where you had the option to choose to export table structure along with data and also to choose specific tables only. Is there a similar option in SQé Server 2005 version. I would like to export just 5 tables along structure and data from an existing database to another database. The data is required as i...

android import export database

Hi, there. I am trying to implement a feature into my app to copy the current database unto the sdcard. Are there any tutorials or code snippets to achieve this. I've already looked at this site, http://mgmblog.com/2009/02/06/export-an-android-sqlite-db-to-an-xml-file-on-the-sd-card/ ... but I wont be able to import the data with this m...

How to export audio-media from a MOV-file with QuickTime-API?

I want to export the audio-media of a MOV-File with the QuickTime-API and save it to an WAV-File (or something equivalent). How can I do that? I use Windows XP. ...

How to prevent clash of "autonumber" field when exporting from one database to another?

Supposing I have a Person class that is persisted/loaded via hibernate: class { int PersonId; String Name; } PersonId is an "autonumber" that is generated by hibernate when saving the Person. Now lets say I made a bunch of Person's in a test database that I now want to copy over to the Production database.But, in Production database,...

Getting ordinal from function name programatically

Hey, Does anyone What's the easiest way in C++ to get an ordinal of an exported dll function, given its name? (Looking for a way which doesn't invlove parsing the IATs myself...) Thanks, Dan ...

How can 4,000 products be easily transfered from one ecommerce solution to another?

A potential client has a slow ecommerce site using Joomla/Virtuecart which takes 6-10 seconds for any page to load. I've seen faster solutions and would like to transfer the 4,000+ products with little hassle to a speedier, more full-featured open-source solution. Is there a good way to transfer thousands of products between ecommerce ...

c++ namespace export

Is there a way in C++ to create an anonymous namespace, and only export a single function out of it? I want something like: namespace { void Bar() {} void Foo() { Bar(); } } Now, I want to somehow access to Foo() yet make sure there's no way to touch Bar() Thanks! ...

Import/Exporting databases from one machine to another

I have two PCs, one is Ubuntu 8.10 and the other Ubuntu 9.10. On the Ubuntu 8.10, i have a few databases in phpmyadmin which i would like to copy across to the Ubuntu 9.10 phpmyadmin(which has no databases). I'm not sure if i'm on the right path but here's what i think i should do: Export the databases onto Ubuntu 8.10. And copy those...

Does the extention matter if you write a bytearray to a file?

Hello, I have a table in the database containing "files". I don't know their filetype. I need to export some stuff (including these files) and be able to import them into the same application. So I was thinking about saving the byte array as data.dat (unknown extension). and when importing just making a byte array from that file and put...

Permission Denied when running VBScript

Hi Folks. I have a vbs script which captures file information and then exports it to a csv file. I need to run the script on main drives such as C:\, E:\, I:\ and more, but each time I run for the main directory I get "Permission Denied" when I try to run it for a subfolder example C:\Program Files it works fine. I have tested this on d...

export outlook 2007 mail folder and subfolders to csv

What's the best way to export mail from an Outlook 2007 folder to a CSV file? I would like to include mail messages within subfolders as well. The built in csv exporter does not allow the option to include subfolders but otherwise does exactly what i want. ...

Exporting a C++ class from a .SO ( linux )

How can I export whole class to shared library? Is it posible to use THIS library by other languages? ( pascal ) ...

Export list as .txt (Python)

My Python module has a list that contains all the data I want to save as a .txt file somewhere. The list contains several tuples like so: list = [ ('one', 'two', 'three'), ('four', 'five', 'six')] How do I print the list so each tuple item is separated by a tab and each tuple is separated by a newline? Thanks ...

Embedding not only the first layer of my SWF file?

Like all of you know (if not, you should!) when I use the embed stuff to link a SWF to a class, only the first layer is utilized by my class. So.. is there a way to use all of the other layers too? Thx! ...

Get script of SQL Server data

I'm looking for a way to do something analogous to the MySql dump from SQL Server. I need to be able to pick the tables and export the schema and the data (or I can export the schema via SQL Server Management Studio and export the data separately somehow). I need this data to be able to turn around and go back into SQL Server so it need...

Exporting Outlook 2007 tasks

Hi I'd like to either export Outlook 2007 tasks to a file or access them using some kind of API, preferably without messing around with other Microsoft products. What are my options? ...


What's XLSHTML? I want to generate, as simply as possible, a file which will open in Excel when a user double-clicks it, and which has some minimal styling. XLS meets my user requirements, but it's not easy to generate. CSV is easy to generate but has no styling. HTML is easy to generate and has styling but won't open in Excel when d...