
Exporting functions from a C# class library

How would I export functions defined in a C# class library, while enabling them to be imported to and called from an unmanaged C++ application/DLL ? ...

asp.net tree view export to excel

Hi All, I have a web application where I am using asp.net tree view control to show data. No I want that this tree view structure has to exported to excel. Following is the code which do this for me. private void ExportSiteStructure() { Response.Clear(); Response.Buffer = true; Response.Conte...

Import Eclipse Plugin

Hey everybody, I developed an Eclipse plugin (a view) using the plugin development version of Eclipse. I exported the plugin as a jar archive and now I would like import it in another version of Eclipse, but it doesn't recognize the plugin. This is my first plugin so I might have forgotten something obvious. I searched the internet for...

excel turning my numbers to floats

Hello, i have a bit of asp.net code that exports data in a datagrid into excel but i noticed that it messes up a particular field when exporting. eg .. i have the value of something like 89234010000725515875 in a column in the datagrid but when exported, it turns it into 89234+19. Is there any excel formatting that will bring back m...

how to import csv data into django models

i have some csv data and i want to export into django models the example of csv data 1;"02-01-101101";"Worm Gear HRF 50";"Ratio 1 : 10";"input shaft, output shaft, direction A, color dark green"; 2;"02-01-101102";"Worm Gear HRF 50";"Ratio 1 : 20";"input shaft, output shaft, direction A, color dark green"; 3;"02-01-101103";"Worm Gear HRF...

MySQL Export with Column Heading

Hello - I am very, very, new to mySQL. I've got experience in general technical terms, but not with the syntax or concepts of mySQL. I have been tasked with exporting a table from MySQL into a pipe delimited .txt or .xls that I can use to add 7500 more records to manually, then import back into the table. I tried to use INTO OUTFILE, ...

Exporting info from PS script to csv

Hi, This is a powershell/AD/Exchange question.... I'm running a script against a number of Users to check some of their attributes however I'm having trouble getting this to output to CSV. The script runs well and does exactly what I need it to do, the output on screen is fine, I'm just having trouble getting it to directly export to c...

SecurityException when trying to export a java resource

I'm trying to get the source of a java resource stored in an oracle database using this code (connecting as SYSTEM for testing): DECLARE javalob CLOB; BEGIN DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY(javalob, false); DBMS_JAVA.EXPORT_RESOURCE('RESOURCENAME', 'SCHEMA', javalob); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(javalob); END; But when I try to run i...

Overwriting the content from one MOSS content database to another

We have a content database on our live moss server. It contains one site collection with several sub-sites. I'm using the stsadm export command to produce a cmp file, then moving this to our test server in a different farm. I then want to import this content into the content database on our test farm, using the import stsadm command re...

Creating a C# DLL and using it from unmanaged C++

I have a native (unmanaged) C++ application (using wxWidgets for what it's worth). I'm considering a separate tool application to be written in C# which would contain winform-based dialogs. putting some of those dialogs in a separate DLL would be useful as I'd hope to be able to use them from my C++ app. But I have no idea how much mess...

How to add an "Export to ebook" feature to a site?

How could i add to a blog or site in general a feature that let users export the content to epub format or some other open ebook formats? It's not a feature that i normally see on most of the site i browse every day (some has export to pdf that is not great as ebook format), do you think it is feasible? I own an ebook reader and readin...

What is bzr for cvs export?

With cvs one can export the files that have a specific tag and get no cvs meta data included such as with this command: cvs -z3 -d:ext:[email protected]:/cvsroot/emle export -R -r BL0123 -d emle030205_BL0123 emle What is the corresponding bzr command where the launchpad.net branch is lp:emle and the tag is BL0123? ...

GCC exports decorated function name only from dll

Hi Guys, I have a dll, it exports a function... extern "C" int __stdcall MP_GetFactory( gmpi::IMpUnknown** returnInterface ) { } I compile this with Code::Blocks GCC compiler (V3.4.5). Problem: resulting dll exports decorated function name... MP_GetFactory@4 This fails to load, should be plain old... MP_GetFactory I've researche...

Exporting ActiveRecord objects into POROs

Hello, I'm developing a "script generator" to automatize some processes at work. It has a Rails application running on a server that stores all data needed to make the script and generates the script itself at the end of the process. The problem I am having is how to export the data from the ActiveRecord format to Plain Old Ruby Object...

How to export all dependency external libraries into a folder in eclipse automatically

I want to copy all external dependency libraries to a directory, but I don't want to do this job manually, since there are quite lot of libraries. I wonder if there is a way to let the eclipse do it for me automatically. ...

Export Contact List of Yahoo/AOL/Live

I am trying to export contacts using Yahoo/AOL/Live username credentials. I have been able to export gmail contacts with their API, but cant find any example for Yahoo/AOL/Live in ASP.Net Any help appreciated ...

How to export more than 1MB in XML format using sqlcmd and without an input file?

Hello, In SQL Server 2008, I want to export the result of a stored procedure to a file using sqlcmd utility. Now the end of my stored procedure is a select statement with a "for xml path.." clause at the end. I read on BOL that if I don't want my output truncated when reaching 1MB file size, I have to use this :XML ON command, but it s...

Generate dynamic html

Hi all, to export some data i want to be able to generate an html output. I have some constant content to output, like html headers and footers. My question is how to deal with that ? Do I have to embed some template (in a resource file) and parse it to make it dynamic ? Do I store my static content in some constant (is there a 255 c...

Exporting gridview to excel with combo,checkbox type columns + winforms

Hi, I want to export grid view data to excel file in windows forms application. I tried one solution but it fails to export combo box type column to excel. Excel file should have combo box, check box columns. Thanks.. ...

Importing a dmp with partitioned tables into Oracle XE

I've got a schema containing partitioned tables. I can use exp to create a .dmp, but when I import that into Oracle XE, I get errors because Oracle XE doesn't support partitioned tables. How do I get the .dmp imported into Oracle XE? I think pre-creating the tables might do it, but how do I extract the DDL in some automated way to do th...