
How to merge data from two separate access 2007 databases

Hi, I have two identical databases with same structure, database a in computer a and database b in computer b. The data of database a*(a.accdb)* and database b*(b.accdb)* are different. then in database a i have for example ID:1, 2, 3 and in database B i Have ID:4,5,6 Then i need merge these databases data in only one database(a or b, ...

Multiple exports with MEF does some really heinous stuff -- why, and why is it allowed?

I have an interesting situation where I need to do something like this: [Export[typeof(ICandy1)] [Export[typeof(ICandy2)] public class Candy : ICandy2 { ... } where public interface ICandy1 { ... } public interface ICandy2 : ICandy1 { ... } I couldn't find any posts anywhere regarding using multiple [Export] attributes, so I figur...

SVN Export in Eclipse removes labels on tabs

I have a very strange effect when using subclipse with eclipse. Whenever I use Team->Export to export a file from the editor the export works fine, but the label of the tab of the file is removed. Effect can be seen here: http://www.daspferd.de/img/tabs.png Strangely enough it happens with php-files, css-files, html-files but NOT with ...

How to use stsadm export avoiding to export the user names

Hello, I want to export a site with "stsadm export" in order to import on an other server My structure is good but it imports all the user names and I don't want these users Can anyone tell me how to do to keep my security groups without the users?? thanks in advance Sam ...

I want to export csv file that contains hebrew character in my ASP.net MVC application

I want to export csv file that contains hebrew character in my ASP.net MVC application I have tried many encoding but not work. Actually hebrew characters and not displaying as they are. Can anybody have idea? System.Text.UnicodeEncoding Enc = new UnicodeEncoding(); HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", En...

Is there a way to link the unversioned directory created by svn export to its branch in SVN?

I have a copy of the contents of an svn branch locally without any .svn folders. The equivalent of the output of an svn export of that branch. I'd like to link up this directory to its corresponding branch in version control, without having to do an svn checkout followed by manually merging my changes in. Is there some way to do this ea...

[Flash CS 4] - Batch export images from Library?

i have a flash .fla that was compiling as a .swc with references to images, but now I need to load all these images externally and I dont have the original assets. I know I can export them one by one, but I have a few hundred in the file, and want to find an easier way. Any help would be awesome. ...

Exporting de-aggregated data

I'm currently working on a data export feature for a survey application. We are using SQL2k8. We store data in a normalized format: QuestionId, RespondentId, Answer. We have a couple other tables that define what the question text is for the QuestionId and demographics for the RespondentId... Currently I'm using some dynamic SQL to g...

Force Normal View when generating Word doc via HTML

I am creating an HTML document which we are then pushing out to MS Word using a "application/msword" content type. This works so far except that the files open in Word with Web View. Once Normal View is selected all works fine. Is there any way to force Word to open with Normal View instead of Web View? ...

Problem with LINQ Generated class and IEnumerable to Excel

Hi all, I wrote a method which exports values to excel file from an IEnumerable parameter. Method worked fine for my little test class and i was happy till i test my method with a LINQ class. Method: public static void IEnumerableToExcel<T>(IEnumerable<T> data, HttpResponse Response) { Response.Clear(); Response.Co...

MySQL table export to HTML

Hi all, I've got a little problem with exporting MySQL data to html. The problem is that in one field i have values like this: <a href="http://google.com"&gt;Google&lt;/a&gt; and when i export the table in html format the generated html table for this fields contains: &lt;a href=&quot;http://google.com&amp;quot;&amp;gt;Google&amp;lt;/a&...

Unable to run JAR file (created in Eclipse)

I hate starting a post with this but I'm new to Java... I've followed this tutorial to create a socket server (mines in Eclipse). I can run the server within Eclipse, all is well. But when I try to export the project I can't figure out how to run it. I keep getting this error (it varies depending on how I run it) Exception in thread "ma...

Microsoft Word Macro - Exporting Word Review Comments - How do you reference the sentence related to a comment?

I am trying to export of a Word document review comments. I want to export the sentence selection that was commented on followed by the comment. Screen shot of the image: http://jspeaks.com/mswordcomment.png I have found code to loop through the document comments, but I cannot figure out how to reference the sentence selection that th...

Best way to migrate export/import from SQL Server to oracle

Hi guys! I'm faced with needing access for reporting to some data that lives in Oracle and other data that lives in a SQL Server 2000 database. For various reasons these live on different sides of a firewall. Now we're looking at doing an export/import from sql server to oracle and I'd like some advice on the best way to go about it......

If we export the table into another DB then does its all triggers also gets exported along with it?

If we export the table into another DB then does its all triggers also gets exported along with it? Update In context of Randy Minder's reply is it possible to transfer the schema table from one DB to another? UPDATE In context of MATT's Reply But What should I do If i have to script this export? as in this case I ha...

export and import utf8 data in mysql: best practices

We're often faced with the need to send a data file to one of our clients with data from the database he/she needs to translate. Most of the time this export is CSV or XLS. Most of the time we create a csv dump with phpmyadmin and get an xls file in return with the translated data. The problem is that most of the time the data is UTF8 an...

need export query rather than creating file for mysqldump without triggers.. See description

I have code as $db_name = "db"; $outputfile = "/somewhere"; $new_db_name = 'newdb'; $cmd = 'mysqldump --skip-triggers %s > %s 2>&1'; $cmd = sprintf($cmd, escapeshellarg($db_name), escapeshellcmd($output_file)); exec($cmd, $output, $ret); if ($ret !=0 ) { //log error message in $output } Then to import: $cmd = 'mysql --database...

Adding images to a JAR file in Eclipse?

I'm trying to make a game in java, but I'm a bit of a newb. The game has images, and when I run the application from eclipse, they all show up fine. But when I export the project as an application, the images don't show up. When I put the application in the same folder as the images, they show up when I run the application, so someone s...

Export images from flash

First of all let my clarify that I am a flash noob, this is a freelance job I am doing for someone. I have a flash files with symbols I need to export as PNG images, for some reason the exported images have different width and height than indicated in the flash file. After checking I found out that the new dimensions don't even keep the...

Transfering data from one database to another (Postgres)

I have 2 exactly same databases on 2 different machines(with different data that is), and I want to transfer contents of one table to the table from the other database, how do I do that from PgAdmin? I'm new to PostgreSQL Database, I'd do that easily with mysql phpmyadmin just export sql and I'd get text file with bunch of insert into st...