
C++ DLL Export: Decorated/Mangled names

Created basic C++ DLL and exported names using Module Definition file (MyDLL.def). After compilation I check the exported function names using dumpbin.exe I expect to see: SomeFunction but I see this instead: SomeFunction = SomeFunction@@@23mangledstuff#@@@@ Why? The exported function appears undecorated (especially compared to no...

How do I export a large table into 50 smaller csv files of 100,000 records each

I am trying to export one field from a very large table - containing 5,000,000 records, for example - into a csv list - but not all together, rather, 100,000 records into each .csv file created - without duplication. How can I do this, please? I tried SELECT field_name FROM table_name WHERE certain_conditions_are_met INTO OUTFILE ...

Makefile variable initialization and export

somevar := apple export somevar update := $(shell echo "v=$$somevar") all: @echo $(update) I was hoping to apple as output of command, however it's empty, which makes me think export and := variable expansion taking place on different phases. how to overcome this? ...

Export and import to a different schema

Hey, Is there a way in which I can export table's entries, remove a colum from the table and import the data back to the new table? The opposite case works fine - adding a column is not problematic at all (if the colum is nullable). thanks ...

Exporting winform data to .txt file

I have a winform with two data grids, and multiple text boxes. I want to give the user the option to export this data to a text document in a location of their choice on their drive. I also want the text document to be pre-formatted, and the values from the text boxes and datagrids to be plugged in. Is it possible to pre-format a txt ...

Del.icio.us get xml of all posts

Im trying to get all of my posts in a delicious account to an MySql DB. Since delicious exports xml I think it wont be too complicated, but being new to it I cant really make sense of the api... I believe I have to query it as so: https://api.del.icio.us/v1/posts/all? But one catch is that im using an yahoo id for that account whic...

Eclipse Error Exporting Web Project as WAR

Hi I have the following error when I export my war file org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Extended Operation failure: org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.web.archive.operations.WebComponentExportOperation at org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.ui.DataModelWizard.performFinish(DataModelWizard.java:189) at org.e...

Exporting Eclipse project with a reference to native library

I have an Eclipse project, that uses JMF, I found out I could skip the JMF installation process and still to use the CaptureDeviceManager of the JMF, and to receive the list of devices if I could point my project to the native lib of the JMF. I've managed to add the native lib to the IDE run/debug, but once I export the application to a...

How can I change Excels default XML output encoding?

Hi, I'm working on a solution where Excel data is exported to XML. I've implemented a schema and I get all the data exported properly. The one problem I have is that the solution that will receive the XML files expects ISO-8859-1 encoding, while Excel by default outputs UTF-8. Is there any way to change this? Oh, and I'm using the xml...

How do I export a package symbol to a namespace in Perl?

I'm having trouble understanding how to export a package symbol to a namespace. I've followed the documentation almost identically, but it seems to not know about any of the exporting symbols. mod.pm #!/usr/bin/perl package mod; use strict; use warnings; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT=qw($a); our $a=(1); 1; tes...

excel 2003 - unable to open file error

Using C# I'm able to export an aspx page to Excel when the Excel version being used is 2010. However, if I try to export the content on an XP machine with Excel 2003 I get a box that displays saying - Unable to open file. Is there something I need to add to the code that can make this go away and open the file? Here is what I have for ...

Allow users to pull temporary data then delete table data (headers remain)?

I don't know the best way to title this question but am trying to accomplish the following goal: When a client logs into their profile, they are presented with a link to download data from an existing database in CSV format. The process works, however, I would like for this data to be 'fresh' each time they click the link so my plan was...

Is there a tool to export C# to HTML with syntax highlighting

I am looking for some way to export a .cs file to an .html file for posting on the web but my searches aren't helping much. I remember years ago an IDE called DevC++ could do this for C code, but I'm not sure how I'd do it with C# 4. Can Visual Studio do this somehow? ...

Exporting each Excel column to individual text or csv files?

I have an Excel worksheet with around 100 cols. Does anyone know of an easy way to write the contents of each column to a csv or txt file? ...

Is it possible to export saved passwords from Toad

I'm looking for a way to export saved usernames/passwords from Toad for Oracle ( It doesn't have to be in a usable format for importing - even a plaintext format would be fine. I believe the passwords are stored encrypted in CONNECTIONPWDS.INI, but from what I've read, that file doesn't transfer from one machine to another. ...

What database engine uses FILE001.DAT, FILE003.DAT, SYMBOLS.IDX?

I am trying to migrate a database, but I cannot find which database it is. The database files are like the following: FILE001.DAT FILE003.DAT FILE004.DAT . . FILE093.DAT FILEM02.DBT FILEM05.DBT . . . FILEM21.DBT SYMBOLS.IDX SYMBOLS.DAT There are .DAT, .IDX and DBT files. How can I read the data and database schema from these files; ...

Export SQL Binary/BLOB Data?

Recently a software application we utilize upgraded from ASP to ASP.NET. In the process they abandoned the old web-based product and rewrote the entire UI, using new DB tables. The old DB tables still exist in the database and contain legacy files in binary or blob formats. I'm wondering if there is an easy way to export all these legacy...

Issue encoding java->xls

This is not a pure java question and can also be related to HTML I've written a java servlet that queries a database table and shows the result as a html table. The user can also ask to receive the result as an Excel sheet. Im creating the Excel sheet by printing the same html table, but with the content-type of "application/vnd.ms-exce...

Is there an explanation of the difference between export and typeset in combination with nested function calls in a korn shell program?

I have encountered an issue with ksh programs running differently on ksh88 & ksh93 wherein functions which call functions handle differently, variables declared with typeset and export. Here is an example program that highlights the difference: #!/bin/ksh # example.ksh: highlights differences between typeset and export on ksh93 functio...

How to export data to an excel file w/chart on iPhone?

Hi, I have some data in a sqlite database in my app, and my client wants an option that allows you to email it as an excel file which includes a chart of the data. Is this possible on an iPhone? Have a good one, Toby ...