
How to export subtables to csv format in Piwik

Hi every one, Current implementation of Piwik exports all 1st level tables to csv format.I want to export subTables also with parent table.Is there any way to do this.Please let me know.. ...

[Flex]Static XML files are not exported when, building the Project

I am doing a video library. Each category has it's own XML files that feeds it data. Everything works great. However, when I Exported the Release Build. I noticed those XML files are gone(i.e. never got exported). I don't understand why. I need the video library to be dynamic so I can add or remove videos. Anyone know why those files a...

Why is SharpSVN SvnClient.Export(...) not always finding files that should be there?

I am using the Export() member function to obtain files at specific revisions which is working but for some reason in other cases it is not. For all the modified paths it seems to be working however with the deleted and sometimes added files in that revision I get the exception stating that there is no file at the url used. When I use th...

How do I write/export a few matrices to an XLS file?

I have a lot of matrix variables. Some have more than 200 rows. How can I export them to an XLS or DAT file with their names? I tried the following: d = {'X', 'Y'; X Y}; xlswrite('tempdata1.xls', d, 'Sheet1', 'A1'); What I got in the XLS file was only the strings 'X' and 'Y' but without the values of X and Y. X and Y should be vectors...

Automated building equinox PDE : executable doesn't work

Hello everybody, I created an OSGi project in which one I've 2 projects : - one plugin project : that contains my source files, my product configuration that uses my feature project and the feature org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.user. It means that my program is able to install new software or to update the program. - one feature project tha...

RadGrid - Exporting to CSV does not include template column

Hey everyone, So I've got the following column defined in my radgrid: <telerik:GridTemplateColumn DataField="Payment.Customer.FirstName" DataType="System.String" HeaderText="First Name" SortExpression="Payment.Customer.FirstName" UniqueName="FirstName"> <ItemTemplate> ...

How to export from ASP.NET to Powerpoint 2007 ?

Hello, I'm working on a project that I'm trying to export data from textboxes in asp.net website project to a powerpoint file. I writing ofcourse in C#. The whole concept is to use the data the a user inserts to the text boxes and they are sent after clicking a OK button directly to a powerpoint file. I'm using OFFICE 2007 so I'm using ...

Saving image frames to a video format

Are there any easy to drop in solutions for saving a number of images into a video file in iOS? Example would be if I had 300 frames all saved as separate images and wanted to turn them into a single video file that a user could email or post on YouTube. ...

Any tools to export the whole Oracle DB as SQL scripts

Hi all Gurus Here is my problem, I wants to create a baseline on our development Dateabase (Oracle 10g), and check into our svn for version control, and after this we will use liquibase to help us manage the incremental database changes. My problem is how should I create baseline of Oracle 10g? the database now consists of 500+ tables...

MySQL export indices

I'm sure it must have been asked before, but I can't find it: I have a CMS that is under constant development. I have built a number of websites using the CMS, so their are a number of databases in existence. I want to extract the indices from the development db and apply them to the production dbs. Is there an easy way to extract indi...

Export of binary data (for example binary files) into a string with .NET ?

How can I convert/export binary data (for example binary files like excel- or word-documents) into a string (into text format) in .NET, so that it can be imported somewhere else (e.g. in another application, which was written in another programming language (not in .NET)). Are there universal concepts to achieve this goal ? ...

How can I convert an OpenOffice Writer document (.odt) to multiple HTML files with navigation?

I have an OpenOffice Writer document (.odt) with a table of contents, sections, subsections, etc. Is there a quick way to convert (export) this into multiple HTML files with a navigation sidebar, converting the sections into links? ...

CVS export inside a module

I have a checked out a module. It's in /home/user/repositories/repository. I want to export a folder inside this module. Suppose it's folder3. /home/user/repositories/repository/folder1/folder2/folder3/ I get into /home/user/repositories/repository/folder1/folder2/ and try to run cvs export -r MYTAG -d MY_DIR folder3 But it d...

pdf is shown but not printed

Hello, I use crystal reports of visual studio 2003. I generate a report and export it in PDF. PDF has embeded TT fonts. The pdf is shown correctly, but when printed the fonts aren't shown (neither the greek, nor the english). using print as images, solves the problem in some computers I tried, but others keep having the same problem. F...

jqGrid print/export

I use only js (php backend) to create jqGrid. I want to add print/export to excel with js, not to include all the php classes for jqGrid (jqGrid.php) and duplicate code. Is it possible and how? ...

PHP Excel Output for IE gives empty file.

Hi all, I am trying to generate an excel file with php. This works fine in Firefox but with IE I am only getting an empty file. This is what I am doing basically: header('Content-type: application/ms-excel'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; attachment; filename='.$filename); echo $data; I have tried various header settings but ...

June 25 changes to BIS 742.15 How does it impact SSL iPhone App export compliance

This question isn't strictly development-related but I hope it's still acceptable :) On June 25, 2010 the BIS updated 742.15 and of interest to me is the new 742.14(b)(4) "Exclusions from mass market classification request, encryption registration and self-classification reporting requirements" and 742.15(b)(4)(ii) which states… (ii) F...

Crystal reports export to excel cell merge issue

When I export from Crystal reports any fields that are marked as "Can Grow" are merged with an otherwise blank row below them. This completely messes up my sorting, how can I resolve this? ...

exporting swf to mpeg

I am trying to export a .swf to mpg/avi or any other easily viewable and distributable format. It has worked in the past but the .swf we are currently trying to export has more advanced filters and masks. Can any one tell me a good program/method? ...

Export methods from Navision Dynamics 5.0 to datawarehouse/OLAP purposes?

I'm using Navision Dynamics 5.0 and need to export all the financial data into my datawarehouse on a regular basis (1 time daily). And therefore I don't want to use csv-files as exporting method. Which other methods are normally used? This must be a regular task for all companies who uses Navision Dynamics, and needs to get the data out...