
Export DB Tables via phpMyAdmin In Non-Alphabetical Order

I have a MySQL database from a Joomla MultiSite installation where it has a set of tables with different prefixes for each Joomla site. When I export the db via phpMyAdmin it creates a SQL file where the tables are created and populated in alphabetical order. The problem is that the tables for the slave sites have dependencies on the t...

Need a mysql query to extract data from mm-forms

http://cl.ly/201a11b430bf60ef9e97 is what the rows look like, after I clean them up a bit: SELECT fk_form_joiner_id,form_key,value FROM wp_contactform_submit_data WHERE form_key!='page_post_id' AND form_key!='captcha-802' AND form_key!='page_post_title' AND form_key!='user_ID' What I need is a query where it would transform this into...

Drupal Views Bonus Pack export issue

Hi, In trying to solve the problem of getting data from Drupal into XML, I found the Views Bonus Pack module, which with a little figuring out works great. Except... When setting the Style property in the Basic settings of Feed view to XML file no items show up unless I am authenticated. If I log in, I see all the entries. If I log ...

Why GIT reports "fatal: This operation must be run in a work tree" when exporting from bare repo?

Hi, if I export from bare GIT repository using git archive command I get error message: "fatal: This operation must be run in a work tree", altough the export passes properly. So my question is: Is there any issue when exporting from bare repository? I checked the exported archive and it looks alright. Thanks ...

SVN Production Deployment on Commit

Hi, I m setting up SVN on my local web development server and I'm wanting to create a post-commit hook that exports the repo to the production server (either via FTP, SSH, etc) when the commit message contains the word "deploy" or something similar. I know this has to be a common function for SVN but I can't seem to find anything that d...

HSQLDB and in-memory files

Is it possible to setup HSQLDB in a way, so that the files with the db information are written into memory instead of using actual files? I want to use hsqldb to export some data structures together with hibernate mappings. Is is, however, not possible to write temporary files, so that I need to generate the files in-memory and return a ...

Project works in eclipse but not when exported

I wrote an application that uses GraphViz to generate some graphs as .gif's according to the DOT syntax. When I run from Eclipse the images are generated fine but when I export it as a jar the images are created but there is no data in them. When I view them in Microsoft Picture Viewer its just the red X. It was working as an exported...

mysql import/export

I am trying to create an automatic process which will synchronize the databases of two servers. One site is live, and I need the testing environment to sync up with the live site every so often (I am thinking a cron job for that). How can I implement this? ...

Export Failed Element Log(s) after deliver?

When a deliver has been performed I can rightlick an entry in the GUI version/element log and it displays me a popup with the element log. Quite handy. I now have a delivery with about 25 failed ones and a couple of hundred OK's. Sadly I can not sort on the column "status" so I have to make screenshots wherever I find a [!] to sit toget...

problem in creating jar file, eclipse.

Hi, I downloaded the source of some api like wsdl4j and i made changes to it, now i want to use this source as a jar file. But when i export it using eclipse export->jar file option and then add it in the buildpath compiler shows me the errors on the methods that i created in that wsdl4j source... does any body has idea how to tackle th...

Export large amount of data from Oracle 10G to SQL Server 2005

Dear all, I need to export 100 million data rows (avg row length ~ 100 bytes) from Oracle 10G database table into SQL server (over WAN/VLAN with 6MBits/sec capacity) on a regular basis. So far, these are the options that I have tried and a quick summary. Has anyone tried this before? Are there other better options? Which option would be...

Mercurial: Recommended way of sending a whole repository to someone

I have done some programming and I have used Mercurial for source control. I now need to send all of my code to someone else (because they are going to take over). Since all copies of a mercurial repository is a full and real repository my first thought is to first do a clone of my repository without an update and then zipping and email...

How to export some data into .rtf or .doc?

Say I have created a GUI (Qt) that operates with some data(text+image). How I can export that data in one of listed formates in title. I guess it is better to export info .rtf as it is free cross-platform formt(??), isn't it? ...

Export to csv, string w/ comma in it, splits it up

This code exports data into a csv file, which is opened within Excel. When a string has a comma within it, it messes up the order of the data. I need help modifying my code below to resolve any strings that contain a comma within it, to not to create a new column until after the string. I am assuming it will pass each string within do...

manifest.mf is overwritten by ecplise during jar export

Hello guys, I would like make an executable jar archive with eclipse. So into my project I created file src/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF : Manifest-Version: 1.0 Main-Class: MainClass Class-Path: . But when I export my java eclipse project eclipse warn me with following message: "JAR export finished with warnings. See details for additional...

Formatting a CSV File that contains HTML for Import to Excel

I would like to export a CSV file from my application for importing into Excel (or any other spreadsheet that supports CSV files). Anyhow, one of the cells in my table have rich content (i.e. HTML) which can, of course, contain commas as well as other HTML characters and formatting. I realize that Excel "can" handle HTML formatted text...

SSRS - disabling Export functionality based on User

Hello....I have a report in SSRS that needs to disable the "Export" functionality based on who the User is. Is this do-able? And, is it possible to disable all Export options except the PDF option Thanks Mike ...

C# Data Export Framework or tools.

Is there any data export framework in .net or something.I have need to device a tool kit to export legacy and data from older/legacy application to the new application under development,there are around three similar systems.To give you an idea the three have employee table.Is there any framework or dsl tool for this? Or I have to come u...

Export FLA composition to FLEX

Is it possible to export FLA composition to Flex? So it will work exactly as in Flash Pro but instead in FLEX? FLA contains a bunch of movieClips, buttons, images, all driven by an .as file. Thanks, ...

How is possible to export ant Project generated programmatically into build.xml

I am using ant externally, i.e. I construct org.apache.tools.ant.Project dynamically in my program: setup its Tasks, Targets etc., then I want to create build.xml file. How is possible? How possible export this project into ordinal ant build.xml? ...