
WCF Custom WSDL XmlSerializerOperationBehavior

Hi, I have code that builds a custom WCF wsdl on the fly. In one particular scenario, the WSDL exported should use the XmlSerializerOperationBehavior as the IWsdlExportExtension as opposed to the default DataContractSerializerOperationBehavior IWsdlExportExtension. However, every time I try this from the WSDL generation code, I get a ...

Excel export displaying '#####...'

I'm trying to export an Excel database into .txt (Tab Delimited), but some of my cells are quite large. When I export into a txt some of the cells are exported as '#######....' which is surprisingly useless. Has this happened to anyone else? Do you know an easy fix? Data from one cell of my column: Accounting, African Studies, Agri...

export to excel from vb.net from sql datareader

I have an sql query with sql datareader. i put a for loop for the data reader. now when the data starts coming in from the query i want it to export to excel in the for loop. here's my code Try Dim SqlStr As String = "", dr As SqlDataReader = Nothing ConnectDB(Cnn) Str = "query" SqlCmd = New SqlComma...

Create Audio file on iPhone/iPad from many other audio files (mixer)

I am trying to create something similar like Piano app on the iPhone. When people tap a key, it play a piano note. Basically, there will have only 7 notes (C) at the moment. Each note is a .caf file and its length is 5 seconds. I do not know if there is any way to save the song user played and export to mp3/caf format? The AVAudioRecord...

How to export EclipseLink objects to XML

Hi, is there an easy approach to store my model, which I use with EclipseLink, in XML files? I want to implement an export functionality in my program and I was wondering if this can be done with eclipselink or with any other framework. Thanks ...

How to export Configuration of each IIS 6 Web Site using WMI

Hi all, I need to export the WebSite Configuration (MetaBase) from IIS6 for a whole server, but I need each web site configuration to be saved separately. The result should be the same that can be obtained by right clicking on each Web Site in IIS Snap-in and selecting All Tasks->Save Configuration to a File. My idea is quite simple: 1- ...

Crystal Reports Check if export in formula

Hi, I want to add some text (from a formula) to my crystal report. the thing is: I want this text only to be visible if I export the report to HTML for instance. I don't want to see the text if I print the report. Can it be done? bye Juergen ...

Is it good practice to export variables in Perl?

I'm finding it very convenient to pass configuration and other data that is read or calculated once but then used many times throughout a program by using Perl's use mechanism. I'm doing this by exporting a hash into the caller's namespace. For example: package Myconfiguration; my %config; sub import { my $callpkg = caller(0); ...

Strategy in exporting to Excel with formatting from ASP.NET?

So this is another exporting to Excel question. I have a page that has a table with formatting by stylesheet. When I export the page by setting the ContentType to application/excel and Content-Disposition to attachment, I can export the table to Excel (not CSV). However, it loses all formatting. I think it's because Excel does not loa...

How to export C++ functions with GCC?

I'm using Code::Blocks to compile a shared library on Ubuntu. When I make a simple main.c file with: void* CreateInterface() { int* x = (int*)malloc( sizeof( int ) ); *x = 1337; return x; } This works fine and I can find the function CreateInterface with dlsym in another application. However, I want the function to create ...

my android app runs fine in the emulator, but when i publish it it's wrong

i have an app that has a few checkboxes in the settings and then compiles a remote sql based on the checkboxes selected. i ran it in the emulator and it's fine. but then i exported it and published it as an app, and the same checked boxes aren't being passed correctly. i wonder if it's a caching issue or something. tried deleting the apk...

How to create a drop-in replacement for an existing dll?

Beyond creating a dll with all the same functions with the same interface and calling conventions, does the replacement dll need to exactly duplicate the export map including ordinal numbers of the original as well? So that not only explicit loading via GetProcAddress works, but implicit linking as well? (edit: this is an unmanaged, ...

MaxScript Export Vertices over Time

Hey, I have a skinned mesh that animates over time. I'm writing a quick export script to export out my verticies. How do I output the vertices per frame? I'm getting the verticies using getVert, but how do I specify which frame to get the vertex from? Thanks ASH ...

What tag export formats are there?

I'm writing an importer for a CMS to import tags from various platforms/sources. I want to be able to import tags from WordPress, Moveable Type, Blogger; basically all of the big boys. Are there any generic, standard tag export formats? ...

How do you pass a file list to the linux zip command

I'm using Git for version control and unlike SVN I have not come across an inherent means of performing an export of changed files between 2 revisions, branches or tags. As an alternative I want to use the linux zip command and pass it a set of file names, however the file names are the result of another command git diff. Below is an ex...

Deploying a Java application. How?

I am new to Java (and Eclipse) but I have used .NET (and Visual Studio) a fair amount. I also know about compiling C/C++ code and things like that. I know that at the end I get either an EXE or a nice binary file that can be run from the command line. I have been making a Java utility that uses some external libraries. I need to compile...

WCF Paged Results & Data Export

I've walked into a project that is using a WCF service for the data tier. Currently, when data is needed for a grid, all rows are returned and the results are bound to a grid and the dataset is stuffed into a session variable for paging/sorting/rebinding. We've already hit a max message size problem, so I'm thinking it's time to conver...

Spooling data to CSV truncates

Hi, I am using the below script to output data to a csv file: set heading off set linesize 10000 set pagesize 0 set echo off set verify off spool D:\OVERNIGHT\TEMP_FILES\PFRA_DETAIL_VIXEN_OUTPUT.txt SELECT TRIM(T4.S_ORG_ID)||','|| TRIM(T4.NAME)||','|| TRIM(T3.CREATION_TIME)||','|| TRIM(T5.X_HOUSE_NUMBER)||','|| TRIM(T5.X_FLAT_NUMBER...

How to export a database from SQL server 2008 to SQL server 2005

I have a database which I made using SQL server 2008. I have to attach this database into SQL server 2005. When I try to do so , I got an error since the database is made in higher version (2008). How can I do so? Any help ? ...

SaaS Multi-tenancy Applications: How is data import/export/backup being implemented?

How are applications providing import / export (or backups) of data in SaaS based multi-tenancy applications, particularly single database designs? Imports: Keeping things simple I think basic imports are useful, ie CSV to a spec (or a way of providing a mapping between CSV columns and fields in the database. Exports: In single datab...