
Is there a way to edit a chrome extension manifest file from within the extension?

I want to allow the user to select the icon that appears for their extension from a list. Is there a way to edit the manifest from within the extension? So If I have the following in my chrome extension manifest file: "browser_action": { "default_icon": "ico32.gif", } And I want to give the user the ability to change it to th...

Firefox Extension, get a reference to the loaded document using browser.contentDocument

I want to write a simple firefox extension. How can I get a reference to the loaded document object in a browser window? For example, how can I access the document in this html page loaded here on stackoverflow? According to the vague mozilla development center I can use browser.contentDocument, but it is not working for me. <?xml ...

How to modify current url location in chrome via extensions

I want to create an extension that redirects the user to another website if he clicks on the extension button. So far I have only seen extensions which create a new tab for each click. Is it possible to redirect the user to another website using the active tab? I tried something like this: chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(fu...

Javascript floating launch bar

I'm trying to make a just a simple launch bar with a search button that appears in a page when a hotkey is pressed. I'd prefer not having to use a bunch of libraries like mootools or FancyBox(although I'm sure it would make it easier) since this is for a Chrome Extension and I'd like to keep it as small as possible. Any suggestions or s...

Google Chrome Extensions, Doesn't Respond to Bookmark Events

I am trying to utilize the Google Bookmarks API for Chrome Extensions (this is not the Google Bookmarks API as in http://www.google.com/bookmarks/, but rather Chrome Bookmarks API). Anyway, I just tried a simple example which I have the background.html and the manifest.json listed below. However, I am not getting the alert dialog box. ...

how can I deal with unicode in PHP without mbstring extension

I am using a shared hosting service to host my site so I can't get direct access to PHP configuration or install any extension. So my problem is with utf-8 strings that can't be processed by standard PHP string functions since I don't have mbstring extension installed on the server. I am looking for another way to deal with unicode strin...

Chrome extension using ibox popup

I am trying to make a popup appear using the iBox javascript. When I tested on my machine using a simple html (called "test.html"), it worked fine. However, when I used the same call in my Chrome extension document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e){ if (e.keyCode == 81 && e.altKey && !e.shiftKey && e.ctrlKey) { iBox.showURL('se...

XSLT / Xalan : calling apply-templates from within a Java extension

I am using Xalan and Java for extending a stylesheet. (Similar example to what I am doing there : Dictionary example) I struggle to make my tag do an <xsl:apply-templates/>. I wish to have this : <xsl:template match="sometag"> <my-java:tag> <xsl:apply-tempates/> </my-java:tag> </xsl:template> My java class containing...

Getting rid of extensions in variables (CMD)

CMD Q: I want to remove the extension of a filename. It is actually a complete path, like C:/Me/My/Path/filename.xxxx i know that the extension has 4 chars, like shown in example above. How can i get rid of the extension? Thanks. ...

HTML elements hooks in firefox add-ons api

I want to write a Firefox add-on. I need to monitor the contents of a DIV element. Is there a way to put a hook or subscribe to the modification of a certain HTML element? I don't want to poll the contents of the DIV (per say) every second, would be nice to be notified when it is changed. Thank you. ...

Help for extension Where() (this IEnumerable<CUSTOMERRow> source, Func<CUSTOMERRow, bool> predicate)

Using Oracle® Data Provider for .NET to generate strongly typed datasets. I could of course fill the entire table, but I would like to learn how to use the Where() extension with a delegate function that should limit number of collected rows based on certain table values. Parameters for Where() extension: (this IEnumerable<CUSTOMERRo...

How to determine the event came from the main document of the tab

I'm developing an extension for FireFox. The extension adds event listener to "appcontent" element on "load" event. How to determine the event came from the main document of the tab? At the moment all events from different elements of the page come (for example image and even the extension document if it fires one). I would like to excl...

Chrome Extension using popup bar

I'm trying to make something similar to the picture below. http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/8844/testi.jpg Unfortunately, I can't seem to get it to work within the extension. I get an error stating there was "Error loading the document". The screenshot above was done using a locally made html with the iBox javascript. Is there any ot...

mmc snap-ins extension

Looking for how to create a snap-in extension. I know how to create STANDALONE snap-ins but, also need to look into the snap-in extensions. I'd like to create them in c#. ...

Configuring extension modules with distutils/setuptools

I have a Python project with mutiple extension modules written in C, which talk to a third-party library. However, depending on the user's environment and options some modules should not be built, and some compiler flags should be enabled/disabled. The problem is that I have to build the list of extension modules before I call setup(),...

Ruby C extensions, Use Ruby data types or native C for performance?

I'm currently writing a C extension for ruby as part of a project of mine. The extension is to implement an algorithm I have already working in ruby in C for performance reasons. The question I pose though is whether I should use ruby's own data types in the C code or convert them to C's native types for performance reasons? Would such...

how to delete cookies in firefox 3.5+ using an extension?

hi everyone. i've got a problem: i need my extension for firefox 3.5+ to delete cookies. all cookies of my firefox. example: i've serfed net, got some cookies installed on my pc by the sites i've visited. and i want my extension for ff to delete all these cookies. could u please show me the direction where i can find an answer for my que...

How to revert files with specific extension in svn?

I would like to do something like this: svn revert --recursive mydata/*/*.txt and I want it to revert all files which have extension *.txt in the directory mydata. Is there a way to do that? ...

How can I get the URL for a Google Chrome tab?

I'm having fun Google Chrome extension and I just want to know how I can store the URL of the curent tab in a variable. Maybe it's in the doc, but doesn't want to load :s ...

Python dll Extension Import

Hi I created extensions for my python and created a abcPython.dll How can I import this dll into my python scripts. I get an error message When I try to import it usin the following command import abcPython Error messgae Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in Imp...