
The correct place to put a markdown extension file in a django project ?

I've created a markdown extension file (called mdx_xxx.py) for a django project I'm working on but I can't really decide where to put it. The documentation says that the file should reside on the PYTHONPATH and I've seen several blog posts inviting to just put the file in the root directory of the project. However, that seems like an o...

Can you access 'Service Reference' Programmatically?

Info: C#, Visual Studio 2010 I am trying to access the existing service references and am not sure how, I can achieve the following to get all 'references' DTE2 test = Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SDTE)) as DTE2; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); VSProject2 project = test.ActiveDocument.ProjectItem.ContainingProject.Object as ...

XMLHttpRequest over SSL from Firefox extension

Hi there, I'm going to develop a firefox extension which makes an XMLHttpRequest to this WebService. I can query the service correctly with the following code (from the overlay.js): var req = "<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" xmlns:dat=\"http://webservice.whereisnow.com/datatypes\"&gt;&lt;s...

Using multiple modules/types with Python C API?

I've got two different Python extension modules; let's call them A and B. Module A contains a storage class type called container that I want to use within Module B as the return type of a class method. I can't seem to find any documentation on how I'm supposed to do this. I roughly followed this article to create the modules/classe...

Recursive silverlight Element finder extension method

I need an extension method to traverse all Textboxes on my Silverlight page. Assume I always use a grid Layout, then I have: public static IEnumerable<UIElement> Traverse(this UIElementCollection source, Func<Grid, UIElementCollection> fnRecurse) { foreach (UIElement item in source) { yield return item; ...

Identify this programming language, it uses a '.m' extension

len = length(range); K = 2^nextpow2(2*len - 1); halfK = round(K/2); U = zeros(halfK, 1); centfreqs = data.model.cochlea.centfreqs; for i = 1 : data.model.cochlea.gt.nch % number of channels x = data.au(range, i).*window; X = abs(fft(x, K)); bin = round(2*centfreqs(i)*K/data.fs); % if i==4 plot(X); pause; end X(bin : ...

Eclipse: stack or pile for cut & copy & paste?

hi there im just wondering as I couldn't find an answer on google (well, maybe Ive been trying the wrong keywords here >.< )... A thing I've always dreamt about was a stack/pile cut feature which remembers the - uhm, lets say - 10 last things I've cut out or copied for pasting... Is there such a feature and if so, what is it called? fur...

Chrome extensions : How to know when a tab has finished loading, from the bg page

I'm using a listener in the background page to know when a tab is loaded: chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId) { } But the listener is fired twice: when the page has started loading, and when the page has finished. Is there a way to differentiate the two cases? ...

Writing Python packages with multiple C modules

Hello, I am writing a Python C extension which uses the pygame C API. So far so good. Now I wonder how I organize my source code so that I can have multiple submodules in the package. All the tutorials out there focus on one .c file extensions. I tried looking at some projects setup.py files but they blew my mind with complexity, and I ...

How to make Cocoa document package type with it's extension hidden by default?

I'm making a Cocoa application which uses document package (bundle) as it's data. I specified an extension and Finder now recognizes the folder with the extension as a document well. But the folder's extension is still displaying, and I want to hide it by default (like application bundle) Is there an option to do this? ...

difference between extension and plugin?

what is the actual difference between a extension and plugin? eg. is phplivex a extension or plugin? i have to know in which folder i should put it in ...

How do these guys make Flash access the clipboard and file IO?

Adobe Flash has some interesting and, at times, frustrating security rules that prevent lots of things from happening, like writing files to disk. Swf Studio and Flash Jester allow Flash to "break out" of the security sandbox that prevents file IO operations. How are these programs written? Is this something that I can do in any of the ...

Components.interfaces.nsIProcess2 in Firefox 3.6 -- where did it go?

I am beta testing an application that includes a Firefox extension as one component. It was originally deployed when FF3.5.5 was the latest version, and survived 3.5.6 and 3.5.7. However on FF3.6 I'm getting the following in my error console: Warning: reference to undefined property Components.interfaces.nsIProcess2 Source file: chrome:...

How to show the outcome of joomla menu item type as a module?

I am not sure how to put it ... but I am using certain modules in my joomla site which can be shown only using a menu item e.g. Phoca gallery, hwdvideoshare etc. These modules can not be displayed on any specific position, instead a menu item has to be created which links to these modules and shows them according to the configuration par...

XPCOM Shockwave Flash C++

Hi, I recently started "playing" with xpcom, and I would like to know if there is a way do interact with a Shockwave flash element. In IE I can use the IShockwaveFlash interface, but for the Firefox I can't find any interface. I tried using the nsIFlash5 definition from the header file "wrap_XPCOM_3rdparty.h" (acquired from the XulRun...

Firefox quick search extension idea. Is it possible?[see details]

I use search sites very often. And in 99% of cases search results that i need contained in first 3 links,that search engine returns. Is it possible from programming point to write extension for Firefox,that satisfies next use case: 1. user clicks icon 2. modal window appeared 3. select search engine(e.g. Google,Yahoo or Yandex...any othe...

Installing Namespace Extension with Microsoft WIX

What is the best/easiest way to install a namespace extension using wix? Especially how do I install it on Windows 7 with enabled UAC. ...

How do I position a XUL Panel (Firefox) in the bottom right hand corner of the main window?

I am creating a Firefox extension that pops up growl-like notifications. Currently I am popping them up relative to a status bar icon. This is fine unless there are other status bar extensions installed that would make my icon not the rightmost element. How would I go about positioning it so that the notifications always start at the bot...

Is this a known issue in firefox extensions on Mac OS?

I've developed a firefox extension which contains a small dialog defined by this XUL script: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?> <prefwindow id="firenowPreferences" xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul" title="Fire.Now" ondialogaccept='on...

How can I download over FTP all the XML files in a directory?

I'm wondering how I would download all _*.xml_ files from a folder I have set up on an FTP server using Net::FTP. I have seen that glob() would be the best way, but I cannot quite wrap my head around the logic. Basically, I need to check if there are XML files in the folder. If not, wait 5 seconds, and check again. Once the files show u...