
Getting extension of the file in FileUpload Control

Hi At the moment i get file extension of the file like : string fileExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filUpload.FileName); But if the user change the file extension of the file ( for example user could rename "test.txt" to "test.jpg" ), I can't get the real extension . What's the solution ? ...

Qt plugin doesn't work in Chrome

I created the Qt plugin which works properly in FireFox. In Chrome, it works once for same domain. For the second page of same domain, it even doesn't call painEvent(). Anyone who know the reason, please help me. Thanks in advance. ...

Automate Google Chrome extension installation

Hi everyone, I am working on creating a Google Chrome extension. We have it included in an automated build system and since it is constantly being worked on we need a solution to be able to package the extension as a .crx file which according to http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/packaging.html can easily be scripted. My question...

Segfault in multithreaded python extension in C

I have a very trimmed down example that creates a segfault that I can't seem to get rid of. Python script calls a C function in an extension, which creates a new thread using pthreads. I use PyGILState_Ensure and PyGILState_Release around my python call (PyRun_SimpleString) in the new thread, but perhaps I'm not using them correctly or...

Is there any Chrome extension (or combination) providing the same features as Firebug?

I searched a while and found no extension that can compete with Firebug. Perhaps combination of several extensions can provide similar feature set of Firebug. Anybody develop web app and unit test mainly in Chrome can share some knowledge? ...

How to make Python Extensions for Windows for absolute beginners

Hello: I've been looking around the internet trying to find a good step by step guide to extend Python in Windows, and I haven't been able to find something for my skill level. let's say you have some c code that looks like this: #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> double valuex(float value, double rate, double timex) { float v...

In java if i extend a class and don't use a super field while redefing every function does the field still uses memory?

It's all in the title. ...

Chrome extension:Cannot call method 'getElementsByTagName' of null

Hi,i am beginner with chrome extension.There is simple problem. There is the code in my extension,but it do not work.I don't know how to figure it out. In my extension, i used a xml file to stroe some data.There is the code in my background.html,but it do not work <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body> <script> function loadX...

firefox extension and ie8 plugin compatibility

hi, im a bit new at extension development, but im about to embark upon a project to build a ffox extension. Does anyone know if its possbile, with minimal adaption, to make a firefox extension compatible with ie8 as a plugin and if so, are there any caveats i should be aware of? I guess its just javascript code wrapped around the ffox...

a simple problem about chrome extension. : )

Hi,everyone! I am a beginner with chrome extension. In my content_script.js, how can a get an array in Javascript from background.html? ...

How to automatically reload TYPO3 calendar from external ics

Hi I'm using the calendar base extension (cal) for displaying my calendar in a TYPO3 website. I configured an external calendar and it imports all events correctly. How can I automatically reload the events from this external ics-calendar? thanks! ...

Chrome extensions: Content script (jQuery) in Youtube does not work properly

I have this: $(document).ready(function() { $("button.yt-uix-expander-arrow").attr("id", "yt-uix-expander-arrow"); $("#yt-uix-expander-arrow").mouseover(function() { alert("Hello"); }); }); injected into Youtube. Using right click > inspect element, the <button class="yt-uix-expander-arrow"> has a id="yt-uix-expand...

Python: unable to inherit from a C extension.

I am trying to add a few extra methods to a matrix type from the pysparse library. Apart from that I want the new class to behave exactly like the original, so I chose to implement the changes using inheritance. However, when I try from pysparse import spmatrix class ll_mat(spmatrix.ll_mat): pass this results in the following err...

Smartfoxserver java extension

Hello, I'v created a java extension that handles login requests using smartfoxserver for my game. The following is inside the internal event: View Here: http://mfpurl.net/index.php/view/8e43b130 But its complaining invalid login request? ...

context.drawWindow not working with chrome , why?

here is my code context.drawWindow(window, 0, 0, 100, 100, "rgb(255, 255, 255)"); this code is running in the content js of the chrome extension. but its not working please help me i m stuck badly. ...

about sending messages among bg.html, popup.html and contentscript.js

Hi!:) In my extension, when a button named "mybutton1" in the popup.html is clicked, it sends a message "getvar1" to the contentscript.js, then the contentscript.js sends a message "i want var1" to the background.html to get an object named "var1".If the button named "mybutton2" is clicked, the contentscript.js gets the "var2" objec...

Chrome Extension Background Page Show Popup Page

I am making a Google Chrome extension and I would like to have my background page to cause the browser action's popup page to show after an event. Can this be done? Thanks ...

Myfaces extensionfilter overriding renderkit? (Tree2 component)

I've pulled in the tree2 component (from Tomahawk 1.1.9). Had used the simpler Tree component on previous projects, and this one just looks a bit nicer. Running on websphere 6.1.x and set the server side flag that's needed (com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.invokefilterscompatibility=true) and set the extensionfilter accordingly. Everything's g...

Best VS2010 Extensions

What are in your opinion the "must have" Visual Studio 2010 extensions? OData Protocol Visualizer is fine Solid Softfare Xplorer isn't free, but looks very nice ...

VS2010 Extension like Smart Paster?

Alex Papadimoulis' Smart Paster is a great little tool that can paste text in programmer-friendly ways (e.g. as a StringBuilder, as a language-specific string literal, etc.). However, it doesn't seem to be available for VS2010. Anyone know of a similar extension or of plans to port Smart Paster? ...