
How do directly modify a Google Chrome Extension File? (.CRX)

I'm not sure in which languages those extensions are, I think the are written in Html, Javascript or JSON. As far as I know they are "compressed" in a .CRX file. It is possible to directly modify the html, js, json of a Chrome Extension (or whatever language they use)? ...

How can I import a C++ python extension into a module in another directory?

Here is the directory structure: app/ __init__.py sub1/ __init__.py mod1.py sub2/ __init__.py sub2.so test_sub2.py The folder app is on my PYTHONPATH All of the _init_.py files are empty. The shared library sub2.so is a C++ extension module that I compiled using cmake and boost-pyth...

XUL textbox addEventListener

I'm trying to detect when a user hits escape or enter when in a xul textbox (firefox extension). But the following code doesn't seem to work. Any assistance would be much appreciated. const KEY_ENTER = 13; const KEY_ESCAPE = 27; function keyPressed(e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case KEY_ENTER: // do something ...

How does symfony choose the very content type?

txt: text/plain js: [application/javascript, application/x-javascript, text/javascript] css: text/css json: [application/json, application/x-json] xml: [text/xml, application/xml, application/x-xml] rdf: application/rdf+xml atom: application/atom+xml It is used by the framework to automatically manage the Conte...

Extension in XMlSchema, how to?

Hi, I have written a XMLSchema which looks like the one below. The idea is that baseContainer only allows some tags and fullContainer allows all tags in baseContainer + some other tags. The tags may come in any order and there can be multiple of all the tags. In my real sample there is a lot more tags so this method of write XMLSchema t...

SpiceIE Internet Explore extension - backspace doesn't work

I've seen this question circulate around the internet a lot, but haven't found an answer that has solved my problem. I am basically using SpicIE.Controls.Toolbar (C#) to create an explorer bar for IE. It has a few text-boxes on it among other things. The problem I have is that when I am typing in the text-box and hit backspace, the brows...

How can I create a working extension-dll for Fiddler with MS V C# 2008 EE?

Hello stackoverflow, this question reltates to TheChange's Question. The requirements changed so I need to use an extension in Fiddler with the same task. How can I create an extension with C# which will be excepted by Fiddler? I can create an dll in C# - I also tried the old .net 2.0 compiler for it.. I first tried to use my extensi...

how to remove or hide videofile extn in qt

hi i am having one insert button from which i can select videofiles either from phne memory or memory card.but all the files are coming with name and extn(.3gp).how i will remove this or hide this in QT ...

How to write a method for a JQuery plugin?

Hi all, I've written a fairly basic jQuery plugin that takes an unordered list and creates a nice looking multi-selectable list. Calling it 'multiSelector', the plugin declaration looks like this: jQuery.fn.multiSelector = function(options) { // plugin code } The plugin actually runs on a containing div with an unordered list ins...

change extension obfuscate XML file contents

I have SlideShowPro, a Flash photo app that loads an XML file with the paths to the images. Now I don't want people to go sniff in the XML file to get to the images. I tried changing the file images.xml to spacer.gif and it seems to work fine. But I would like to know if I would run into any problems changing the extension. btw already...

Shell Extension: DragQueryFile returns at most 16 (in Windows 7)

I've writtten a shell extension (guided by The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Shell Extensions) which worked as it should until I upgraded to Windows 7(32bit). Now, the function DragQueryFile UINT uNumFiles = DragQueryFile(hDrop,0xFFFFFFFF,NULL,0); returns the right number of selected files until the number is above 16. Then alw...

How is it possible to extend GMail ?

Hi, I'd like to write a gmail extension that would add a button on the email page (or a seclectbox, or anything). For information, the goal is to add a task into my task manager from an email content. What would be the way of doing it ? A greasemonkey script is not an option as I would like to do it for Chrome too. I don't know where ...

Mapping a .NET Class to a custom page extension

What I would like to have is a mapping between a custom file extension to a class that is not System.Web.UI.Page but a class of mine that inherits from System.Web.UI.Page. i.e.: *.aspx -> System.Web.UI.Page *.my -> My.Package.MyClass (inherits from System.Web.UI.Page) I know I can map any extension to be treated like .aspx but I can...

Mercurial 1.5 pager on Windows

I'm trying to set the pager used for Mercurial but the output is empty, even if I specify the command in the [pager] section or as the PAGER environment variable. I noticed that the command provided is launched with cmd.exe. Is this the cause of empty output, and if yes, what is the right syntax? Environment: Mercurial 1.5, Mecurial 1....

(PHP) How remove extension from string (only real extension!)

Welcome, I'm looking for small function what allow me to remove extension from filename. I found many examples on the Google but there are bad because just remove part of string with "." . They use dot for limitter and just cut string. Look at this scripts $from = preg_replace('/\.[^.]+$/','',$from); OR $from=substr($from, 0, (st...

How to add support for a new language in FlashDevelop?

I am interested in making a plugin for FlashDevelop to add support for another language. I am not too sure where I should start. So any starting points, hint, tips, or advice would go down well. There is a Plugin Development article on the FlashDevelop Wiki, but the section about adding support for new languages is just a "TODO". So thi...

How-to register a namespace extension written in C# in the vista registry

Good morning all, After a day of googling, I’m at a loss. I decided to come here and ask the community. I am in the process of making a namespace extension for vista in C#. Now I understand that MS says not to do this, but I am simply doing it as a proof of concept. The Problem: I am lacking the knowledge and understanding to figure...

install PARADOX extension for PHP

    I have an ApacheFriends XAMPP running on my windows machine and i am trying to access some Paradox database files directly from PHP.     I see that there is an extension for this but how can i install it for my windows system ? Mike ...

Find an IVsTextView or IWpfTextView for a given ProjectItem, in VS 2010 RC extension

I have the ProjectItem, and want to get the IWPFTextView that is associated with it, if any. I have tried to get an IVsTextManager, and then iterate through the views, but iVsTextManager.EnumViews always returns nothing. Here is what I've got so far: var txtMgr = (IVsTextManager)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SVsTextManager)); if (t...

Runtime Java Class extension not working.

Good day, I have the following problem: class B extends class A and methods of both are called by another method in another class after instantiating class B (example follows): public class A{ //fields //constructors //methods } public class B extends A{ //fields //constructors //methods } public class CALLER{ ...