
Using Office 2007 extension (i.e. docx) for skin based On-Screen keyboard.

Hi guys, I'm creating a On-Screen keyboard for my application, and it supports skins as well. Here's what I'm doing with the skins, I have a folder which contains some images and a xml file which maps the images to the keyboard, I want to be able to have the folder as a zip file like in Office 2007 (.docx) and iPhone firmwares (.ipsw), I...

Are google chrome extension "content" scripts sandboxed?

I was under the impression that the content_scripts were executed right on the page, but it now seems as though there's some sandboxing going on. I'm working on an extension to log all XHR traffic of a site (for debugging and other development purposes), and in the console, the following sniff code works: var o = window.XMLHttpRequest...

TYPO3: Use TCA.php to build Frontend Forms?

Hi! I'm searching for a solution, to build a frontend form from the TCA.php of my TYPO3 extension. Is there any way, to select TCA.php values, from my extension Class? I want to build a select-element with values of the TCA.php file. Would be amazing, if someone could give me some advice :) ...

Is there any library out there for c# that has the equivalent to "Unpack" in PHP and what is "Unpack"

I just want to convert a piece of PHP code to C# so I need it's equivalent. And what does unpack really do? I'm very interested in this function. ...

FireFox API install extension

Is there an API or library for install, update, uninstall FireFox extensions ? The article (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Adding_Extensions_using_the_Windows_Registry) seems like a legacy information... I have installed FireFox 3.6.3. However, I don't see "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Firefox\Extensions" in my registry: [H...

Wordpress, PodCMS and Search

Hey guys, I have a WordPress site for a client. He owns a video store, and I made a site for him to update the list of movies, usually just the "new this week" movies. I used PodCMS as an easy way for him to upload movies and then display them. No need for him to even create posts. Works really well, it's a great extension, I'm just ha...

Addin to extend Solution Explorer with "Open corresponding solution" when available?

Imagine a folder structure that contains more than 200 solution files for projects that all belong to one software. Most of them generate shared libraries that are referenced in other projects that are contained in own solutions. Wouldn't it be wonderful if there was a possibility of right clicking such a referenced assembly in the solu...

Ignore order of elements using xs:extension

How can I design my xsd to ignore the sequence of elements? <root> <a/> <b/> </root> <root> <b/> <a/> </root> I need to use extension for code generation reasons, so I tried the following using all: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema targetNamespace="http://www.example.com/test" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3...

Adding meeting action points in MediaWiki and viewing them in another page

In the minutes of a meeting we want to be able to place action points in the text. Then we want easily to be able to print a list of action points, e.g. via another page. So the minutes will be: blah blah blah #AP1 ... blah blah blah #AP2... blah And then we want a list like this: #AP1 #AP2 How would we do this? Is there e.g. a s...

Sub Language C#

Hi All I was just wondering, is it at all possible to create sort of like a "Sub-language" in C# OR C++? or would a better term be "Extension"? And can somebody please provide links/resources? Much appreciated! :) thanks jason ...

Add php extension (geoip.so) to Zend Studio for code validation

Hi everyone, just have a short question here. I've just installed new php extension (geoip.so) using pecl to /usr/local/zend/lib/php_extensions/ and added the extension to the php.ini. Run the code and it works just fine. But Zend Studio is giving warning of undefined geoip function. Try to add the directory path above to the include pa...

FF extension. how to show data extracted in a javascript function to the dropdown menu in the browser (in the same popup on which the function is implemented)

I am developing a ff extension. On one menupopup, the onpopupshowing calls a javascript function. Tha JS function extracts a list of names. Now these names have to be displayed in the same popup. How can i get this? Basically i will need to pass the data (just as we use beans in java) to the browser from the JS function. The data can ch...

Implementing a two-way communication between Microsoft Dynamics CRM and 3rd party app

I need to implement a bi-directional communication between Microsoft Dynamics CRM and a 3rd party server. The ideal scenario is as follows: User tries to create an entity in CRM In pre-create hook a 3rd party library function is called (or web service or whatever), filled with relevant info, which tries to create the respective entity ...

Are all Google Chrome extensions open source by default?

I want to know if i write a Google Chrome extension, will anyone be able to use my code? ...

Access Google Chrome's cache

Is it possible to access Google Chrome's cache from within an extension? I'd like to write an extension that loads a cached version of a page when the online one can't be accessed (e.g. Internet connectivity issue). Updated: I know I could write an NPAPI plugin accessible through an extension to accomplish this but I'd rather not suffe...

How can a Firefox extension inject a local css file into a webpage?

I'm writing a Firefox extension that needs to inject a css file into webpages. The css file is bundled with the extension, so I can access it using a chrome url chrome://extensionid/content/skin/style.css I'm trying to inject css like this when the page is loaded: var fileref = document.createElement("link"); fileref.setAttribute("re...

How to create a custom render extension in SSRS 2008.

Hi, Please let me know that how can I create a custom render extension in SSRS 2008. I have created it in SSRS 2005, but when I try using the same code in SQL Serever 2008, it does not work. The IRenderingExtension interface doesnot seem to be compatible with 2008. It gives the following compilation error: Class 'Renderer' must imple...

ff extension. how to pass parameters to a function in the oncommand attribute in menu

I have a ff extension which creates a popup and shows dynamic data in it. basically when the popup opens a js function is run which then constructs the popup list by appending the items like this var myMenuPopup = document.getElementById("file-popup4"); newItem = document.createElement("menuitem"); newItem.setAttribute("label", namelist...

Firefox extension is freezing Firefox until request is completed

For some reason the function is freezing along with firefox until it fully retrieve the stream from requested site. Is there any mechanism to prevent freezing, so it works as expected? in XUL <statusbarpanel id="eee_label" tooltip="eee_tooltip" onclick="eee.retrieve_rate(event);"/> Javascript retrieve_rate: function(e) { ...

Blank space after file extension -> weird FileInfo behaviour

Somehow a file has appeared in one of my directories, and it has space at the end of its extension - its name is "test.txt ". The weird thing is that Directory.GetFiles() returns me the path of this file, but I'm unable to retrieve file information with FileInfo class. The error manifests here: DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo("c...