
Installing ffmpeg module for php on windows server

I got PHP Fatal error: Class 'ffmpeg_movie not found I found several archives with php_ffmpeg.dll also I have add extension=php_ffmpeg.dll in php.ini, restart the apache but nothing related with ffmpeg shows up when check phpinfo() My server is running on Windows and I need help with installing that library. I just look in error...

Loading Jscript files into Firefox extension

Hi ! Let's get directly to the problem : I'm actually doing a firefox extension in which i would like to implement the jWebsocket API in order to build a small chat. I got my main script file, named test.js, and the jWebsocket lib into a js folder. Just for you to know, this is my first firefox extension ever. So in my XUL file I got ...

Missing functions in ruby 1.8

I have a ruby gem that I developed with ruby 1.9, and it works. With ruby 1.8, though, it says this when I try to run it: dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _RBIGNUM_SIGN Referenced from: /Users/Adrian/Desktop/num_to_bytes/ext/num_to_bytes/num_to_bytes.bundle Expected in: flat namespace dyld: Symbol not found: _RBI...

Event on HTML selection

Is there an event for situations where something is selected on an HTML page like arbitrary text within a span element? Does such a thing exist or does one need to poll at regular interval & analyze the window.getSelection() ? I would like to trap this event type from within a browser extension (Chrome). ...

Firefox add-on tab-specific buttons and scripts, similar to Page Actions in Google Chrome

I want to write a Firefox extension that acts exactly like the built-in RSS feed scanner (as an exercise). It should do the following: On each new page / tab load, it should scan the content of the page for RSS feeds If there are RSS feeds in the page, it should put a button in the location bar that the user can click On clicking the b...

Why are python extensions shared libraries? Is it possible to make a static-linked library?

I'm an extension noob. What I want to do is create an extension that doesn't require other libraries to be installed. Is this impossible because the extension has to link against a specific version of libpython at runtime? ...

sqlsrv_connect() not found..

Hey, I recently am working on an projekt that uses the "SQL Server Driver for PHP", i wanted to upgrade the existing driver to the new version (2.0), because I need some of the functions that have been implemented there. Now i replaced the old .dll in the php/ext directory and restarted the webserver. But now i recieve the following er...

How to install PHP extension

Hi guys, I am pulling my hair for the moment trying to work with redis database in PHP. After some discussion, I was told that this PHP extension would do the trick for me: http://github.com/owlient/phpredis How can I install it on my development server which runs WinXP? Does it need compiling to become a Windows-supported .dll-file? ...

Firefox extension: How to inject javascript into page and run it?

I'm writing a Firefox extension to allow users to annotate any page with text and/or drawings and then save an image of the page including the annotations. Use cases would be clients reviewing web pages, adding feedback to the page, saving the image of this and emailing it back to the web developer or testers taking annotated screenshots...

How do i add functionality to an iPhone application?

There is an application available for jailbroken iPhones called YourTube which adds extra functionality to the stock YouTube application. Info here: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=754439 My question is... how is this possible and how could I do something similar? ...

How to pack a Chrome extension on Mac OSX with commandline??

Hi I am trying to automate my Chrome extension building process on OSX 10.5. I am unable to find a similar command for OSX like this for Windows chrome.exe --pack-extension=c:\myext --pack-extension-key=c:\myext.pem Is it even possible on OSX? As there is no mention of it in the documentation. Please guide me. Thanks in advanc...

.TBL database extension

Is there any database out there that uses the .TBL or .tbl file extension? For example, MySQL uses .frm for some engine types. I have a file that presumably came out of some database with this file extension. Unfortunately, most searches lead to useless spam sites or the Unix command troff. Is there someone out there that has ever wo...

magento, making a grouped product show on sale based on product children prices

Hi, Question regarding Magento and sale items. So I have to use grouped items to link multiple items which are the same style but different colors, these are the items I have showing on my search results/category pages. - I am trying to figure out how I can make the master sku, show as on sale, when the children items are marked on sale...

Cannot access facebook data through chrome extension

I've so far suceeded in getting a valid access token. Now I'm just trying to get a JSON response using jQuery. This is most of my code. It is called on load from a window created by the background.html: $.ajax({ url : 'https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=' + access_token, dataType: 'json', error: function() { alert(...

Typo3 extensions and symlinks

Can I create a symlink to the local extension from aonther project folder? I have a common local-server and i need to implement same extension on all local project-installations. I tried to put the symlink, but some times i do not get expected output. I get it only after clearing the cache of that perticular project. ...

Managing logs/warnings in Python extensions

TL;DR version: What do you use for configurable (and preferably captured) logging inside your C++ bits in a Python project? Details follow. Say you have a a few compiled .so modules that may need to do some error checking and warn user of (partially) incorrect data. Currently I'm having a pretty simplistic setup where I'm using logging ...

VS2010 Macro/Add In for "Run" and "Run On" commands in Visual Studio 2010

Much to annoyance of many developers Microsoft have removed the "Run" and "Run On" commands in Visual Studio 2010: More details at: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/vstsdb/thread/f374c604-a7eb-496d-a261-9374790cdbf9 Has anyone seen or written a VS2010 Macro or Extension that fills the gaps and replicates this functionality? ...

Is it any git able text editor for MAC?

Is it any extension for git for MAC users? I would like to use git integrated with TextWrangler or any text editor in my MAC. ...

Access Full-Page zoom setting with javascript in Safari 5?

Is there a way to programmatically access a page's current zoom-level in javascript with Safari 5? I'd like to access it with a Safari extension, but I'm coming up empty in the documentation. I'd also be interested in any other creative ways to mimic full-page zoom (maybe with CSS?) that could be done with the new extension system in Saf...

Is it possible to set proxy settings in a Safari Extension?

As Apple introduce extension support in Safari 5, I want to make an extension that manage proxy settings directly in the browser (like AutoProxy for Firefox or Proxy Switchy for Chrome). I skimmed the source code of Proxy Switchy. It is mainly written in Javascript/HTML, but uses an external binary bundle to do proxy switching. Is this ...