
ASP.NET: How to check if an image is a GIF, specifically images with changed extensions

I've taken over work for the custom forums that a previous developer created at my job, and came across a minor bug. We don't allow animated GIFs as avatars in the forums. However, if someone were to take an animated GIF, rename it to imagename.jpeg, and then upload it, the forums will show the image as being animated. It's a very o...

Confusion on C++ Python extensions. Things like getting C++ values for python values.

I'm wanted to convert some of my python code to C++ for speed but it's not as easy as simply making a C++ function and making a few function calls. I have no idea how to get a C++ integer from a python integer object. I have an integer which is an attribute of an object that I want to use. I also have integers which are inside a list in ...

makefile extension

I wanted to create a makefile. So I wrote instructions in a notepad file. But what extension should I give while saving this file? ...

XUL: fit all elements vertically in prefpane

here goes the XUL part of one of the preference panes. <prefpane id="alt-about" label="About" image="chrome://alt/skin/about.png"> <hbox> <vbox> <image id="alt-about-logo" /> </vbox> <vbox> <description id="addonName">Bla bla bla, bla bla</description> <description id="version...

C# Changing class method at run-time

Hi, I need to extend the behavior of an instance, but I don't have access to the original source code of that instance. For example: /* I don't have the source code for this class, only the runtime instance */ Class AB { public void execute(); } in my code I would to intercept every call to execute, compute some sutff and then call...

FF extension: global variable that persists over multiple instances of the browser untill reset?

Can we use a Global variable that persists over multiple instances of the browser (FF)? I am building a ff extension which has to take the host& port name from the user once and then execute the menu options accordingly using that very host and port. This Host and port must remain same untill the user resets it (for which an option will ...

How do I compile on linux to share with all distributions?

I compiled a PHP extension on Fedora Core 12, but when I send it to someone using CentOS they get the error: "ELF file OS ABI invalid" I'm not sure what causes this running file provides the following info: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, AMD x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), not stripped An extension that loads fine provides the following ...

Java Line separator File .ext separator

i am wondering regarding Java: is there a file extension separator? like *.doc, the "." being the question. i know there is a line.separator. just would like my app to be portable so i need to know. thank you. ...

Is it possible to extend the WPF design surface in 2010?

I've got an idea for a nice WPF designer extension, but I can't find any information on how to interact with the WPF designer via an extension. Lots of info about the text editor, but none about the WPF designer. Important note: I'm looking to do this through an extension, like you'd download from the Visual Studio Gallery, rather tha...

FF extension: a popup with dynamic menuitems, with each menu item having another popup

I am building an extension that has a popup whose elements are constructed by a function call everytime the mouse hovers over the popup option. I am able to achieve this. Now I need to have a popup for each of the menu item (inside the original popup) which is not dynamic though. I have this code, but it does not work: var myMenuPopup =...

How to build Firefox extention to intercept HTTP requests and responses?

Hi, how do I insert a listener to Firefox http requests and responses, so that I popup a window with the address requested and the response body? Note: I have to do this building an extension to Firefox. I need a button to activate or disable the feature. For every request, I need to popup a window with an "Ok" button to allow the r...

popup with dynamic menuitems, each menuitem is another popup

I am building an extension that has a pop up whose elements are constructed by a function call everytime the mouse hovers over the popup option. I am able to achieve this. Now I need to have a popup for each of the menu item (inside the original popup) which is not dynamic though. I have this code, but it does not work: for (var m=0; m ...

In DBD::CSV what does a /r in the f_ext attribute mean?

Why does only the second example append the extension to the filename and what is the "/r" in ".csv/r" for. #!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; use 5.012; use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect( "DBI:CSV:f_dir=/home/mm", { RaiseError => 1, f_ext => ".csv/r"} ); my $table = 'new_1'; $dbh->do( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table" ); $dbh->d...

Firefox extension dev: observing preferences, avoid multiple notifications

Let's say my Firefox extension has multiple preferences, but some of them are grouped, like check interval, fail retry interval, destination url. Those are used in just single function. When I subscribe to preference service and add observer, the observe callback will be called for each changed preference, so if by chance user changed a...

DBD::CSV: How can I generate different behavior with the two f_ext-options ".csv" and ".csv/r"?

This is from the DBD::File-documentation: f_ext This attribute is used for setting the file extension where (CSV) files are opened. There are several possibilities. DBI:CSV:f_dir=data;f_ext=.csv In this case, DBD::File will open only table.csv if both table.csv and table exist in the datadir. The table will still b...

How can old pages be identified in MediaWiki

Is there any way to list pages that have not been updated for a long time in MediaWiki? Is there an extension or other functionality to do this? Ideally I'd like to be able to e.g. list all pages that have not been updated for 12 months (ie based on last edit). They are then by default considered old (could even add a tag - an {{Old}}...

Is it possible to set a default behaviour for custom (non-native) methods/functions in Java?

Is it possible to set a default behaviour for custom (non-native) methods/functions in Java? For example, I would like to change the default "Function" to do a System.out.println("message") whenever called. So, when a custom method/function is being created: public String testMethod() { //custom code } it should execute the newly...

Retrieve default camera video extension from Windows Mobile

Is there any way to find out what is the default video extension for camera application? I am using CameraCaptureDialog to make the user use the camera and save the image to a specific file which then I consume in the application. However, there is a problem with the videos. Emulator gives .wmv video file while some devices I've been te...

Implementing a kext that intercepts file system usage.

Hi, how do most of antivirus software block file system io in case of an infected file? I suppose all the magic resides in some custom kext to do that. Can anyone point me to some topics on this? Some working example would also be great. I've read apple docs about kext development, but mostly it's all about hardware drivers and i could n...

Problem installing PEAR package with GMP extension requirement

I want to install the Crypt_DiffieHellman PEAR package, that gives me the following error: pear/Crypt_DiffieHellman requires PHP extension "gmp" So I installed the gmp extension (using MacPorts' "php5-gmp"), both php -m and extension_loaded('gmp') indicate that the extension is loaded. However I still get the PEAR error when I try to ...