
Extension point for providing custom content assist processors in Eclipse

I am writing eclipse plugin to add better support for properties files. One of the missing piece is content-assist ... I'd like to show matching properties keys when user starts typing some string and presses content assist key. For example, when I have property hello = world in one of my properties files, and I start typing format("hel...

"Read" XML with Javascript

Still playing with Chrome Extension and have a little problem when I want to get some information from an XML file. Here is how the XML look : <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf8'?> <objects> <url> <domain>...</domain> <nb_clics>...</nb_clics> <alias>...</alias> <title>...</title> <source>...<...

Display Dialog from Chrome Extension

I am trying to display a modal Javascript dialog box in Chrome when a user creates a bookmark. However, after trying Closure and SimpleModal+JQuery, I can't seem to get a dialog box to appear. Is this a restriction of extensions in Chrome, or am I doing something very wrong? (I'm still learning Javascript, so my lack of understanding ...

How to Access AppData in IE Protected Mode (from a Managed BHO)

I am writing an IE Extension (BHO) in C#. When run in protected mode (IE's new UAC-compliant mode which forces all extensions to run at low-integrity), it fails because it cannot access user.config in the appdata folder. Is there some way to mark files are readable by lower-integrity processes? Failing that, is there some way to f...

Firefox XUL textbox: How to scroll to the bottom?

I'm working on a Firefox extension, and I have created a multiline text box. When the user presses a button, I add text to the textbox by using (Javascript) TextBoxElement.value += "More Text"; The problem with this code, is that whenever more text is added, the textbox scrolls all the way to the top. With much testing, I haven't figure...

How to Set the Source Parameter using OAuth on Twitter?

Hello, my name is Fernando and I was here asking if there was a way to set the parameter 'source' using REST. Today, after some testing, I managed to implement OAuth in the library and I succeeded in publishing a message directly by OAuth configured for my application, but do not see what I had set for the field source, even using OAuth ...

iPhone Application Development: Built in applications enhanced

Hi all, I just saw an iphone application that enhances the built in "messages" application to send emotions. What this application does is that it extends the functionality of the Keyboard that appears in notes or messages application, and user can send emotion icons as messages. This application doesn't work when the emotions are sent ...

Getting HWND from firefox

I am writing an extension for Firefox, and I need to find out the window's HWND. I can't enumerate running processes or anything like that, as it needs to be able to handle multiple instances and tell one from the other. Is there a way of doing this via a javascript extension in Firefox? ...

Can find descendants using LINQ to XML or XPath Extensions

Anyone knows the problem why linq to xml or xpath extensions cant seem to read this xml? http://www.quillarts.com/Test/product.xml var document = XDocument.Load(feedUrl); var xpathxml = from feed in document.XPathSelectElements("//Products") //using Xpath var linqtoxml = from feed in document.Descendants("Products") //using Linq2XML ...

hiding file extention it self

Hi all, i looking for your help please i use simple php code like: $file = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; //echo $file; $break = Explode('/', $file); $pfile = $break[count($break) - 1]; echo $pfile; than output $pfile e.g. fileforme.php but that i want is output of $pfile become fileforme because i want use it to: $txt['fl']= $pfile ; ...

I need some C++ guru's opinions on extending std::string

I've always wanted a bit more functionality in STL's string. Since subclassing STL types is a no no, mostly I've seen the recommended method of extension of these classes is just to write functions (not member functions) that take the type as the first argument. I've never been thrilled with this solution. For one, it's not necessarily ...

How does a Robot respond privately to you in Google Wave?

Google Wave allows two or more participants to speak privately within a wave. When my robot is added to the wave, I recognize the WAVELET_SELF_ADDED event and call the method below. However, nothing happens. I can tell that the code is executed because of the Debug and Info statements in the logs. Is there any reason why the robot d...

Modify Firefox titlebar through Javascript Extension

I have an extension for Firefox written in Javascript that I would like to make able to append text to the window's titlebar. Is this possible? ...

Firefox - is there an API to disable/enable an extension?

Is there an API call allowing one to enable/disable a FireFox add-on (to be more specific an extension)? ...

Firefox - how do I list installed extensions and identify them in a list?

Two related questions: Is there an API to produce a list of all the installed extensions in Firefox? If so, how would I uniquely identify an extension? What I need is to have an ID that persists through different versions of an extension and ideally through a renaming (so name may not be the best option). Is it GUID? Thanks! ...

Network Packet Inspector in Mac OSX

I'm trying to create a network packet inspector. I know you can do this with libpcap, but it's not a sniffer, i need to forge network packet, before it was sent on network. (sending via socks server) I found 2 ways to do this : Using an NKE. (Network Kernel Extension) Using a DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES to insert a library to hook network...

Getting mail sender in a Thunderbird extension

I am working on a very simple Thunderbird extension, which is supposed to alert the name of the sender along with the names of the recipients whenever a mail is sent. The problem is that gMsgCompose.compFields.from field is empty in the below snippet (the .to field works as expected), which handles the "compose-send-message" event. What ...

Python C-API module exit handler - an atexit equivalent?

I'm using Python ver 2.6.4 There is a function I have to call from a C library when my extension module exits/is unloaded. What would be the equivalent of atexit for a C extension module? ...

open new window from firefox extension gets Access denied

I'm writing a firefox extension. In this extension i need to open a new tab to display some analytics and data. I have a template html file which i placed in my chrome/content folder. When i try the following code: var w = content.window.open("chrome://myplugin/content/search.html","My Plugin"); i get the following error: Access to...

How can I tell if a C struct has a member in Perl XS?

Is there an ExtUtils::* or Module::Build (or other) analog to Ruby's mkmf.have_struct_member? I'd like to do something like (in the manner of a hints/ file): .... if struct_has_member("msghdr", "msg_accrights") { $self->{CCFLAGS} = join(' ', $self->{CCFLAGS}, "-DTRY_ACCRIGHTS_NOT_CMSG"); } ... Config.pm doesn't track the spec...