
apache2 .htm extention

Since I've installed LAMP stack on ubuntu server with apache2, I've been having a weird issue. Whenever I create a file called filename.html, it renders and displays on browser fine. But whenever I create file with extension .htm, it will prompt the browser (filrefox) to save the file. I've already looked into /etc/mime.types and /etc/a...

VB.Net I'm trying to write an extension for a generic linq search, however I'm not sure how to return more than one result 0.o

I'm a bit new to vb.net and used to working in perl, this is what I'd like to do. I wanted something similar to DBIX::Class::Resultset's search (from cpan) in my vb.net project, so that I can give my function a hash containing keys and values to search on a table. Currently it returns a single matching result of type T where I want it ...

Spree, chargify and fedex API workflow?

So Im having a site developed in ruby using the spreecommerce. Spree will be used more as a backend then a front end shopping cart, this is becasue the site is subscription based and the the customer just needs to sign up and they are then shipped the products each month. However the products change and the customer is allowed to pick 3 ...

Firefox extension: Positioning panels

I'm making a Firefox extension and I want to position a XUL panel element exactly above a search box when a person types text in the search box-- almost like autocomplete. How do I do that? Thanks! Edit: I've been looking at using auto complete and using my own nxIAutoComplete implementation but I'm a bit too new to extension developm...

How to package firefox extension with other software

Hi, I have developed firefox extension and packaged xpi format.Its working fine. But I need to package firefox extension with some other software.Because I want to install firefox extension automatically when installing some other software. If anyone idea about this.Kindly suggest me. Thanks in advance Regards Jasmin ...

Skip lines in file; generic extension methods

Is there a better way to write this extension method? public static class StreamReaderExtensions { public static StreamReader SkipLines(this StreamReader reader, int lines) { for (var i = 0; i < lines; i++) { reader.ReadLine(); } return reader; } } I was thinking something like:...

Firefox extension haven't installed using window registry installation

I have followed the instructions here [MDC - Adding Extensions using the Windows Registry], but haven't been able to get Firefox to automatically install my extension when I restart it. I have created key and set id and path of my extension. But nothing happen when i restart my firefox. attached screen shot about windows registry insta...

Where to get Java eclipse extention\shourtcut for getters setters generation?

So I started to write a POJO class, created public variables and now want to get getters and setters for them (folowing Java Naming Conventions) so I have for example something like package logic; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; public class Route { private Long id; private String name; private int number; pri...

Can a Firefox/Thunderbird Extension modify a printed page?

I'm writing a Thunderbird extension that performs a translation of the current message on demand. The translation is appended to the HTML in the message view pane (so it is not persistent). Can a Thunderbird (or Firefox) extension modify the content sent to a printer? I'd like my users to be able to print the translations alongside the ...

Calling a dll function from JS XPCOM

Hi every one. I wanted to know if the XPCOM JS can call an external dll function ? I have a dll that exposes certain functions. I want my XPCOM JS function to be able to call the dll function. Is it possible ? ...

Right click context menu to adornment - Doesn't work and invokes the editor menu instead (VS2010)

I've made a Control in XAML and added it to the adornment layer, in the control I have a section that should spawn a context menu when right clicked (using TextBox.ContextMenu property). I've tested it in a regular WPF Window and it works great. However, when I tried the same in Visual Studio on an adornment layer I only got the VS2010 e...

Extension installation in one setup file

Hi, I have developed the extensions for firefox (using javascript, MDC and created as xpi file), chrome (created as .crx file), IE (cerated as .exe) browsers. And it is working well in each browser. But i need to create these three extensions in one .exe file. If i run that created exe file it needs to install in these three browser...

Chrome extension: accessing localstorage in content script

So, i have an options page where the user can define certain options and it saves it in localstorage: options.html Now, i also have a content script that needs to get the options that were defined on options.html page, but when i try to access localStorage from content script, it doesn't return the value from options page. How do i mak...

Magento extension not registering in core resources table

I am writing a Magento extension and I just cannot get it to show up in the core resources table. I believe I am declaring the resources part of my config correctly. Can someone help me wrap my head around this? Thanks in advance! <?xml version="1.0"?> <config> <modules> <CTRL_Analytics> <version>0.2.0</version> ...

How to install a Google search box with suggest on MediaWiki?

I have found several extensions for MediaWiki which allow you put a Google search box for searching the web on your MediaWiki site. However, none of them seem to have an option to enable suggest, which populates a drop down menu of possible search terms based on what the user has typed in so far. How can I do this? I posted this to Stac...

How to save the VS window layout for single/extended-multiple screen?

I often work at the office using dual screen and at home using single screen. The window layout of Visual Studio 2010 is messing with me :(. I want to save/restore the layout so that I can quickly "switch" to the layout I want. How can I do that? Is it possible? Any helps of yours are much appreciated! ...

Visual Studio 2010 - Semi-Transparent Floating Windows

Is it possible to make floating windows in Visual Studio 2010 semi-transparent? I would like to be able to float an editor window and reduce the alpha level on it. Could this functionality be created with an extension that modifies the stock editor window? If not an extension, are there decent third party applications which would be cap...

Overlay graphics (aka adornments in VS2010) in VS2008

Hi everyone, I'm writing an add-in for both VS2008 and VS2010 and I'd like to have graphical enhancements that appear on top of the code (similar to Resharper/CodeRush). Doing so in VS2010 is relatively easy using adornments, however, how do I do it in VS2008? Anyone knows a good resource/article for something in that spirit? I know th...

Override JTextArea.getDocument.remove()?

Okay, I want to override JTextArea's Document's remove method, I can't figure out what class to extend. I can't extend Document cause it's a interface, and that also means it must not be the document that JTextArea creates. So how exactly can I easily override my JTextArea's document's remove method? ...

Is it possible to make a cross browser extension linked to a Python web app backend?

Current Situation I am in the early phases of designing a web app that the user will interact with via a browser extension that will be in the form of a horizontal nav bar. I wanted to use Pylons and Python on this project but am unsure how it fits in. As I understand it a browser extension is "just bundled HTML, CSS, JS and image files...