
ExtJS panel does not render properly unless I open Firebug - WTF?

I have the following ExtJS Panel embedded in another Panel, which then resides in a TabPanel and the TabPanel is in a FormPanel. With that being said, these start/end date fields are initially displayed in very small cells -- the cells are so small that I see horizontal scroll bars. Now here's the weird part: if I open Firebug, everyth...

Initializing GridPanel and ArrayStore with empty array does not work

Hi All, When I initialize my ArrayStore with some data then I can insert new records and everything displays correctly. However, if I initialize the ArrayStore with an empty array then while the first record inserted works every subsequent insert overwrites the first record in the grid. This seems a simple problem but I can't find a work...

ExtJS: ask birthdate

Hi, the calendar offered by ExtJS is not very intuitive for entering a birthdate, is it possible to use three separate fields (year, month, day) connected to each other and submit to the server only one value which is a composition: YYYY-MM-DD? Or is there any good way to get a nicer calendar for entering a birthdate in an intuitive w...

Insert a button in the grouping header

Any help would be appreciable.I want to know how to insert a button in the grouping header without using "Ext.ux.grid.RowActions".I am in need of how to put a button in simply by renderer or something like that..Please help me to figure out this. ...

Checkbox Column in ExtJS TreeGrid

Hi, is there a way to include a checkbox column in the new extjs widget TreeGrid ? Marking the nodes attribute checked to false/true just doesn't work as it was for the TreePanel. Cheers ...

Update content of one window on event in other window with ExtJS

Some time ago I started learning of ExtJS library and now I would like to create following: There is a browser window and it is separated verticaly. On the left there is a TreePanel with directories and subdirectories (only 2 level deep). On the right side there will be an output for content of the selected subdirectory. I have done th...

not able to form post data for passing in extjs

hi all , I have a strange problem with POST data, i have two conditions I had four input boxes with name <input name="a[]"><input name="a[]"><input name="a[]"><input name="a[]"> and data is posted by method "&a[]=12&a[]=9&a[]=12&a[]=43". but when i am using extjs i am hanged if i do store.load({params:{ 'a[]':12 ,'a[]':9 , 'a[]':...

In ExtJS, Using a DataView, How Can You Detect A Key Held Down?

All, Using Ext JS (3.2), how is it possible to detect whether a user is pressing/holding down a specific key whilst performing another action with a DataView component? The specific application is to see whether the control/shift key is depressed when a right click event occurs on a DataView node, if it is, the node is selected along wi...

ExtJS GridPanel numberColumn - sort issue

I have a grid Panel with 4 columns, one of these is numeric (number up to 4 digit), and I would like to sort the row by this colum. My problem is Ext JS sorts the rows as if the column was textual, so 5 is sorted after 3000. I tried to use a numberColumn instead of a normal column (specifying the x-type in the columns of the GridPanel),...

EXTJS Values between windows

to modify an Item, I call a function that shows me a modal window, I give to this function the value to change, and I want that after closing the modifiying window, return the value to the first one. how to do ? ...

Presentation patterns to use with Ext JS

Which presentation patterns do you think Ext JS favors or have you successfully used to achieve high testability and also maintainability? Since Ext JS component instances usually come tightly coupled with state and some sort of presentation logic (e.g. format validation for text fields), Passive View is not a natural fit. Supervising P...

add layer in extjs , openlayers

hi i am working with extjs and openlayers for trying some web application. now i want to create a coordinate bookmark which click than take this coordinate... but first of all, it must create a layer in which name is "Bookmarks"..when you click on it ita take to the this coordinate... how can add a layer in which name is "Bookmarks"...

EXTJS using the data of a grid in an other grid

I want to use the data of my grid in an other grid when I create a window, I call a function and give it parameter, so I want that the grid in my window use this data //In my main pag functionThatCreatesMyWindow(villeGrid.store.data); //In my window myGrid.store.loadData(myParameter); It doesn't work :( ...

Syntax highlighting in ExtJS?

Does anybody know of an ExtJS editor (like HTMLEditor) with syntax highlighting or does someone has some experience integrating Bespin or other Scripts into it? ...

Why use iGoogle platform

Don't get me wrong, I like iGoogle and use it. But for intranet site, why anyone would use iGoogle or Apache-Shindig which is foss implementation of iGoogle platform. OK, boss likes look of iGoogle widgets/gadgets and fact that he can drag them around the page. But you can do this with say ExtJS library. So are there any benefits o...

"each" method in extjs data store

So, I got a data store in my code that I'm loading in a function. In that store I want to use the each method to append each record to the body of a panel in a certain format. What I'm trying to figure out is how to use this "each" method. Has anyone ever had to use it before? I'm relatively new to functions and programming in general s...

How to create initially hidden field in the form layout?

Is it possible to create field in form layout that's initially hidden (completely, including field label)? I don't want to call cmp.getEl().up('.x-form-item').setDisplayed[1] for these fields after rendering because it causes flicker and other “effects”. [1] as I know that's the only way to hide form field including label. ...

ExtJS Grid Paging Row Selection

Is there anyway in the ExtJS Grid to select a row that is located in another page, when the PagingToolbar is used. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

ExtJS: How can I prevent the sum of number columns in a GridPanel from going over a given maximum?

I have a GridPanel with just two columns: names and commission percentages. The sum of all of the percentages should never exceed a predetermined maximum (say that 25% of the sale is up for grabs). Name Commission Bob 10% Sally 15% (Maximum is 25%) Everything is fine. I’ve attached a custom validator (se...

intercept HTML Form and values with ExtJs

I'm trying to intercept the submission of a form in order to create an Ajax request in a Viewport using ExtJS. Some forms have no name (or not Id) and in many cases the submit button has been changed by a simple buttom. case 1: <form action="?m=pros&a=add" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="project_type value='software'> ...